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 I'm shocked at some of these.



We left you on a cliff-hanger, Conor had been given six questions and, as in the milk task, been told that the greater his success, the greater the reward.  Enticing, mysterious, nerve-wracking...

He sat in the hot-seat, his face a mask of concentration. The first question was:

Who said that they want to meet a nice bird in the House and shack up with her?

After much umm-ing and ahhing, he plumped for Arron, only to discover that it was, in fact, himself. Whoops! BB should point out the application process took place before he got involved with his 'gurul'. 

Next question was:

Who said that they're a white tiger because they're sexy and a beast?

As part of a recurring theme, Conor went for Luke A. Also as part of a recurring theme, he was wrong. The true answer was Adam, an answer which caused uproar. Then came:

Who has been expelled from four schools?

Luke S and Sara conferred loudly in the background. "Go for the obvious one," they suggested. Conor went for Luke A again. The real answer was a bit of a shocker. It was Deana. How do you like that? 

Next up was:

Who said, 'Guys want to be me, girls want to be with me'?

Luke S gave a megawatt cheesy smile. "Luke S" cried Conor, followed swiftly by, "you d**k". He was right. Of course he was right. 

The penultimate question was:

Who thinks he looks like Friends actor, Matt Le Blanc?

"Luke A" was the tired and tested answer. This time it was right. Three times lucky, Con-man. Finally came:

Whose party trick is stripping?

Everyone scratched their head. Luke S looked at Sara, no one had a clue. Conor went out on a limb. "Becky?" Uh-uh. It was Sara. No one was more surprised than Miss Edinburgh herself.

So that’s a two out of six for Conor. What type of measly reward will this win him?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

Who has been expelled from four schools?

Luke S and Sara conferred loudly in the background. "Go for the obvious one," they suggested. Conor went for Luke A again. The real answer was a bit of a shocker. It was Deana. How do you like that? 

 I'd never have got that one

Little Miss Perfect not such a goody two shoes after all then, if it's true of course

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

I'm not a kafflik.


And I have Carfin just round the corner.

Doesn't matter if you're not catholic miracles are non discriminate, you may get one of you're own happen,where shall it be Lourdes or Fatima?*Goes to pack novenas and rosary beads*

My father was a kafflik.


And know what- religion split the house.


He left to his better halves when I was 11.


Sod the church of Ireland and their wee manners.


I go to the kirk.

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

Who has been expelled from four schools?

Luke S and Sara conferred loudly in the background. "Go for the obvious one," they suggested. Conor went for Luke A again. The real answer was a bit of a shocker. It was Deana. How do you like that? 

 I'd never have got that one

Little Miss Perfect not such a goody two shoes after all then, if it's true of course

I never felt she was as sweet as she'd have us believe Supes,she's had more rows with more HM's than any of the others,passive aggressive ?

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

You're right.


But don't hijack it though.


Sadly it's well beyond that.


Celtic has been hijacked.


A Scottish team that devolved into politics.



VD Belfast Celtic gave up the ghost for the same reasons,it's players were assaulted on the pitch ,it's fans off it,sectarian bigotry there's nothing like it eh.

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

You're right.


But don't hijack it though.


Sadly it's well beyond that.


Celtic has been hijacked.


A Scottish team that devolved into politics.



VD Belfast Celtic gave up the ghost for the same reasons,it's players were assaulted on the pitch ,it's fans off it,sectarian bigotry there's nothing like it eh.

When my brother got married his wife refused to stay and bring her children up here in Lanarkshire all because of the sectarian bigotry,she comes from a village in Perth and had never experienced anything like it.


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