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In living area.
Steve, JJ, Mario, and where Mario is there is Dave, and Govan.
BB announces the mole hole is now open again.
Mario checks and says nothing has been changed.
JJ and Govan getting to know each better (for the first time so they say.)
BB warns not to talk about selection process (They were not aware that "selection process" included the launch night.)

No monks robes for Dave tonight.
Josie joins then after leaving the Diary Room.
"What did they ask you?" they ask.
Caiomhe, Corin, Ife and Shabby washing clothes in the bath.
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BB calls Govan to DRoom.
Corin joins Steve and Mario.
Mario tells her about Josie and Govan have a "row" (a pretend row)
Apparently Josie got into bed with Ben and Govan got jealous about it!
(Now that's worth remembering; play row or not.)

Bedoorm. Corin, Josie, JJ and now Mario all talking.
(Those trying to sleep will not be pleased I'm sure - they are not quiet.)
Mario crawls on the floor about to play a prank on Ben.

Dave talking to Steve, (Very quietly, difficult to hear.) Apparently Dave feeling bad that he has upset 'somebody', by saying something 'offensive' - unintentionally. Worried about his wife and kids seeing it.
(Get the impression he is milking the drama.)
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They apparently had a story telling session and one of Dave's  fantasies involved somebody
with "one eye" (Steve has one eye) and one arm.
Now Dave thinks not just the housemates but the whole world hates him (in spite of reassurance from Steve.)
Others reassure him and rather surprised at his behaviour, which they describe as paranoid.
He goes to the DRoom.

A group have investigated the possibility of a secret place beyond the bathroom walls, peering as closely as possible through nooks and crannies.

Smokers place.  JJ Govan, Steve, Corin.
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Conspiracy theories abound in the bedroom. Secret room etc....
People in the camera run are disturbing some of the females, who in turn are doubtless disturbing Ben.
No attempt to speak quietly.

Brief shot of Mario in his hole who said he is not going to do anything yet.

Mario:  "Why are you so cruel to me?......the impossible task..."

Dave leaves the DRoom. He's been advised to "chat to people".
He thinks that means to everybody, right now.
So, yet again, he repeats it to some who have already endured  it.

(Sorry I'm supposed to be objective.)
Let me just say the happy monk is (apparently) not happy, but he is playing the situation up rather than down.
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Caoimhe, Shabby and Ife are talking and giggling in the bathroom.
Shabby is starting to "feel a bit unhinged".

They say they are used to going without sleep.
Ife saying "like" a lot.
Ife still saying "like" a great deal.
Discussing Steve and how they regard him as just an ordinary guy (which they believe is what he would want.) However at the same time they are saying he is extraordinary, unique, special etc...
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Last edited by brisket
The same 3 in the bathroom doing nothing much.
Caoimhe now in the bath.
Rachael talking loudly and incessantly

The talkers continue to talk loudly in the bedroom while the sleepers try to sleep.
Rachael, obviously deliberately making a lot of noise, switching light on and off, talking very loudly.

Nathan gets out of bed and leave the bedroom because of the disturbance.

Ah ah!  Mario has been spotted leaving his mole hole.
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Kitchen: Caoimhe and Ife  "The best people to put in the house are control freaks."

Snoring in bedroom.
Mole Hole. Mario has a plan. He intends to go to the kitchen (with a covering story of just going for a drink of water).
Unfortunately Caoimhe and Ife are still in the kitchen.
Mario strips to underwear and goes to the kitchen.
Plan foiled by Caoimhe and Ife.  Caoimhe lays on the dining table.
Sadly the sight of Mario in his underwear has only served to make Caoimhe and Ife become wider awake.
A good plan. Bad timing.
Back in Mole hole.Mario tells BB how difficult the task is.
Mario frustrated that Caoimhe and Ife are still not yet in bed.
"I'll have to wait another hour."
"That sucked. Big time."
(personal comment - I am full of sympathy for Mario)

Bedroom. Snoring.
Caoimhe and Ife have now retired (after Ife fetches a cusion from the Nest).
So Mario's plan was spoiled by only a matter of minutes.!!!
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So now I don't know if once again he was unable to complete the task.
Or if he has done it!
(BB withholds some things for later programmes. A 'live' programme which does not show all the action. Tut! tut!)
His face does not betray.
Is it a look of satisfaction or anxiety or frustration?
He gets up from bed. Speaks quietly into his mike "Right Big Brother; let's try this again."
He leaves the mole hole wearing only briefs.
Enters the kitchen.
Finds a big black plastic bag
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(Is there anyone not rooting for him?)
Again cameras do NOT show us the action!!
Shot of bedroom. Sound of snoring. Truly exciting!
Obviously a conscious decision not to show us what Mario may or may not be doing.
A brief shot of Mario in his blue knickers getting another plastic bag.
Back to bedroom and snoring. Will the snoring wake anyone up? (They sure know how to build the tension.)

Mario emerges. Every door squeeks. (I think squeeking doors are a deliberate inconvenience by BB)

He tidily replaces roll of plastic bags and leaves the kitchen carrying 3 of them full of something-or-other.

He tips the stuff into the pool.

The shot of green food and bread whirling round and round in the pool is somehow very satisfying to me.

And the second bag is tipped in as well.
Soggy bread!
Now a 3rd bag.  Mario is developing a lovely rhythm now.
Mario returns to the mole hole, puts on his mike, tells BB that was a horrible thing.
He sticks two thumbs in the air.
What to do with the plastic bags?
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The black bags being hidden under the mole hole shrubbery.
He speaks to BB through his mike: "Now part 2 of the plan - incriminating evidence".
He tucks something in his briefs (possibly some of the food packaging) and returns to the house.
He goes into the bathroom and whatever was in his briefs is now in a black toilet bag belonging to........???
The bedroom continues to snore.
Mario returns to mole hole and speaks to BB through his mike.
"Hello BB. I think that was a success. That was vile. I wonder if that task to make me a permanent housemate will cost me some friends. That was absolutely vile. But a task is a task." (or words very close to that.)
Mario lays down under his duvet.
A splendid performance. Truly splendid.
And on that note I retire for the night.
Good night from LUTter brisket.
The Mystery of whose bag moley hid something in has just been revealed. .it was Ife's make up bag.. and it was an empty potato bag he put in there..

They are all saying that if Moley, as they are calling him, is on a BB mission to do bad stuff  they'd rather have him stay than go. .think they ave figured it out near enough..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Heya Veggie...

I think Hyper is probably over on DS... he moaned about this thread not being used in the other sticky and then popped off again..

I'll wait and see what Lori does. .she may remove this and put an  official LUT thread up herself..  plus I have gone a bit shy and not sure I want my name at the top of the page
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

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