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Originally posted by kazzy:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by kazzy:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
but I defy any one of you, even his most ardent fan to spend any amount of time with him before his whittering, god awful singing, hummmming and ahhhhing got on your frigging tits!!

au contraire kazzy. I would love to talk to Freddie and if he bored me I would say so and re-direct him to talk about the things that interest me. He could sing the classics to me as I love music of any kind, and I would even put in a request for a more up-to-date number. I would ask him kindly to not ummmm and ahhhhh whilst he was quoting Shakespeare to me. So, all in all, I would like being in Freddie's company. It would be preferable to someone like, say, Charlie's company. But maybe that's just me.

In other words you would change everything about him to suit your likes better. Exactly my point...if I could change the way Frddie was to suit me he wouldnt get on my nerves either

You misunderstand kazzy. I actually love Freddie's waffling but if he was waffling too much in my company I would be inclined to stop it and re-direct his thinking to my favourite subjects. Selfish, I know! I like Freddie, warts and all. The waffle comes with the territory.

I dont think I misunderstood your post Twee

As I said before it would be boring if we all liked the same HM

aw kazzy, I wasn't being snotty when I said that love. It's very easy on here, with just words as our means of communication, to interpret things incorrectly. I would never intentionally offend a FM and I hope that I haven't offended you. It was never my intention to do so ... here's a hug ... Hug
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by kazzy:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by kazzy:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
but I defy any one of you, even his most ardent fan to spend any amount of time with him before his whittering, god awful singing, hummmming and ahhhhing got on your frigging tits!!

au contraire kazzy. I would love to talk to Freddie and if he bored me I would say so and re-direct him to talk about the things that interest me. He could sing the classics to me as I love music of any kind, and I would even put in a request for a more up-to-date number. I would ask him kindly to not ummmm and ahhhhh whilst he was quoting Shakespeare to me. So, all in all, I would like being in Freddie's company. It would be preferable to someone like, say, Charlie's company. But maybe that's just me.

In other words you would change everything about him to suit your likes better. Exactly my point...if I could change the way Frddie was to suit me he wouldnt get on my nerves either

You misunderstand kazzy. I actually love Freddie's waffling but if he was waffling too much in my company I would be inclined to stop it and re-direct his thinking to my favourite subjects. Selfish, I know! I like Freddie, warts and all. The waffle comes with the territory.

I dont think I misunderstood your post Twee

As I said before it would be boring if we all liked the same HM

aw kazzy, I wasn't being snotty when I said that love. It's very easy on here, with just words as our means of communication, to interpret things incorrectly. I would never intentionally offend a FM and I hope that I haven't offended you. It was never my intention to do so ... here's a hug ... Hug

No I know you weren't Big Grin

Gissa kiss

Originally posted by Marguerita:
Freddie true colours are showing more every day I felt sorry for him when he was kind of left out by the group in the begining although not entirely ever on his own ,but he said he thought it was okay for Noireen to be socially excluded from the group ,and his constant going on about other HMS in great detail is more for the camera the public ,he said when Siavash was having the bad week with Noireen/Marcus triangle that they were doing it for magazine deals he is not not slow at getting the boot in so to speak.

Taking part in the ostracisation of another house mate and enjoying participating in doing so saw my support for Fred and I parting company.
Until that point I was prepared to overlook his other annoying features and contrived camera performances,no more.
My support was born out of pity ,pity at how the other house mates were acting towards him,he then became one of them.
as our means of communication, to interpret things incorrectly. I would never intentionally offend a FM and I hope that I haven't offended you. It was never my intention to do so ... here's a hug ...

No I know you weren't

Gissa kiss

ok then ... Valentine there you go ...

I love your sig kazz. It is so original. Why can't I ever think of sigs like that? You obviously like Boxing!

Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by fz:

They'll love him....he'll rally them together to clear the weeds growing amidst the tombstones and they'll all have a nice cup of tea afterwards.

The milk will be organic and fair trade sugar of course, to show their awareness of global issues. He'll give them important head weeder, second weeder etc etc ....he can hhhmmmmm over Doris's home made sponge. She'll have a new lease of life.

Laugh Laugh

Here's the reverend Fred taking Flossie for a walk round the parish Big Grin

Good one! Laugh
Originally posted by Hurricane:

Food and Fred would result in that disgusting orgasmic moaning .Anyone who can eat in the same room as him have my unending admiration lol.

These noises aren't just emitted when he is eating - when Bea was massaging his head the noises were
There should be a place for every noise and every noise in its place!

Edit to add Big Grin or Wink or Devil
(My post was a little prudish!)
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Never in the history of BB has someone drivelled so much, with so many, about so little.

That's much the opinion I have of many of your comments. You're certainly dead wrong about Freddie, as far as I am concerned. As for pseudo-intellectual, you're wrong there. He is an intellectual and few intellectuals are idiots. There are, however, many idiots who think they are intellectuals.

Excellant jenny Thumbs Up
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I could listen to Freddie for ages and could imagine myself having intelligent conversations, with the likes of Rodrigo and Sophie and Charlie I would struggle to think of things to talk about Big Grin.

you wouldd'nt need to think with Freddy he will waffle, mmmmmmm and ya till you give up because of pure boredom..
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I could listen to Freddie for ages and could imagine myself having intelligent conversations, with the likes of Rodrigo and Sophie and Charlie I would struggle to think of things to talk about Big Grin.

you wouldd'nt need to think with Freddy he will waffle, mmmmmmm and ya till you give up because of pure boredom..

I have to disagree I think Freddie would be a great friend. I think you would find that if you got into a conversation with him you would find he knows a lot of things about many different subjects. Freddie is one of those people who blooms when surrounded by people who like him, bit like plenty of us in fact.
Originally posted by squiggle:

I have to disagree I think Freddie would be a great friend. I think you would find that if you got into a conversation with him you would find he knows a lot of things about many different subjects. Freddie is one of those people who blooms when surrounded by people who like him, bit like plenty of us in fact.

Nod Clapping
Originally posted by paace:
I have to agree with most of the Op's analysis. I think Freddie is a nice person and makes good telly, but I wonder is he hiding and controlling a darker side which we have only seen glimpses of now and again.

I think there are plenty of people in there with a dark side, I don't think Freddie is one of them.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Never in the history of BB has someone drivelled so much, with so many, about so little.

That's much the opinion I have of many of your comments. You're certainly dead wrong about Freddie, as far as I am concerned. As for pseudo-intellectual, you're wrong there. He is an intellectual and few intellectuals are idiots. There are, however, many idiots who think they are intellectuals.

If you think he is an intellectual then you are certainly not qualified to deliver aphorisms on the subject.

The guy couldn't watch a football game and get the score right afterwards without the aid of a scoreboard, such is his inability to perceive things.

He is a reasonably well motivated bloke and is harmless, but then so are most at the bottom of the social pile who are confused as to what is going on.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by fookat:
I find it refreshing there is a housemate who actually thinks at all! Laugh

What he was saying about Noreen was pretty much what that Judy James was saying as I remember.

Noirin, Siavash, Bea and Marcus are much more thoughtful and accurate.

Noirin is a siren who destroyed many people's time in The House, hence, she is gone. She didn't think about anything except how it pertains to herself.

Marcus is highly intelligent but is not an intellectual. Even he was caught under the spell of Noirin, as was the gentle and word-shy Siavash. Bea is trained in psychology and she is using that training to try and win this show.

Keep to the day job.

With comments as inane and superficial as that I think you ought to keep to the night job.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Never in the history of BB has someone drivelled so much, with so many, about so little.

That's much the opinion I have of many of your comments. You're certainly dead wrong about Freddie, as far as I am concerned. As for pseudo-intellectual, you're wrong there. He is an intellectual and few intellectuals are idiots. There are, however, many idiots who think they are intellectuals.

If you think he is an intellectual then you are certainly not qualified to deliver aphorisms on the subject.

The guy couldn't watch a football game and get the score right afterwards without the aid of a scoreboard, such is his inability to perceive things.

He is a reasonably well motivated bloke and is harmless, but then so are most at the bottom of the social pile who are confused as to what is going on.

Blimey flossie, Freddie has certainly pushed your buttons hasn't he?

I think Freddie has a lot to offer but perhaps only some will see that. Not many people could have survived as much as he has and remained psychologically intact, I know I would have walked!! Freddie is the eternal optimist and that's what I love about him, also he seems thoroughly unspoilt, unpretentious. His ways may offend some but that's because they cannot see beyond the apparent differences to the real person inside.
I don't dislike the guy and he doesn't offend me, I hope I didn't give that impression.

He just drives me bonkers with his inanities and attempts to analyse when he is analytically-challenged, and of course there are all those attempts to project himself as living some hedonistic lifestyle which are desperate, and then there are all the self-affirming, fake self-satisfied hhhmmmss....... which follow a piece of bollocks that isn't well received by an audience.

I could manage a few moments conversation with him and then I would be intensely bored with his ingratiating agreement or inanities.

But he tries to do the right thing, and he can't help being a socially blind idiot. At least he can put a sentence together.

I much prefer him to Charlie, Lisa, David, Hira and Rodrigo but he still drives me bonkers.
Originally posted by forgetmenot:
I like Freddy and at least he can think and has a good grasp of English.. he is excetrc but that's what makes him interesting and especially with so many fakes about with fake body parts and hair falling out..Hope he wins, best of the lot.


And what Flossie and others tend to forget is that when your in that house with no TV or radio and are stuck in there with the same people day after day the only thing they can do is talk about eachother and events that took place in the house.

It's human nature, some can think more clearly and intelligently than others...FREDDIE TO WIN.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Anybody unfortunate enough to have sampled some of the live feed last night would have been treated a stream of idiocy and fawning from Freddie.

When he wasn't desperately agreeing with every scintilla of Bea's comments he was dispensing pretentious pseudo-intellectual drivel to various unfortunate audiences about Noirin being a sociopath, how he was providing a spirit of positivity and insight into the house along with Bea and some other hm, and various other truly idiotic nonesense on the human condition, as well as his old habit of projecting pieces of fiction about himself and his life dressed as fact etc etc.

Never in the history of BB has someone drivelled so much, with so many, about so little.

How Bea can put up with this torrent of limp brain wanderings which he clearly thinks is endearing is quite amazing.

He keeps mindlessly speculating about life, people, society and the universe because he is so utterly confused about it. He seems to have a lesser grip on these issues than one would have thought possible. And I refuse to believe his dyslexia is responsible for this. His naivety and idiocy seems to be a result of him not having experienced life at all, let alone the one he claims to have. I wonder if he has been living in a box ( or would that be a mansion? ).

Hello again Flossie, we were just on the same wave length in the Noirin/Isaac thread. Wink

Tho I may not agree 100% on this (see sig Wink) I have to say well written and it certainly made me LOL! Laugh Thanks for that. Thumbs Up Big Grin
I think when freddie went in at first many found him irritating and said why and you could see why.

Then friday found his feet calmed down lost all the nonsence and became a good interesting housemate to watch he dropped alot of the hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhhhhhh stuff and chilled out.

He has had some great moments,and if anyone was on a journey it was freddie.Then bea came in and the freddie who was fair to all stood up when he thought something was wrong disapeared and has reverted back to bumbling freddie hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhhhhhh and turned into a nodding dog,i have seen him uncomfortable around her when she says things but he agrees out of some kind of fear to upset her.

When she bitches about everyone and anyone he sits and agrees nodding yeahhhhhhhh man cool this isnt the freddie i loved.

He agreed telling her to go for it over the t shirt supported Marcus Shake Headnever is this freddies style and if it is he has fooled us all
Originally posted by cup:
I think when freddie went in at first many found him irritating and said why and you could see why.

Then friday found his feet calmed down lost all the nonsence and became a good interesting housemate to watch he dropped alot of the hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhhhhhh stuff and chilled out.

He has had some great moments,and if anyone was on a journey it was freddie.Then bea came in and the freddie who was fair to all stood up when he thought something was wrong disapeared and has reverted back to bumbling freddie hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhhhhhh and turned into a nodding dog,i have seen him uncomfortable around her when she says things but he agrees out of some kind of fear to upset her.

When she bitches about everyone and anyone he sits and agrees nodding yeahhhhhhhh man cool this isnt the freddie i loved.

He agreed telling her to go for it over the t shirt supported Marcus Shake Headnever is this freddies style and if it is he has fooled us all

I called freddie friday Laugh
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Never in the history of BB has someone drivelled so much, with so many, about so little.

That's much the opinion I have of many of your comments. You're certainly dead wrong about Freddie, as far as I am concerned. As for pseudo-intellectual, you're wrong there. He is an intellectual and few intellectuals are idiots. There are, however, many idiots who think they are intellectuals.

If you think he is an intellectual then you are certainly not qualified to deliver aphorisms on the subject.

The guy couldn't watch a football game and get the score right afterwards without the aid of a scoreboard, such is his inability to perceive things.

He is a reasonably well motivated bloke and is harmless, but then so are most at the bottom of the social pile who are confused as to what is going on.

I think the fact that he gained admission to Oxford is a clue to his brain power. They don't tend to let the intellectually challenged in.
Am I the only one that thinks that Freddie hasn't changed from day one?

Whether you like who he is or not he certainly hasn't changed, not even with Bea going in.

He supported her on the T-shirt thing like weeks earlier he supported Noirin's hunger not sure if he agreed with those two plans but he supports peoples right to do as they wish.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Am I the only one that thinks that Freddie hasn't changed from day one?

Whether you like who he is or not he certainly hasn't changed, not even with Bea going in.

He supported her on the T-shirt thing like weeks earlier he supported Noirin's hunger not sure if he agreed with those two plans but he supports peoples right to do as they wish.

I don't think he's changed either Shake Head, but the only thing thst is worrying is that he obviously likes Bea more than just friends and Bea is not to be trusted so she could turn on him at some point as she's already bitcheed about him.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by Videostar:
Am I the only one that thinks that Freddie hasn't changed from day one?

Whether you like who he is or not he certainly hasn't changed, not even with Bea going in.

He supported her on the T-shirt thing like weeks earlier he supported Noirin's hunger not sure if he agreed with those two plans but he supports peoples right to do as they wish.

I agree Videostar, he is a lovely guy. Thumbs Up Clapping
Originally posted by forgetmenot:
I like Freddy and at least he can think and has a good grasp of English.. he is excetrc but that's what makes him interesting and especially with so many fakes about with fake body parts and hair falling out..Hope he wins, best of the lot.

He's just as fake as those you didn't mention by name. He is one big game-player.
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by forgetmenot:
I like Freddy and at least he can think and has a good grasp of English.. he is excetrc but that's what makes him interesting and especially with so many fakes about with fake body parts and hair falling out..Hope he wins, best of the lot.

He's just as fake as those you didn't mention by name. He is one big game-player.

Well each to his own BB wavey Hug I think he's lovely and by far the nicest in that house.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by forgetmenot:
I like Freddy and at least he can think and has a good grasp of English.. he is excetrc but that's what makes him interesting and especially with so many fakes about with fake body parts and hair falling out..Hope he wins, best of the lot.


And what Flossie and others tend to forget is that when your in that house with no TV or radio and are stuck in there with the same people day after day the only thing they can do is talk about eachother and events that took place in the house.

It's human nature, some can think more clearly and intelligently than others...FREDDIE TO WIN.

No one is disputing that the chat will often be about activities and people in the house.

That has absolutely nothing to do with him spouting erroneous drivel.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by forgetmenot:
I like Freddy and at least he can think and has a good grasp of English.. he is excetrc but that's what makes him interesting and especially with so many fakes about with fake body parts and hair falling out..Hope he wins, best of the lot.


And what Flossie and others tend to forget is that when your in that house with no TV or radio and are stuck in there with the same people day after day the only thing they can do is talk about eachother and events that took place in the house.

It's human nature, some can think more clearly and intelligently than others...FREDDIE TO WIN.

No one is disputing that the chat is going to be often about activities and people in the house.

That has absolutely nothing to do with him spouting things which are completely incorrect.

We can all get things wrong from time to time, has there ever been a HM who never got anything wrong.?

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