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Great work LUTers  Gel Spider Xochi. .

will try to do some later. .sorry wasn't around yesterday was a bit icky 

Not much been happening this morning...

Gossip in the smoking area was about Sunshine making mountains out of every event and not stopping going on about it to all and sundry..

participants were Rachal, Govan and Josie

(funny they never mentioned Moley banging on non stop about being a mole    )

A quiz is about to take place and the TOT/DOD is having a word in Moley's ear..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Hahahaa  Mario tells Corin he doesn't think she's a Jprdan wannabe. .

think the question was who hates Jordan wannbees...

Mario backtracking and trying to explain what he meant..

Mario is now worried for the zillionth time that everybody will think it's him. .he doesn't want to play the game anymore

SD time

they all hug poor Mario and tell him they know he isn;t a Mole

Nathan got his question about being  in a pornowrong  ..Mario asked him how he forgot that. .

TOT tells Mario to get next question about some pole dancing wrong. .correct answer is Steve

(waits to see which pic Moley holds up. .steve or the wrong one )

he got it right and held up Caoimhe. .which is wrong but right under TOT instructions

**goes to reboot PC**
Mount Olympus *Olly*
12:45 The tree is getting very angry with Mario because Govan has now drawn level with him in the quiz

12:58 - Big Brother is now announcing the results of the quiz

Mario wins the quiz. His reward is that he gets to choose the theme of a party later. He chooses Hawaiian

13:03 Mario cruely then has to choose 1 housemate that won't be going to the party. He chooses John James
Moley is upset now cos he thinks they'll all think he's the Mole and has something to do with fixing his win

the others had been joking at him getting the Q's right

the girls are comforting him and telling him tis cos he is tired and emotional and they don't think he's a Mole and all he needs is a good nights sleep..

they aren't trying to upset him at all they are just joshing..

Mario say sorry he's being silly...

(must be hard to be nearly there but not )
Mount Olympus *Olly*
TOT tells Mario to go Hawaiian..

Marios says to the others that wanted VIP that they had to dress up posh the other day so will go with he has to decide who is not going

TOT says be smart.. be smart..

he's looking at somebody who said they don;t want to go but I can;t see who..

Bb wnats him to say who it is..

he;s picking John.. he said he didn;t want to go..

(must have missed something cos it don;t make sense to me)

Task over anyway
Mount Olympus *Olly*
heya Fluffs. .dunno really. .could be they person not going has to decide if Moley is a Mole or not

oh and I think they had to have one not going so Moley could go. .hence John volunteering

Quick catch up of what went on while my puter was rebooting etc..

Fallout from the task is that Sunshine must have upset some of them, Rachel mainly I think, with something she said..

This is clarified more by Ife in the bathroom with Corin, Josie and possibly one other when she explains that at first she did;t' understand Sunshine but now after talking to her she gets her and what she is saying and meaning are not always the same thing.

seems the upset was because Sunshine said she didn't care if Moley won..  but meant she wouldn't be upset at him not didn;t care about him..

Ife explains to the other girls that Sunshine uses the wrong words sometimes and she has learnt to ask her what she meant first if she is confused before kicking off,...  [good insight there Ife]  like some of the others do

Shame Rachel wasn't in on that insight..

meanwhile in the bedroom John, Ben and Dave were also discussing Sunshine and her attempts to try and fit in and why she shouldn't have to. .  again they mention that Whilst others have taken the time to ;get her Rachel hasn't and is more the walk away and roll their eyes type of person ..also think Govan is included in this.

John admits that at the start he was a bit oooer at Sunshine but now sees that she is just being herself which he likes but also trying too hard sometimes to be in the in with the other girls. .says it isn't fair that she has to try to be something she isn't to fit in. .tho he admits she was a tad embarrassing when chatting to the guy in the box (Ritter? ) for ages... and her chats to camera etc...  but basically she is a sound girl..

Ben and Dave agree... they also feel Rachel isn't the sort to understand differences in people and is more prone to making snap judgements and be unforgiving if she comes across a personality she doesn't get or understand...  [I don't think they are impressed with her somehow. .i know what they mean I saw her snarl at something Sunshine did yesterday ]

Then they talk about the girls. .or some of them  saying that they are quick to latch onto Moley for the camera attention and aren't necessarily genuine. .also mentioned that they suddenly started to make a point of popping in his hole to say na night which only the lads (John in particular) had done from the start. searching for 'the' story of the HL show. .

and they, the boys,  insist they were in there with him form the start not for the attention on them as the girls [some of them] seemed to have cottoned onto and started paying him more attention later on realsing he is a storyline...

They are sussing out the attention seekers amongst them...  they chatted about something else too but I was out of synch with the TV and the internet LF and missed it

Dave reckoned the louder girls would start splitting into groups soon and their could be rows..

That's a rough prÃĐcis as I was sorting lunch and trying to get me puter working again

Now lunch is being prepared and general chitter chatter ensues..

some time later Moley is apologising for getting upset at all the ribbing and he was just at a bad time and he is missing his dog. .and please carry on with the jokes he says.

More hugs for Moley...
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
just a quick update

they are having their Hawaiian party in the task room..

John has been given the task to make what look like Hawaiian Pizza's  he is struggling with the simplest things and swearing a lot.. he says he's the worst eprson to choose to cook something..

apart form grating some cheese everything else came in packets  but even the tomato sauce carton fazed him for a while...  he also has about 14 pineapples to cut up. . he has a cutting and coring tool for that.. now he is chopping that thinly slice processed ham stuff..

I am not sure I saw him wash his hands before he started
Mount Olympus *Olly*
*tries again after getting the 'you didn;t supply a comment error when I bluddy well had done ^

Me too Bazille. . and I thought they'd have a lvie show in case he has to leave.. but maybe cos of the footy *tuts*  they've changed it to Sunday or maybe it will be in the BBLB programme

currently John is swearing at the cooker which he had to work out how to use via the  Welcome Pack..

he is not a happy cook.. .

he's taken one biscuit pizza out of the oven.. it looks disgusting

hope he appreciates those that DO cook in there after this
Me too Bazille. . and I thought they'd have a lvie show in case he has to leave.. but maybe cos of the footy *tuts*  they've changed it to Sunday or maybe it will be in the BBLB programme

currently John is swearing at the cooker which he had to work out how to use via the  Welcome Pack..

he is not a happy cook

hope he appreciates those that DO cook in there after this
Mount Olympus *Olly*
hahahaha   while John is in the DR the TOT has got Moley out the back way of the task room

He's been told to tip the punch over on the floor

throw 2 pizza's Frisbee style into the garden

Put a pineapple down the loo

destroy the other pizza's which he's thrown onto the floor of the kitchen

Smear pizza on the bathroom walls

basically destroy everything John did and mess the rest of the house up to boot

he's got to hurry back thru the tunnels.. and out of the loo int he task room

Moley is exhausted and emerges all sweaty form the task room loo.. .fon't think anybody noticed he was gone ..

John will not be a happy boy
Mount Olympus *Olly*
waves to Lori

Cheers Justa and call me Olly tis easier..

oooooh  a sighing John emerges from the DR. .

he rolls over on the floor laughing his head off. .noooooo  ..he says. .I'm not even gonna... you know I am coming back in there.. . as he laughs in disbelief

he doesn't know what to do..

he wanders out into the task room to tell them they've been sabotaged...

tells them somebody threw the pizza's all over the back yard

Rachel comes out as do the rest.. .OMG's all over

look they say it's all over the windows and the floor..

SD as I presume they are swearing. .but there's a lot of laughing and smiling too..

Nathan finds a bit of Pizza to eat however 

oooh and Ben does too

and my LF has frozen

John explains he went in the DR cos he was having problems cooking the Pizza's as he could only get 2 at a time in the oven... he was asking if Nathan (the house cook ) to help...

BB kept him in the DR asking questions while Moley trashed the place

John apologises to them for their dinner being ruined..

Rachael asks John why he wanted help to put Pizza's in the over

Steve says to Mario I am not picking on you but why were you in the bathroom for so long

ooooooooooooh  he's been sussed 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
ok will go back and correct my typo's in a bit . .my puter is running very slow so I'd rather get this down then got back

anyway Moley was made to swear on his life that he didn;t do it

Moley oblidged..

He even said I told you I was having a poo and not to go in the loo for a while. .there were skiddies to prove it.

Ife takes Steve aside and says look if it was him it may be a task and if we out him he may fail..  or it could be 'the others' setting him up..

Steve goes tot he outside loo with Moley and says I wasn't haven't a go but it is suspicious. .maybe it was a task for John to do it..

out in the garden Sunshine says she found a vent  (covering the tunnel Moley went thru) in the task room Loo. .she pulled it off

Mario tells her he likes her but can she please stop saying it is him all the time

now we enter the post mortem period 

they all say tis too obvious to be him (moley)


*goes back to edit typos'
Mount Olympus *Olly*
damn and blast my puter and snails pace interwebbing..

anyway while everybody else cleared up Shabby and Caoimhe and Moley went to the smoking area.

shabby is convinced now that there are other HM's and there are 3 of them..

but then she say's hang on the vent thing had a piece of wood behind it that could easily be kick in and lead to a tunnel  behind the Mole hole

Mario looks worried and says what into my hole?

Shabby says no but think about it we aren't allowed into your hole..  and Mario looks more and more worried but then they say no we are meant to think ut's you it's defo other HM's

then I lost my sound for ages..

next time I could hear John is telling them he is sure it's 3 guys cos when he was in the kitchen he could hear them talking behind the scenes n the camera run..

Now they want to stay up all night to protect Moley from the intruders...

then they think what if they fail the task by doing that..

they want to plan how best to pass the 'task'

Moely looks more and more worried.. they tell him don;t worry if you are involved and had to help 'the others' we won;t hold that agaisnt you...

basically going over all the same stuff and theories they had before.. but convinced he others exist

Sunshine tells Bob Righter she has loads of evidence that there are others

Meanwhile as the HM's clean the bathroom we are back to normal BB business as Rachael tells anybody that will listen Sunshine is the mole cos nobody would do what she does like talk to the camera's the way she does etc.

Ben comes in and tells her off..  in a round about way/

Racheal then bangs on about the people coming into the house and creating a mess and how she doesn;t like it and wouldn't have it in ehr own home and bitch bitch bitch..

and I am signing off now cos my puter slowness is driving me mad

and I will go back and edit all my typo's first tho
Mount Olympus *Olly*
damn my FF had to be reloaded

will type as fast as I can

HM's are lined up in an Identity style parade outside in the garden

BB tells them there is a Mole. .if 8 or more guess who it is the person will be evicted

if 7 or more get it wrong the person will stay

all say lets put a random name and make them different

Bb Tells them not to talk..

So far 4 I think have said sunshine. .(my LF is freezing   )

Ife said Mario

Govan said he is putting an honest answer as he isn't jeopardising his place for anybody..  (he gets it wrong tho)

looks like Mario is staying they are all saying sunshine  except Rachael who said Steve

Ben looks worried cos I think eh thinks it is her.. . 

Sunshine put Ben. .she laughs saying I thought we wanted to fail so she went for Ben.

But Mario has definitely got in 

phew *collapses*
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
BB asks the real mole to step forward

Mario obliges

Shabby throws her board (they had to write the name on) on the floor..

all her I know what is going on theories are blown to the wind. (missus Lorna from BB8? knowitall) sje knew everything aboput what BB were up to. .

all talk of 'the others' has finished tho

John looks a bit irritated.

Mario says sorry

Sunshine is shouting really really loudly saying you all thought it was me..

*mutes headphones*

Mario said he cried because he had to lie to them it was eating him up inside..  awww 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Mario is now going to tell them all the real story..

some of em are still shouting but the others tell them to shurrup..

ooh I missed a little something on the tellybox..   footy  score

mario explains he had an earpiece for today's task

apologises again about all the tricks he had to do...

now tells them about how he got in the house in the first place..
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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