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Originally posted by china:
just got a call from OH's sons school-theyre sending him home as he's got symptoms of swine flu-thats about the fifth kid this week
birmingham is certainly the swine flu capital of England Eeker

Oh China Disappointed there does seem to be a proportionally higher rate of swine flu in West Mids (in particular Brum) than anywhere else. Have to say though I think I'd rather get it now and have my body able to defend against it as it's a weaker strain atm than wait for it to mutate in the winter and be much more virulent Nod
Originally posted by Pengy:
Originally posted by china:
just got a call from OH's sons school-theyre sending him home as he's got symptoms of swine flu-thats about the fifth kid this week
birmingham is certainly the swine flu capital of England Eeker

Oh China Disappointed there does seem to be a proportionally higher rate of swine flu in West Mids (in particular Brum) than anywhere else. Have to say though I think I'd rather get it now and have my body able to defend against it as it's a weaker strain atm than wait for it to mutate in the winter and be much more virulent Nod

yep, thats true Nod

i still dont fancy catching it though Big Grin
Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by Pengy:
Originally posted by china:
just got a call from OH's sons school-theyre sending him home as he's got symptoms of swine flu-thats about the fifth kid this week
birmingham is certainly the swine flu capital of England Eeker

Oh China Disappointed there does seem to be a proportionally higher rate of swine flu in West Mids (in particular Brum) than anywhere else. Have to say though I think I'd rather get it now and have my body able to defend against it as it's a weaker strain atm than wait for it to mutate in the winter and be much more virulent Nod

yep, thats true Nod

i still dont fancy catching it though Big Grin

oink oink
Originally posted by china:
Oh's lad is home now
ive just told him one of the symptoms of swine flu is that he's gonna grow a little pig tail like dudley dursley in harry potter
ive made him cry

THIS is the reason ive never had my own kids Laugh

That's cruel - go and lock yourself under the stairs and don't come out Wink
Originally posted by electric shepherd:
ooh you meany parent china Big Grin

my o/h's just had it, no blood tests but it was pretty much verified by 3 different public health professionals he works with.
screaming bad head for a day, nausea, feeling like shyte and vertigo for a few days, week off work no big deal really.

i am mean arent I? Big Grin

OH had it aswell, she told the school incase he took the bug with him but they said to keep sending him
she looked like shit on a stick for a few days-shes ok now-i knew once the moaning started she was better Big Grin
My biggest concern is that if it does become more virulent in the winter, and hundreds of thousands of people start falling ill, the struggling economy is going to take such a hit. If that many people can't work, how do we cope?

Schools and businesses are going to close for periods when their workers and students fall ill. Hell, some people may grow too afraid to work and instead stay at home.

Fingers crossed that things don't progress that far.
Originally posted by electric shepherd:
it'll have to come back a hell of a lot worse to beat that seasonal flu that laid me up for 3 weeks at christmas.

the media are desperate for some big killer virus to kick off. i reckon they're clutching at straws with this one.

Totally agree.
From what I've heard it's actually milder than average seasonal flu..albeit a potential killer for the elderly,kids,immunosuppressed,etc.

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