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Some quite hilarious tweets on the redirect:
The Lulz Boat
The Lulz Boat
The Lulz Boat
Eugene's Lair

Someone on The Register has been commenting on the irony of comparing the "fake" Lulz Sun site with the "real" Sun site, which (before it went down!) had as its top stories a "house from hell" and a person with a "nipple on their foot", while the story of Sean Hoare's death (top story everywhere-else) was pushed way down the pecking order...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

The Sun's site is now back up: Boooo!

It was fun while it lasted. 

Well, I've been waiting for the coda to this story, but it hasn't happened - yet.


One of the things I didn't want to draw direct attention to was that during the attack, LulzSec and their associates tweeted the names and phone numbers of three people who, it has turned out, are NI executives. At least one of those phone numbers was obsolete, but it still suggested that LulzSec got pretty far into the NI databases.


This morning, a LulzSec member claimed that the group "was sitting on emails of News International staffers that it planned to release on Tuesday". They also released (amongst other things) Rebekah Brooks' Sun password.


Well, no mass e-mail reveal so far - but Tuesday's not over yet...


Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

You would think .. people are pointing out to them on Twitter there's no Sun court case.. as yet .. 

It's also been pointed out that LulzSec and Anonymous haven't exactly shown much regard for legal concerns in the past...


Their latest exploit has been the posting of various NATO documents; the tip of an estimated 1GB worth. However the documents posted so far are of extremely low quality, and there have been suggestions that it's a smokescreen to divert attention from the NI hack.

Eugene's Lair

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