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The LUT was   a Sticky on GBF when it first started Croc. .  then  archived when to got to too many pages and a new one started.. then when they made a dedicated LUT forum on C4 it went to daily threads.. change over around 12am with many a post lost as it happened

Spider this one is  titled First night/day so today's LUT stuff fits in with the title
Mount Olympus *Olly*
OK Olly, here goes

LUT From 10th June 2010, 14:30 to 16:00:


 - Looks like they're eating their lunch suspended 50 foot or more in the air.


 - They are going to play Pictionary.  Sunshine will be on the ground drawing clues to the other housemates.  The more correct guesses they make, the more money they'll receive for their food budget.


 - Looks like they have BB production crew on the crane with them, serving the food.
 - They're eating sausages, mash, and cabbage.
 - The wind just slapped Mario's "I'm a mole" sign into his face.


 - Mario: "My whole life I've been known as Super Mario, but now I'll be called Mario the Mole."
 - Dave: "It would be a pleasure to hunt and kill you."


 - Rachel holding an impromptu toast to themselves and Big Brother.
 - Ben talking about wanting to own a country home in Wales.


 - The wind is proper swinging that table around LOL.  I don't know how they are expected to eat up there.


 - They're reflecting on being boo'ed last night.


 - Ben "Bring the food to your mouth, not your mouth to the food."
 - Mario looks sea-sick.
 - Random people below waving at the housemates.
 - Nathan says the dinner tastes like anicede.
 - JJ saying it gets light early in England.


 - Sunshine inside the house getting dressed in a red outfit.
 - Corin asking for the crane to be lowered.
 - The crane appears to be moving them somewhere.


 - BB staff clearing plates etc off the table.
 - Housemates shivering from the cold.


 - Rachel demanding the crane be lowered as it is spoiling her hair.
 - Ben offering pearls of wisdom to Mario.


 - Sunshine sat on the sofa looking very bored and lonely.
 - Ben, Mario and Caoimhe discussing being in love.
 - Dave comparing this experience to Jesus and the Apostles during the Last Supper.
 - Looks like cheese cake for dessert.


 - Rachael speculating that someone will be evicted when the crane is finally lowered.
 - Nathan telling her to relax.
 - If you look over the sides of the chairs you can see directly down 50 foot to the floor.  I think I'd have a panic attack.


 - JJ "This is the coldest day in history!"
 - The wind continues to sway the table from side to side with added vigor.
 - Task equipment on the ground is being put into position.


 - Shabby reading Pictionary/Task rules.  Words or phrases are taken from this morning's tabloid BB head lines.
 - 5 Words or Phrases used by the media to describe the housemates.


 - Sunshine's entered the garden.
 - Aerial camera shot shows a large squared area with a big white object in the middle, could be paper?  4 smaller objects, each a different colour.
 - The table continues to sway in the wind.
 - Housemates complaining of neck ache.


 - A close up shot of the garden reveals it is huge sheets of white paper.  Multi colored objects are tubs of paint.


 - "Big boob'ed she-pig" was the first guess.
 - The actual answer was Big boob'ed babe.
 - One out of Five wrong.....


 - "Squatter".
 - One right, one wrong.


 - Some confusion on the third clue.
 - They're saying "boring old one" and Sunshine is saying it's correct but there's no response from BB yet...


 - BB saying Sunshine is cheating.  She's not allowed to use Vocal or Hand gestures.


 - "Hunky Trio" was the right answer, I think they've only got 1 right so far, with just 1 remaining.


 - "Wannabe".  That's 2 out of 5.


 - Shabby calls Rachael a Beyonce wannabe.  HA!!  Rachael protests the accusation.
 - Sunshine looks sad.
 - Corin suggested they spend their budget on White Lightning Cider.  Classy.

Shopping list update from the Kitchen with Nathan Steve Dave and Sunshine. (the rest are in the living area I think) .

they have got enough for 4 planned meals so far..and spent ÂĢ50  ..spag boll fish fingers and chips, a roast diner  and 1 other that i forgot already

they don't seem to have gone with Bens suggestion that a huge bottle of extra virgin olive oil would be a saving and go along way. . (in whose world? wish I could afford a luxury like that :laugh

they are now buying stuff for a chilli too..  and now nathan suggested buying chicken thighs for a curry cos they are cheap..

they have all the extra's such as rice, chick peas, pasta, tomatoes and onions sorted.

No hot drinks down yet..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
ello Mrs H

Ben is moaning to Mario and JJ that they can't have an books.. and he says they are all allowed to bring in cigs and go smoke but we can;t have a book.. all this said while massaging his bonce with one of them things that look like a whisk

Now the 3 are  bitching about Dave I think saying theya ll need comforting and stroking and amusing and Dave is fine off on his own..  well Ben said that

oh maybe it wasn't Dave they meant cos i just looked up and he is there too. .maybe it was Steve?

JJ thinks Govan doesn't like him

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Living room convo has moved on to Louis Theroux...

Smoking area convo (Shabbye, Goran, Caoimhe sp?  Ife and a few others)   is peeps moaning at the looks and snap judgements given them by the Launch night crowd..

Sunshine comes out of the DR to tell others they tried their best with the list

not a lot going on really so am off now..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
nips back with a bit of Smoking area Gossip going on

Rachel and Goran

Rachel is sharing a bed with Sunshine who s not her type of person but she doesn't mind her and would rather that than share with a  guy..

Goran tells her Ben offered to swap with Sunshine and share with Rachel..

Rachel says oh yeah he was a bit 'coming on' to me last night..

They like Shabby and Josie ?   ( HM1) but think Shabby will kick off at some point.

Rachel thinks Caoimhe doesn't like her..  

they've moved to the shack... they lurve it... 

back to chitter chatter..

offski again
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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