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OK a lot of you hate Noirin for what she's done/doing but Marcus reaction hasn't been discussed (to my knowledge).

I'm speechless (well almost)........he said 'I told you that you fancied him six weeks ago and you wouldn't listen look what's happened'

'You just go on and on making the same mistakes in your life.'

'I can't even speak to the new people because you spoke to them first.'

The guy is barking isn't he?
She has told him he's a friend ...he knows he wasn't in with a chance .....FGS!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

In amongst the incredulity and bravado, Marcus had a point.

She is playing games with people. She did fancy Siavash and emphatically state that she didn't. She does fancy Tom.

She told him (Marcus) she only started having feelings for Siavash a day or two before.. like it was then it suddenly dawned on her that the flirting they may have had meant something. Yet she told Bea and Sophie in the kitchen chat that it dawned on her the day after the rabbitgate row.

She's a liar.. even in that conversation she can't be straight and has to spin it.. and while I am no fan of Marcus and I think he is largely immature and deluded.. he isn't that far off the mark with some of the criticisms.
Both tom and Bea spoke to him last night ........he really doesn't listen. that pair have seen from the outside and were trying to tell him ....with Marcus though's all about him.

OK we've all seen Noirin in another light after last night but it was equally telling about Marcus. Now there's an odd ball if ever there was. Did you notice when he spoke of the phsycholgist and there was a sound dip. OMG I bet he makes wonderful material for the physchs!
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by tupps:
In amongst the incredulity and bravado, Marcus had a point.

She is playing games with people. She did fancy Siavash and emphatically state that she didn't. She does fancy Tom.

She told him (Marcus) she only started having feelings for Siavash a day or two before.. like it was then it suddenly dawned on her that the flirting they may have had meant something. Yet she told Bea and Sophie in the kitchen chat that it dawned on her the day after the rabbitgate row.

She's a liar.. even in that conversation she can't be straight and has to spin it.. and while I am no fan of Marcus and I think he is largely immature and deluded.. he isn't that far off the mark with some of the criticisms.

there is a fine line between lying and white lies to soften the blow. I really think she was trying to break it to him in the kindest way possible you not think?
Soozy Woo
Friendship is about being there, giving advice, even if it's ignored, lending a ear and a shoulder to cry on if things go wrong. Friendship is not about, controlling, forcing your opinions onto others and what's right for Marcus may not be right for Noiteen. Friendship is not about telling someone what you must and must not do, he was supposedly her friend not her keeper! I don't like her much and I think the whole Siavash things ended her run in the house. As far as I have noticed, she told Marcus and Sree time and time again they were friends and nothing else, she may have fancied Siavash, had a drink and ran with it and is now regretting it because she also likes Tom. She should have played her cards close to her chest and seen which one she really liked, or just left it until she left the house. If I were her, I'd not go within two hundred miles of Marcus when it's finished, there is something not quite right in his head.
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by tupps:
In amongst the incredulity and bravado, Marcus had a point.

She is playing games with people. She did fancy Siavash and emphatically state that she didn't. She does fancy Tom.

She told him (Marcus) she only started having feelings for Siavash a day or two before.. like it was then it suddenly dawned on her that the flirting they may have had meant something. Yet she told Bea and Sophie in the kitchen chat that it dawned on her the day after the rabbitgate row.

She's a liar.. even in that conversation she can't be straight and has to spin it.. and while I am no fan of Marcus and I think he is largely immature and deluded.. he isn't that far off the mark with some of the criticisms.

there is a fine line between lying and white lies to soften the blow. I really think she was trying to break it to him in the kindest way possible you not think?

Nope.. not from what I've seen of her last night. I don't think she cares one bit about whether what she does hurts the other. She adopted an excuse for each person she was talking to. She was sly Sooz.. it wasn't about softening blows for the people she was hurting.. but trying to keep herself looking 'ok'.
Originally posted by tupps:
In amongst the incredulity and bravado, Marcus had a point.

She is playing games with people. She did fancy Siavash and emphatically state that she didn't. She does fancy Tom.

She told him (Marcus) she only started having feelings for Siavash a day or two before.. like it was then it suddenly dawned on her that the flirting they may have had meant something. Yet she told Bea and Sophie in the kitchen chat that it dawned on her the day after the rabbitgate row.

She's a liar.. even in that conversation she can't be straight and has to spin it.. and while I am no fan of Marcus and I think he is largely immature and deluded.. he isn't that far off the mark with some of the criticisms.

Noirin is a liar, she is just plain wrong.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Friendship is about being there, giving advice, even if it's ignored, lending a ear and a shoulder to cry on if things go wrong. Friendship is not about, controlling, forcing your opinions onto others and what's right for Marcus may not be right for Noiteen. Friendship is not about telling someone what you must and must not do, he was supposedly her friend not her keeper! I don't like her much and I think the whole Siavash things ended her run in the house. As far as I have noticed, she told Marcus and Sree time and time again they were friends and nothing else, she may have fancied Siavash, had a drink and ran with it and is now regretting it because she also likes Tom. She should have played her cards close to her chest and seen which one she really liked, or just left it until she left the house. If I were her, I'd not go within two hundred miles of Marcus when it's finished, there is something not quite right in his head.

Well said!
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
OK a lot of you hate Noirin for what she's done/doing but Marcus reaction hasn't been discussed (to my knowledge).

I'm speechless (well almost)........he said 'I told you that you fancied him six weeks ago and you wouldn't listen look what's happened'

'You just go on and on making the same mistakes in your life.'

'I can't even speak to the new people because you spoke to them first.'

The guy is barking isn't he?
She has told him he's a friend ...he knows he wasn't in with a chance .....FGS!

Laugh He is Crazy certifiable! Crazy
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by tupps:
In amongst the incredulity and bravado, Marcus had a point.

She is playing games with people. She did fancy Siavash and emphatically state that she didn't. She does fancy Tom.

She told him (Marcus) she only started having feelings for Siavash a day or two before.. like it was then it suddenly dawned on her that the flirting they may have had meant something. Yet she told Bea and Sophie in the kitchen chat that it dawned on her the day after the rabbitgate row.

She's a liar.. even in that conversation she can't be straight and has to spin it.. and while I am no fan of Marcus and I think he is largely immature and deluded.. he isn't that far off the mark with some of the criticisms.

there is a fine line between lying and white lies to soften the blow. I really think she was trying to break it to him in the kindest way possible you not think?

Nope.. not from what I've seen of her last night. I don't think she cares one bit about whether what she does hurts the other. She adopted an excuse for each person she was talking to. She was sly Sooz.. it wasn't about softening blows for the people she was hurting.. but trying to keep herself looking 'ok'.

I'm with you all the way on this, tupps - and I'm no Marcus fan either.
Originally posted by Soozy woo:

Did you notice when he spoke of the phsycholgist and there was a sound dip. OMG I bet he makes wonderful material for the physchs!

I doubt that...there's plenty of men out there who act like Marcus, it's pretty clear cut what he's like and what motivates Noirin, she's a very different matter, can't wait for their assessment of her Thumbs Up
If you are in any doubt as to whether Noirin tailored her chats with people to suit herself and in order to use a favourable excuse.. ask yourself why each little chat had to take place with each individual and not as a whole..

She lied to Marcus.. she lied to Siavash.. hell if they'd had the conversation together Siavash would know another factor in his dumping is she has the hots for Tom..

(which I believe she didn't tell him as she dumped his ass... because, amongst other lame reasons, he had a gf)
I used to like Marcus - I thought he was good entertainment. But no longer. The way he has tried to control Noirin and tell her what she should think, say and do, is verging on psychopathic behaviour. I just don't understand why Noirin is being blamed 100% for saying she fancies 2 blokes. All she has done is kiss one of them! Nothing wrong in that!! She has never told Marcus (or Sree for that matter) that she liked him in that way - it was all a figment of his imagination.

I thought Noirin showed incredible self-control when Marcus was talking to her last night. I would have told him to p*ss off but she was concerned about hurting his feeling. She was always a better friend to Marcus than he was to her - look at the way he has been slating her lately to anyone who would listen. Nasty, pervy man and I am not sure he is actually completely normal - they should sack whoever did the psycholgical tests on him before he entered the house.
Watching the live streaming over the last 2 nights and reading the forums has made me laugh. Noirin got peessed on Thursday night, had a snog with Siavash and paniced about Marcus' reaction. Call me a slapper, but before Mr Shar, (way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, well it feels like it was that long ago Big Grin) I went to many parties, had a few too many, let my hair down and ended up kissing someone that I wouldn't, normally, of gone within a mile of. There has been many a head shaking, WTF did I kiss him for and total mortification on awaking the following morning. If it wasn't me in this position, it was one of my friends. I'm sure that there are many FM's that have done the same thing. Ok so I wasn't stuck in a house 24-7 with my mistakes, but I can't imagine how bad it would have been if my group of friends didn't have each other to lean on. I don't even want to think about what it would have been like if i'd have had a 'Marcus type friend'.
Originally posted by shar69:
Watching the live streaming over the last 2 nights and reading the forums has made me laugh. Noirin got peessed on Thursday night, had a snog with Siavash and paniced about Marcus' reaction. Call me a slapper, but before Mr Shar, (way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, well it feels like it was that long ago Big Grin) I went to many parties, had a few too many, let my hair down and ended up kissing someone that I wouldn't, normally, of gone within a mile of. There has been many a head shaking, WTF did I kiss him for and total mortification on awaking the following morning. If it wasn't me in this position, it was one of my friends. I'm sure that there are many FM's that have done the same thing. Ok so I wasn't stuck in a house 24-7 with my mistakes, but I can't imagine how bad it would have been if my group of friends didn't have each other to lean on. I don't even want to think about what it would have been like if i'd have had a 'Marcus type friend'.

Well said shar. There's some skeletons in my cupboard as well.
As I have said before 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone'.
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
I used to like Marcus - I thought he was good entertainment. But no longer. The way he has tried to control Noirin and tell her what she should think, say and do, is verging on psychopathic behaviour. I just don't understand why Noirin is being blamed 100% for saying she fancies 2 blokes. All she has done is kiss one of them! Nothing wrong in that!! She has never told Marcus (or Sree for that matter) that she liked him in that way - it was all a figment of his imagination.

I thought Noirin showed incredible self-control when Marcus was talking to her last night. I would have told him to p*ss off but she was concerned about hurting his feeling. She was always a better friend to Marcus than he was to her - look at the way he has been slating her lately to anyone who would listen. Nasty, pervy man and I am not sure he is actually completely normal - they should sack whoever did the psycholgical tests on him before he entered the house.

I agree with you, it was so evident last night when he was ripping Noirin to shreds, trying to convince Tom she was a nasty one. Luckily Tom doesn't appear to be the Himbo that his muscles suggested he was. Tom made Marcus look like the childish fool he is.
Even if she did start fancying Siavash earlier than she told him, it really is none of his business.

The funny thing is, it's probably partly his fault that Noirin started seeing Siavash in a different way.
While he wasn't her type physically, his laid back, easy going persona probably started looking very attractive, compared with control freak Marcus.

And then Torso Tom comes in!
Originally posted by Tayto:
Originally posted by shar69:
Watching the live streaming over the last 2 nights and reading the forums has made me laugh. Noirin got peessed on Thursday night, had a snog with Siavash and paniced about Marcus' reaction. Call me a slapper, but before Mr Shar, (way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, well it feels like it was that long ago Big Grin) I went to many parties, had a few too many, let my hair down and ended up kissing someone that I wouldn't, normally, of gone within a mile of. There has been many a head shaking, WTF did I kiss him for and total mortification on awaking the following morning. If it wasn't me in this position, it was one of my friends. I'm sure that there are many FM's that have done the same thing. Ok so I wasn't stuck in a house 24-7 with my mistakes, but I can't imagine how bad it would have been if my group of friends didn't have each other to lean on. I don't even want to think about what it would have been like if i'd have had a 'Marcus type friend'.

Well said shar. There's some skeletons in my cupboard as well.
As I have said before 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone'.

Phew, thank god I am not alone in enjoying my younger years. The thing is my friends used to call me 'Sandra D', I never slept around. Some of the fm's reactions to Noirins' behaviour makes me think that I would have been seen as a slapper, jeez I missed out on a whole load of action that the 'slapper tag' suggests I got. Big Grin
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Noirin is a player, she uses what she has to get what she airtime and allies against nomination. It was always going to blow up in her face, and now it has.
Does she genuinely fancy any of them...No. Can she use them..Yes.
I think Marcus ,Sree and Siavash were led on by Noirin, as Freddy has said...Words are not the only means of communication
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Even if she did start fancying Siavash earlier than she told him, it really is none of his business.

The funny thing is, it's probably partly his fault that Noirin started seeing Siavash in a different way.
While he wasn't her type physically, his laid back, easy going persona probably started looking very attractive, compared with control freak Marcus.

And then Torso Tom comes in!

I don't think I would be able to stop myself watching the 'Torso Tom'. I would probably even dribble a little. Nod Big Grin
Ok.. I'm gonna confess..

I'm like Noirin.. but then I am nothing like Noirin.

There is a very big difference between being a little bit of a minx and a flirt and a butterfly.. and cold and manipulative and apathetic.

She's not doing harmless flirting or going out on the town and copping off for the night with some random fella, exchanging dna and thinking 'ohhh what am I like' the next day.
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
OK a lot of you hate Noirin for what she's done/doing but Marcus reaction hasn't been discussed (to my knowledge).

I'm speechless (well almost)........he said 'I told you that you fancied him six weeks ago and you wouldn't listen look what's happened'

'You just go on and on making the same mistakes in your life.'

'I can't even speak to the new people because you spoke to them first.'

The guy is barking isn't he?
She has told him he's a friend ...he knows he wasn't in with a chance .....FGS!

I agree with him, she does go on making the same mistakes but one of them was HIM Eeker
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by Kaytee:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Noirin is a player, she uses what she has to get what she airtime and allies against nomination. It was always going to blow up in her face, and now it has.
Does she genuinely fancy any of them...No. Can she use them..Yes.
I think Marcus ,Sree and Siavash were led on by Noirin, as Freddy has said...Words are not the only means of communication

How do you know whether she fancies any of them or not. I don't think she led either Sree or Marcus on. Siavash is a different matter. She had a drink, let her hair down, snogged him, regretted it. For all we know, she may be backing off Siavash to save Marcus' feelings. If she was such a 'twat' she wouldn't give a crap about Marcus's feelings. The fact that she sits for hours upon end taking his crap shows that she obviously is trying to cater to his whim. You have your opinion and I have mine. I just don't think that she warrants the scorn that she has had.
Originally posted by shar69:

How do you know whether she fancies any of them or not. I don't think she led either Sree or Marcus on. Siavash is a different matter. She had a drink, let her hair down, snogged him, regretted it. For all we know, she may be backing off Siavash to save Marcus' feelings. If she was such a 'twat' she wouldn't give a crap about Marcus's feelings. The fact that she sits for hours upon end taking his crap shows that she obviously is trying to cater to his whim. You have your opinion and I have mine. I just don't think that she warrants the scorn that she has had.

Did you watch LF last night? Ninja
Originally posted by fz:
I creased up that one of marcus's main gripes with bea and the house was - that nobody ever takes any notice of him and suggests what he should wear????

Fgs he hardly has an ever changing supply of clothes...white vest/black vest....OK marcus lets all sit down and discuss which you should wear today. Big Grin

Oh that was funny... as was Bea talking about her love of vintage clothes sitting head to toe in Top Shop.

The only thing vintage aboout her wardrobe is the cheesy way she sells it as boho when it's all high street.

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