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Hazel O'Sullivan: Day 1 in the outside world

20 mins ago

She had a stormy stay in the House and an interesting reception when she left, but Hazel's in fine spirits less than 24 hours after being evicted from her Big Brother experience. We grabbed ten minutes with our Irish model to see how she's finding her freedom...

"The past 24 hours have been an absolute whirlwind! I went to bed this morning at five past seven and I woke up at... half past seven. I haven't slept at all so I'm literally on overdrive but today's been fun. I've had interviews all morning, I've had a two hour shoot. I'm ready to do Bit On The Side. But tonight I'm going to get a good night's sleep!

But it's been fine. I had it built up in my mind to be absolutely nightmarish. I thought I was going to get tomatoes thrown at me - got totally carried away with it - and then when I came out it was just... You know – I've had worse in my life."

The crowd in Borehamwood – their bark's worse than their bite. But has Hazel had time to check her Twitter or log in to Facebook?

"I went on Twitter and I've got a lot of positive feedback from girls supporting me – and guys as well – but it's really flattering to have girls saying that I was strong, resilient, intelligent. To get compliments from women is the highest form of flattery for me. To hear so much positivity when I'd built it all up to be negative, it made me think that two months in this whole thing, it's not so bad. You've got to roll with the punches."

So those boos didn't rattle her too much?


"I heard the boos and chanting week on week but then I got saved and saved again and I realised that the crowd is a very small group of people. In reality they're out there to see a crash and a shrivelled flower. I wasn't about to do that as it's not my personality. I'd been resilient through the show and hadn't broken down so I wasn't about to do that when I left.

Was the pressure of the House getting to Hazel or did she feel she'd been herself throughout?

"I was always myself going in but I had a lot more tolerance when I arrived. You could walk away from situations if you needed to do so. As it whittled down it became more stressful. You thought it might get easier but it absolutely didn't. The same people, the same conversations – your mind gets a bit warped. That's when eruptions start to blow up."

And those eruptions make great telly. What about her housemates – was she already missing any of them?

"I miss the twins! I don't miss the House – I was mentally prepared to go and I'd given it a good shot. Two months is nothing to turn your nose up at. The twins I miss so much but I'm happy that I'll get to see them in a week's time. I really want the twins to win it. I just think they're the most adorable boys. There's no badness in them whatsoever, no maliciousness, no games. Just the sweetest boys, like the little brothers I never had. I think they're very deserving winners if people look a little more closely."

Hazel clearly bonded with the twins but what about the one that got away – her BFF in the House, Dan?

"My other winner would have been Dan, one HUNDRED percent. I caught up with him last night. I spoke to him as soon as I'd finished Bit On The Side. I had a phone passed to me, was told I had a surprise and then I heard Dan!

I was devastated when Dan left. That was the night I was really prepared to go - after the gunge and the snake suit. To end up being saved by the twist and see your best friend leave. That was devastating. He's just an amazing guy. I hope he does really well. Actually, I know he will."


Indeed he will... and we've a feeling things are going to go pretty well for Hazel too.




Originally Posted by Aimee:

Gina thanking the public for evicting Hazel, she thinks the public are her voice 

Hazel has been on borrowed time for weeks now, I don't think the GBP voted out Hazel on Gina's behalf. #deluded 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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