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Anybody unfortunate enough to have sampled some of the live feed last night would have been treated a stream of idiocy and fawning from Freddie.

When he wasn't desperately agreeing with every scintilla of Bea's comments he was dispensing pretentious pseudo-intellectual drivel to various unfortunate audiences about Noirin being a sociopath, how he was providing a spirit of positivity and insight into the house along with Bea and some other hm, and various other truly idiotic nonesense on the human condition, as well as his old habit of projecting pieces of fiction about himself and his life dressed as fact etc etc.

Never in the history of BB has someone drivelled so much, with so many, about so little.

How Bea can put up with this torrent of limp brain wanderings which he clearly thinks is endearing is quite amazing.

He keeps mindlessly speculating about life, people, society and the universe because he is so utterly confused about it. He seems to have a lesser grip on these issues than one would have thought possible. And I refuse to believe his dyslexia is responsible for this. His naivety and idiocy seems to be a result of him not having experienced life at all, let alone the one he claims to have. I wonder if he has been living in a box ( or would that be a mansion? ).

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by fookat:
I find it refreshing there is a housemate who actually thinks at all! Laugh

What he was saying about Noreen was pretty much what that Judy James was saying as I remember.

Noirin, Siavash, Bea and Marcus are much more thoughtful and accurate.

Noirin and "thoughtful" do not belong in the same sentence.
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by Flossie:
He has a 90% failure rate.

But a 100% survival rate.

Well.. baby-faced, vulnerable, naive, innocuous idiocy is always rewarded in BB, particularly if the perpetrator is at the bottom of the pecking order and expresses the idiocy openly.

Worldly, intelligent, organised, authoritative, capable and socially competent hms who keep their own counsel are ruthlessly expunged by the audience.
Originally posted by fz:
There is a vicarage somewhere rural, nowhere too diverse or challenging, with a failing congregation and a housekeeper who makes sure the bills are paid. I hope Freddie finds it soon, dons a collar and does what he does best. Waffle crap to a captive audience with nowhere else to go.

Yep, the only audience for Freddie's musings would have to be a captive one.
Originally posted by fz:
There is a vicarage somewhere rural, nowhere too diverse or challenging, with a failing congregation and a housekeeper who makes sure the bills are paid. I hope Freddie finds it soon, dons a collar and does what he does best. Waffle crap to a captive audience with nowhere else to go.

Perfect career for him FZ Laugh Laugh

Now you mention it that's exactly the expression on his face when he's ponitificating.......the face of someone who's just seen Jesus on his morning crumpet Big Grin
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by fz:
There is a vicarage somewhere rural, nowhere too diverse or challenging, with a failing congregation and a housekeeper who makes sure the bills are paid. I hope Freddie finds it soon, dons a collar and does what he does best. Waffle crap to a captive audience with nowhere else to go.

Perfect career for him FZ Laugh Laugh

Now you mention it that's exactly the expression on his face when he's ponitificating.......the face of someone who's just seen Jesus on his morning crumpet Big Grin

Perish the thought.
Food and Fred would result in that disgusting orgasmic moaning .Anyone who can eat in the same room as him have my unending admiration lol.
Originally posted by Scotty:
as well as his old habit of projecting pieces of fiction about himself and his life dressed as fact etc etc.

How do you know it`s fiction?

Because he makes assertions about the way people behave which are clearly untrue and this behaviour correlates exactly with his deluded accounts of his relationship with Bea, which all viewers can see bears no relation to reality.

He consistently misunderstands events in the house and the motivations of the hms, and one can see the same errors in his various accounts of his own life. I don't think he tells lies, I believe he believes what he says, and on hard pieces of fact, such as parties at his parent's house consist largely of people performing, I believe him.
Originally posted by fz:
There is a vicarage somewhere rural, nowhere too diverse or challenging, with a failing congregation and a housekeeper who makes sure the bills are paid. I hope Freddie finds it soon, dons a collar and does what he does best. Waffle crap to a captive audience with nowhere else to go.

so you are planning to inflict him on a few unsuspecting parishioners who have probably done nothing to warrant such a bore in their midst.........mind I suppose they will all sleep through his monotonous sermon.
Originally posted by fz:
There is a vicarage somewhere rural, nowhere too diverse or challenging, with a failing congregation and a housekeeper who makes sure the bills are paid. I hope Freddie finds it soon, dons a collar and does what he does best. Waffle crap to a captive audience with nowhere else to go.

Sounds like a plan.Big Grin
I can see him in a dog collar he has that priestly look and he is lovely with it
Originally posted by fz:
There is a vicarage somewhere rural, nowhere too diverse or challenging, with a failing congregation and a housekeeper who makes sure the bills are paid. I hope Freddie finds it soon, dons a collar and does what he does best. Waffle crap to a captive audience with nowhere else to go.

Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by fz:
There is a vicarage somewhere rural, nowhere too diverse or challenging, with a failing congregation and a housekeeper who makes sure the bills are paid. I hope Freddie finds it soon, dons a collar and does what he does best. Waffle crap to a captive audience with nowhere else to go.

so you are planning to inflict him on a few unsuspecting parishioners who have probably done nothing to warrant such a bore in their midst.........mind I suppose they will all sleep through his monotonous sermon.

They'll love him....he'll rally them together to clear the weeds growing amidst the tombstones and they'll all have a nice cup of tea afterwards.

The milk will be organic and fair trade sugar of course, to show their awareness of global issues. He'll give them important head weeder, second weeder etc etc ....he can hhhmmmmm over Doris's home made sponge. She'll have a new lease of life.
Originally posted by fz:
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by fz:
There is a vicarage somewhere rural, nowhere too diverse or challenging, with a failing congregation and a housekeeper who makes sure the bills are paid. I hope Freddie finds it soon, dons a collar and does what he does best. Waffle crap to a captive audience with nowhere else to go.

so you are planning to inflict him on a few unsuspecting parishioners who have probably done nothing to warrant such a bore in their midst.........mind I suppose they will all sleep through his monotonous sermon.

They'll love him....he'll rally them together to clear the weeds growing amidst the tombstones and they'll all have a nice cup of tea afterwards.

The milk will be organic and fair trade sugar of course, to show their awareness of global issues. He'll give them important head weeder, second weeder etc etc ....he can hhhmmmmm over Doris's home made sponge. She'll have a new lease of life.

Nod but he will still bore them Big Grin
Originally posted by fz:
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by fz:
There is a vicarage somewhere rural, nowhere too diverse or challenging, with a failing congregation and a housekeeper who makes sure the bills are paid. I hope Freddie finds it soon, dons a collar and does what he does best. Waffle crap to a captive audience with nowhere else to go.

so you are planning to inflict him on a few unsuspecting parishioners who have probably done nothing to warrant such a bore in their midst.........mind I suppose they will all sleep through his monotonous sermon.

They'll love him....he'll rally them together to clear the weeds growing amidst the tombstones and they'll all have a nice cup of tea afterwards.

The milk will be organic and fair trade sugar of course, to show their awareness of global issues. He'll give them important head weeder, second weeder etc etc ....he can hhhmmmmm over Doris's home made sponge. She'll have a new lease of life.

But will Doris be safe when he gets horny lol.
Originally posted by Hurricane:
Originally posted by fz:
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by fz:
There is a vicarage somewhere rural, nowhere too diverse or challenging, with a failing congregation and a housekeeper who makes sure the bills are paid. I hope Freddie finds it soon, dons a collar and does what he does best. Waffle crap to a captive audience with nowhere else to go.

so you are planning to inflict him on a few unsuspecting parishioners who have probably done nothing to warrant such a bore in their midst.........mind I suppose they will all sleep through his monotonous sermon.

They'll love him....he'll rally them together to clear the weeds growing amidst the tombstones and they'll all have a nice cup of tea afterwards.

The milk will be organic and fair trade sugar of course, to show their awareness of global issues. He'll give them important head weeder, second weeder etc etc ....he can hhhmmmmm over Doris's home made sponge. She'll have a new lease of life.

But will Doris be safe when he gets horny lol.

Oh yes...he'll be rogering the organist senseless...pleasant enough chap, kids at uni and nothing much in common with his wife.
Freddie is one of my favourites, and not just because he has held onto the top spot on these online polls and bookie's odds sheets we keep reading about. I like his waffle. In there is sense and behind the ummming and aaaahing we get to hear some quite profound sentiments/statements coming from a very young man of only twenty three years old. He is very intelligent and his Oxford degree has had an opportunity or two to expose itself in the show. I also love to hear him sing. He has a lovely voice for the classics, and he knows his way around the classics in the arty-farty way too.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Freddie is one of my favourites, and not just because he has held onto the top spot on these online polls and bookie's odds sheets we keep reading about. I like his waffle. In there is sense and behind the ummming and aaaahing we get to hear some quite profound sentiments/statements coming from a very young man of only twenty three years old. He is very intelligent and his Oxford degree has had an opportunity or two to expose itself in the show. I also love to hear him sing. He has a lovely voice for the classics, and he knows his way around the classics in the arty-farty way too.
Clapping... He is the best of the pathetic bunch this year.....

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