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Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

*don't think of Mariah, don't think of Mariah, don't think of Mariah*


No denying it, Christina Marie has a set of pipes on her.

She'll go through.


I think she got Tom's pulse pumping too 

I think she had Ricky's going too... a bit of the Danny/Bo thing there i thought.


Good singer though



Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Tough song..!  

Dunno if I liked it or not (same re Beyonce - video's good though).

Pretty, pretty girl, and at least she did something different.

It's the weird affectation they all put in their voices that I find a bit annoying - like they've been coached by Donald Duck.

   Sometimes I'd rather listen to Donald.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

That boy needs a good meat puddin' down him.

Maybe supes can make him one?


Will's team are certain all very individual looking...

 I could joint and french trim a chicken and serve with pommes parisienne if that'll do him? 

Last edited by Former Member

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