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Missed Shabby because of ads.
Nathan: Lives with grandparents. "I gob off, drink, have fun."  Lots of glottal stops and very few letter Ts.  "I'm happy being a dickhead. If it makes people smile I'll do it."
Mario: "In a dream.  Rediscovering who I am really am. Trying to find what I want out of life."
Likes fashion, science, Harry Potter. Fired from most of his jobs. Gets bored easily. Unemployed.
(Profile says he is half British half Italian. I would say he has a strong Irish accent.)
Goven - being the teenager of the group - chooses to lounge/lay on top of the furniture-rest, rather than sit on the seats.
Govan: "I wan'ed to be a scientist but that didn't work out."
John and Ben share a glass of water.
John now speaking more and getting louder.
Govan: Says he is 21 (His profile says 19)
He has lost their attention. Others talking over and distracting him.
Sunshine interrupts to say she is the most creative person in the world.
Govan lives with his grandparents. Has a cat.

(Some camp gestures during his 'speech')
ad break
Rachel:  A hairdresser. Didn't think she woule get this far. She can't believe she is in the house.

Ben:  Involved in arts, music, passions.  "9-5s aren't for me".
Does a bit of broadcasting, likes talking and writing and organising. Loves films.
Likes things to "be big."   Likes people most of all.  He thanks the other for being nice.
He has appeared in "Ladettes to Lady"
He's also done "Celebrity Come Dine With Me."  (So not new to tv.)
Last edited by brisket
Scene change to bedroom.
Ben carefully places his jeans in drawer while revealing his pristine, hugging underwear.

Shifts briefly to The Nest. Steve and Shabby leave. Dave and ?somebody else? still in there.

Return to bedroom.
Corin and Rachel explaining explaing BB mechanics to JJ (John James).

Corian, Rachel and JJ talking to Mario about being a mole.
But no-one has yet thought of the possibility of a double bluff.

The quiet JJ is now talking rather a lot.

Dave, Nathan and Josie in The Nest.

Both in The Nest and the bedroom, complaining begins about "no tea bags" and "no luggage".
Delight all round that the store-room is now open.
Suitcases being collected and unpacked.
There is also food.
Shabby : "We've got some food here bitches."
Steve's wheelchair is there too.
Meanwhile Mario (Mole) prepares his 'nest'
Ben looks neat in his underwear.
JJ has his hood over his head (even though it has been described as "boiling" hot.
Molio is finally alone in his hole.

His mission is to write a message on a beach ball and leave it in the garden in the morning as if it was a message thrown in from outside.
I think the message is to be of his own making.

Message reads " Josie is the bookies favorite." Then it is not so clear, but he adds "First 5 have a secret." More scribbling which is too hard to see and Molio reads it and it is not that clear to me but it may be "David most hated"

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