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Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:She does have a tendency to assume that the older a person is the wiser they are. Not true. She is using fear tactics on the weaker personalities. Freddie is not weak imo, he is just showing a bit more breeding in the way he dealt with her, saying 'duly noted' but it wasn't enough for her, she had to force him to say it out loud, her way, so the others could hear.

True. As I said earlier, (not sure if anyone saw it as it was on the last page.) Yes, people can give advice as at 45 plus, as people that age are more knowledgable than 20-somethings in some ways, as they have often been married, had kids, travelled a lot, worked for almost 30 years, sufered bereavements and sometimes depression or breakdowns and the like, and redundancies and job loss etc etc... but younger folk are still intelligent and full of worth and can offer things that older folk can't. 'This 'you know f--k-all because you're only 21' attitude is really annoying and it usually comes from folk who really AREN'T that bright.

Older folk are obviously more knowledgable about some things; of course they are; that is what comes of being a generation older, but it doesn't mean they are more intelligent or the younger person is thick and knows sod-all. It's very arrogant to assume that. And Lisa IS very arrogant. Nod

Also I think Freddie is 10 times the person she is. Younger or not! Nod
To me she seems to have a real problem with Freddie and the fact he has come from a more priveleged background than her. She seems the type that hates the fact that there still exists a class system, yet she is the one who makes it most evident by feeling offended by it, if you know what I mean? Everyone else in there can just treat each other normally but she has to take offense to the fact that Freddie has had more priveleges than her, yet it is only her creating that problem as Freddie has done nothing to force his status onto her.
The way she demands respect is sickening as well and certainly does not have automatic rights to it just because she has lived a few more years as she doesn't give it out either. The way she talks to some people is awful and I really hope she is nominated tomorrow enough to be up for eviction.
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by storm:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
She is a T W A T..... endov! Big Grin
Thumbs Up

Had to be said. Thumbs Up She wouldn't scare me in the least! Then again....nobody does. Laugh
Too right Tiddly wink !! Thing is, I don't think she would ever pick on anyone who was anywhere near her own age (not sure if you are sorry,) but she only picks on the ones she knows probably won't fight back, like poor wee Freddie Frowner Typical bully - pick on the more timid and the younger. Freddie is 10 times the person she is: nasty bitch!
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
To me she seems to have a real problem with Freddie and the fact he has come from a more priveleged background than her. She seems the type that hates the fact that there still exists a class system, yet she is the one who makes it most evident by feeling offended by it, if you know what I mean? Everyone else in there can just treat each other normally but she has to take offense to the fact that Freddie has had more priveleges than her, yet it is only her creating that problem as Freddie has done nothing to force his status onto her.
The way she demands respect is sickening as well and certainly does not have automatic rights to it just because she has lived a few more years as she doesn't give it out either. The way she talks to some people is awful and I really hope she is nominated tomorrow enough to be up for eviction.
GREAT POST! Clapping
I really don't think she can handle the fact that Freddie manages to keep his cool in arguments, he doesn't even raise his more than its usual pitch, whilst she is there screaming her head off, making sure she gets heard and drowns him out, because she doesn't want to hear what he has to say as she knows it's all probably true.

Funny that she spouts all this rubbish about being 'older and wiser' yet when someone finally does stand up to her and isn't perturbed when she tries to shout them down she resorts to the most childish thing she could possibly do. How pathetic do you have to be, to just stick your fingers in your ears and make silly noises when someone is telling you some home truths?
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
To me she seems to have a real problem with Freddie and the fact he has come from a more priveleged background than her. She seems the type that hates the fact that there still exists a class system, yet she is the one who makes it most evident by feeling offended by it, if you know what I mean? Everyone else in there can just treat each other normally but she has to take offense to the fact that Freddie has had more priveleges than her, yet it is only her creating that problem as Freddie has done nothing to force his status onto her.
The way she demands respect is sickening as well and certainly does not have automatic rights to it just because she has lived a few more years as she doesn't give it out either. The way she talks to some people is awful and I really hope she is nominated tomorrow enough to be up for eviction.

Great post. It sums her up perfectly. Freddie brings out her inner inferiority complex by just being himself, having a posh voice and a modicum of education. She feels threatened by these qualities in him, so she attacks him.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Heartache:
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
The trouble with Lisa is...

She think's she's a dyke with a dick.

I have friends who are lezzy before anyone objects to my post.

She went mad when Freddie called her dude, well maybe she should stop acting like one.

Laugh she should sit it my office sometime then... one of the lassies there calls EVERYONE dude
*yogi Bear*
Originally posted by mary_bee:
I really don't think she can handle the fact that Freddie manages to keep his cool in arguments, he doesn't even raise his more than its usual pitch, whilst she is there screaming her head off, making sure she gets heard and drowns him out, because she doesn't want to hear what he has to say as she knows it's all probably true.

Funny that she spouts all this rubbish about being 'older and wiser' yet when someone finally does stand up to her and isn't perturbed when she tries to shout them down she resorts to the most childish thing she could possibly do. How pathetic do you have to be, to just stick your fingers in your ears and make silly noises when someone is telling you some home truths?

Very true mary, she seems to have a problem with him and acts the all 'big i am' yet really showed her true clolurs last night doing the 'lalalalala' bit. Shake Head
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
She thinks she is a man and thinks she should act accordingly, by wanting to take charge and be the boss.

Nasty woman.

Awww, that's a bit harsh on men!

Sorry, I didn't mean it to be like that Red Face

Unfortunately, alot of women (especially in business), feel they have to be like that. Men are (rightly or wrongly) perceived as dominant and aggressive, especially in the workplace.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
She thinks she is a man and thinks she should act accordingly, by wanting to take charge and be the boss.

Nasty woman.

if she wants to be a man-she should try being a gentleman
cos at this moment in time shes getting on my f*ckin nerves
step-bro-if youre on here reading this
you were right-i was wrong and i'll email ya later Wink
smartarse Big Grin
Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
She thinks she is a man and thinks she should act accordingly, by wanting to take charge and be the boss.

Nasty woman.

if she wants to be a man-she should try being a gentleman
cos at this moment in time shes getting on my f*ckin nerves
step-bro-if youre on here reading this
you were right-i was wrong and i'll email ya later Wink
smartarse Big Grin

Told ya! Nod Looking forward to getting your e-mail though! Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:

Sorry, I didn't mean it to be like that Red Face

Unfortunately, alot of women (especially in business), feel they have to be like that. Men are (rightly or wrongly) perceived as dominant and aggressive, especially in the workplace.

No, I know what you were meaning LL Hug BUT Lisa goes way further than that
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:

Sorry, I didn't mean it to be like that Red Face

Unfortunately, alot of women (especially in business), feel they have to be like that. Men are (rightly or wrongly) perceived as dominant and aggressive, especially in the workplace.

No, I know what you were meaning LL Hug BUT Lisa goes way further than that

She certainly does. The sooner she is out the better Nod
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:

She needs to take a leaf out of gentleman Freddy's book Nod

Mmmm, maybe, but he could do with being a bit more assertive, (not aggressive!)....whenever he says his piece it comes across as all apologetic and last night e.g. "Well Lisa you are a bit of a bully" A BIT Eeker
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:

She needs to take a leaf out of gentleman Freddy's book Nod

Mmmm, maybe, but he could do with being a bit more assertive, (not aggressive!)....whenever he says his piece it comes across as all apologetic and last night e.g. "Well Lisa you are a bit of a bully" A BIT Eeker

Yes I agree. Thing is though, if it is not in your nature to be forceful it is hard to change. I think he just doesn't like arguing or any atmosphere.

Love and peace man Big Grin
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
She thinks she is a man and thinks she should act accordingly, by wanting to take charge and be the boss.

Nasty woman.

if she wants to be a man-she should try being a gentleman
cos at this moment in time shes getting on my f*ckin nerves
step-bro-if youre on here reading this
you were right-i was wrong and i'll email ya later Wink
smartarse Big Grin

Told ya! Nod Looking forward to getting your e-mail though! Thumbs Up

Originally posted by Joods:
The trouble with Lisa is ...

... she's happy to live in a democracy as long as she's the dictator!

Aaah, goddit, she thinks she herself is 'Big Brother'...."Big Brother's physical characteristics are intended to resemble Joseph Stalin, although in the film his moustache more closely resembles Adolf Hitler's" so is that a moustache on her heed LOL

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