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last bit form me

Sunshine has twigged that they actually did think it was her and wanted her booted out. .

she is telling this to Ben who  says no I didn't think it WAS you..  but I did think 10% it may be.

Shabby is there too and says I didn't think it was you.

sunshine is still convinced that most thought it was her and wanted her gone..

and this will go on forever ...........

oh dear and now we have tears and Sunshine tells them she was begging BB this morning to make her a Mole too so she could keep Mario company in his hole, I think, as she felt so bad for him

Corin says look no need to get upset it's done now and over with..

am thinking Sunshine is getting the 'we don;t like her' vibes from the bitchy crew. .

She is telling them over and over she knows they wanted her out

Govan (he who won't mess about the task for fear of lsoing his place) tells her he didn;t want her evicted (yeah right)

Ben explains he was confused and and tears and comfort and and ..

and that's it from me

goes to get some dinner
Mount Olympus *Olly*
thanks guys 

in the time since I left to make and eat my dinner ~Sunshine has gone on and on and on and on about them choosing her knowing if she was she could be evicted.

In particular she is upset with Govan who in turn is annoyed with her for going on about it. .and for not listening to her as he lies and tells her why he wrote her name down.. which he explains away as he thought it was a double bluff by BB... (not true)

Sunshine said she thought they all agreed to write different names down so nobody would go.. [Rachael suggested that I think to give her her due]  as soon as BB said the Mole would be evicted if guessed correctly Govan said I am writing who I think it really is cos I am not jeopardising my place in the house..

Now he is wiggling out of it by making it all sunshine's fault for not listening to him and hearing what he is saying [she is hearing and not believing methinks] .

Yet she has worked out things logically and knows he is lying. .she even said I was willing to write the wrong name. as they all said at the beginning before BB shushed them, and take a punishment with the team rather than save myself. .and tells Govan his motives were all selfish and not some double bluff malarkey he is trying to spin to her now..

as much as sunshine has done my head in going on and on and on, she is right.. . Govan is a sneaky sod [opinion]

also in the garden Ife has yet again explained to the Sunshine dislikers crew, mainly Govan Corin Shabby?  Josie and Caoimhe? that Sunshine uses the wrong words to express things sometimes.. (see earlier LUT about an astute Ife) and things come across not how she meant them to..  all of these have at various times this evening gone up to Sunshine to say look it wasn;t meant like that. blah blah..

anyway they seemed to have stopped now and all sat down for dinner.. tho Sunshine is finding it hard to let it go [as would every one of them in there if in the same position I bet] but she is eating ok despite red eyes and nose from non stop crying..

phew.. .*breathes*
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
ello Jackson 

I hear ya but there is a whole forum for BB discussion, and chat/discussion type threads for other programmes always get pulled up if they have gone a bit quiet they never get sticky'd so I don;t see why that has to be a sticky.. got nowt against the thread just the fact there are two sorta update thingy's as sticky' s and it is a bit confusing. .

especially as I was in this thread alone when it was really going off in there, with the slowest puter ever making loading the page after every post take ages and me having to try and remember what was going on in my head as my whole puter was freezing on me,  and not realising some people were updating in another thread as well.. if they had been in here then I could have had a break now and then and I didn't have time to check other threads as well as LUT

but hey ho.. am tired and grumpy now  so just  ignore me 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Mario in bed in the bedroom looking happy.
Sharing bed with JJ, while on the other side Ben is at arms length.
Sunshine has forced herself between JJ and Mario.
Now Ben has slipped in alongside Mario. While Dave has placed himself across the bottom of the bed.

Sunshine again asking, nay pleading, for yet another apology from Mario (which he does and kisses her hand.)
Sunshine still going on about  the Mario/mole business quite obsessively.
Sunshine yawns.
Mario and Ben being tactile.
Steve sits nearby to relate a story about a lap dancing club.
Mario unpacking his case.
Josie, Corin, Govan, Nathan and JJ giggling about teeth cleaning.
Goven seems very comfortable with the girls.
JJ appears to be calling Goven "Joey" (or is that Goey?)
He now calls him Jo (or is it "Go"?)
Much giggling.
Rachel is again adjusting her clothing round her bosom.

Now discussing the shaving of genitals.
Govan does not shave testicles. JJ has done it, as he described pain when it is not done well. Nathan says he is very hairy.

Shabby being a bit booming.
Mario enters asking if it's ok for him to shower.
"Yes"  they say "but don't splash my green jumper which is drying", says Shabby.
Mario says OK (rather than 'will you move it then please?'
So Shabby says yes he can shower as long as he does not splash her clothing which she is not going to move.
I suspect the circumstances and the environment cause them to giggle so much at UNfunny things.
Josie trying to taunt and tease - told JJ that Mario wanted to **** him.
JJ is comfortable with gay guys.
Josie:"What if you get a **** (erection) in the morning."
To their disappointment he says that rarely happens.
Govan curled up in rather excessive and enforced giggles.
Discussion has now progressed to a high leven - the wiping of bottoms.
Do you wipe front to back or back to front?
(A classy lot this year; yet they all seem to be interested.)
Rachael now telling them the proper way.
They all appear to be wide awake. Lots of giggling.
Topics range from genital shaving, bottom-wiping, verrucas.
Govan being camp (although I'm not sure he realises it.)

Ben wearing black underwear today.
Josie (mischievously and perhaps tactlessly) asking probing and intimate questions.
Josie tells JJ she thinks he doesn't have a high sex drive.
Josie smiling and seems to be revelling in discovering details of the sex life of others.
I agree Soozy.
I think efforts have been made to have a permanent Sticky for the LUT at the top and in bold.
But there have been problems in bringing about a change (partly involving not being able to get a response from Hyperstar.
I think as it is many people are confused or misled.
One clear, bold type LUT thread would be best.
Giggling ceased.
JJ is being heard and questioned  by Josie, Corin, Govan and Rachael.
BB (female voice) is almost cautioning housemates before they have said anything untoward.
No one seems ready for sleeping.

As in previous BB series it seems tha bedroom has become the area for talking (rather than the living area.) Bad luck for those who wish to sleep.
Mario sat on Ben's bed.
A shot of a hammock. Yes a hammock!
Rachael and Corin pondering how to get in it.
(I don't know why there is a hammock.)
Ben has a tickly cough.
Mario gets into bed - just to the right of Ben.
(How fortunate to have enabled those sleeping arrangements.)

Mario, Ben and Steve all say they will try to sleep and say their "goodnights".

Ben continues to cough.
Lights out in bedroom.
Smoking area.
Shabby doing her "non"-smoking, Ife saying "like", Corin sounding very Lancastrian, now joined by Caoimhe.
Shabby goes to DRoom.
Bedroom. Lights still off. Ben still coughing (obviously unwell.)
Govan in bed along side thumb-sucking Josie, with Rachael,  and JJ on either side.

sound dip

Rachael and JJ move away.

Close-up of Davina Macaw
Govan appears to be forcing himself to laugh at Josie's remarks, complete witrh writhing but (opinion) it looks very insincere.
Likewise the smokers appear to be forcing their giggles to please each other (opinion)
JJ goes to DRoom.
Living/seating area.
The smokers - Ife, Caoimhe and Shabby -  have moved here along with Govan and Josie,
while snoring strikes up in the bedroom.
Govan seems very happy in the girlie group.
Some of them - Ife, Caoimhe, (and somebody else who I couldn't identify) talking about the problems of sleeping through the snoring.
This disregards the fact that these same complainers have done their share of keeping others awake at night.
Josie eating. Govan, as usual, sits on top of the back of the seating with his feet on the seat.
Cuts between dark, snoring bedroom, and living area.
Ben's tickly cough has subsided so perhaps he has dropped off to sleep.
Shabby complaining that she has had 6 hours sleep since she has been in the house.
An informal  'meeting' about "snoring" has now developed. (Ignoring the fact that the complainers have chosen not to go to bed until 3 or 4 in the morning.)
It might be worth pointing out that while a group sit in the living area and complain about sleepless nights because of snoring, in the bedroom there is snoring, but others do appear to be sleeping. So the people in the same room as the snorer are not complaining - they are sleeping. While those who are not even trying to sleep are complaining. (personal commentary.)

JJ has now emerged from the DRoom, (with his hood up of course.)

There seems to be an issue, which is not clear about the use of a certain word (or words)
perhaps involving JJ. And maybe Josie.
Now everyone is talking at the same time.
Ife now upset because she has lost all concept of time.
Govan is really, really hungry. "Shall we eat something".
Deja Vu
Shabby has just referred to "MY little group of Ife and Caoimhe"
Josie says she is not aware of there being groups.
Shabby says there is a bedroom group and a bathroom group.
Josie sucks her thumb.
Govan picks a spot on his chin.
Ife describes her meeting in the DRoom with BB.  (But I didn't understand it.)
I honestly do not know what she is talking about.
This debate (???) is "Are Big Brother messing with the time?"
Shabby: "We are not supposed to talk about previous series, butI am going to do it anyway."
Shot of bedroom. Snoring continues. Sleeping continues.
Ife  continues to say "like" a lot, which makes it quite difficult to detect the other words in between.

Govan has managed to get JJ to repeat his technique for wiping his bottom.
JJ's mime seems to please Govan.

(They did say they wanted BB to go out on a high.)

Shot of bedroom.   Sleeping and snoring.

Living area:
Josie: (to Shabby) "Have you noticed they've  put a few ravers in here, you, me."
Shabby: "Nathan"
Josie: "I could never call myself a  f****   celebrity"
And they continue to fantasizeabout celebrity, sunglasses, being recognised, comments such as "were you in BB?"
They go on denying they are not interested in celebrity while relishing some of the facets of celebrity.

Shabby (in conversation with Josie) mentioned "Steve".
Josie: "Stebe who"
Shabby: "er   Steve...?"
Josie: "Oh him."

Josie - yet again - refers to JJ (John's) testicles.
They talk vaguely about sleeping. Some want to smoke.
Josie, Shabby, Govan, Corin gather at the smoking area.
Govan smokes in his camp fashion.

Smoking area.
Shabby: "I'm not saying we'll be famous or anything like that.
But we will, forever, be known as 'those people off BB'."
Shabby obviously revelling in the fact that this programme may make her famous.
Shabby talking about cameras, crowd, being on national TV.
Some of Shabby's inner thoughts revealed!!!
Bedroom snores.
And sleeps.

 (Will they be disturbed when the smokers descent - the ones who have been complaining about disturbed sleep?)

They intended to go to bed, but they have stopped off at the seating area to join Ife and JJ.
Shabby and Govan do not want to be the first to leave.
Shabby (to Govan) : "I so don't want to see you go this week."
Govan tells her who he doesn't want to go (Josie, Shabby, Caoimhe, Corin, JJ,)
Govan thinks Dave is cool but he doesn't trust him.
Is this discussing nominations? Is it Shabby fishing?
(This is all rather fast to get accurate details.)

Shabby and Govan saying they don't want it to look like a bullying situation (with Sunshine.)

Such intense and speedy tittle-going on here.

Gossip and perhaps too much onformation.

Govan has become like a speeded up version of Cissie and Ada.

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