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Sam said the same thing about Corin too. He said it umpteen times about Josie too. Not even a hint of a warning for him in fact BB seemed to find it all hilarious.
that's what i posted earlier............sam was in the d/r saying what he was going to do the following day and how he was going to make corin 'feel bad'........they watched him root through her stuff and other h/mates belongings looking for what he wanted to find......nothing was said..........he called josie a 'fat slag'.......nothing was said...........nothing we have been shown of coolio's behaviour has been any different to what sam did.......
so... according to the latter half of this thread, the DS'ers are privvy to LF that we are not?  People are far FAR too ready to all of a sudden get sensitive about stuff, in real life AND in the house.  I would like to think that IF Coolio was pummeling ANYONE below the belt it would have been shown or at least explained.  Maybe Coolio made reference to Nadia's past life? What of it? 
At the end of the day, as someone somewhere on here said - once they are out of the house they can say what ACTUALLY happened (except no-one will listen to 4x4 because he never fancied her)... anyway as I was saying.... as someone said IF Coolio was THAT bad, it will all come out in the press wash anyhow - so why not deal with it now and stop pussy-footing around - unless of course Coolio was a scapegoat?
Davina is going to write a blog about it as it's too long for her to post on twitter, and apparently Josie and Brian agreed on Wednesday not to repeat something Coolio has said about Nadia as it was too upsetting for her to hear.
Cheers, it's sounding more and more as though Coolio made a comment about Nadia's gender history somewhere along the line. If that's the case it's fair enough, he had to go. I'm still not giving up hope on a good conspiracy yet though 
so... according to the latter half of this thread, the DS'ers are privvy to LF that we are not?
No, I don't think they are saying it like that, it's just when people talk about it (I noticed myself the birds started twittering when Vic mentioned it) it's getting sound dipped...but I gather they've heard bits and bobs.

I dunno what's happened and don't claim to but I think there's more to it than him just hiding her shoe.  I like Coolio, btw.
I like Coolio too Leccy and I feel slightly robbed if he did indeed say anything that was SO offensive that he was thrown out of the house.  I'm assuming he didnt say it on the Friday night because he was still there on the Saturday?  BB cant hide this because it WILL come out.  As much as I like him, if he said something well out of line I'd be the first in line to stick my toe up his arse out of the door.  As it stands, he tried to hide her shoes and mimmicked her voice (what we've been shown) - hardly a hanging offence
Leccy there has to more to it than a bit of shoe hiding etc...It's a bit unfair if that is all there is too it,and Coolio is getting accused of all sorts etc.

I like Coolio too Leccy and I feel slightly robbed if he did indeed say anything that was SO offensive that he was thrown out of the house. I'm assuming he didnt say it on the Friday night because he was still there on the Saturday? BB cant hide this because it WILL come out. As much as I like him, if he said something well out of line I'd be the first in line to stick my toe up his arse out of the door. As it stands, he tried to hide her shoes and mimmicked her voice (what we've been shown) - hardly a hanging offence
Yeah, we might just have to wait for Davina's blog or everyone will moan so much on DS that PEJ puts out a more detailed statement.
It could be just the fact that he had his warnings and they did quote the rules to him saying he had numerous warnings. No conspiracy and the thing with Nadia was just the final black mark. Simple as, nothing more than rule breaks.
Yes, I agree it could be something like that, but in that case they've not broadcast his other tickings off in the DR.
At the end of the day, as someone somewhere on here said - once they are out of the house they can say what ACTUALLY happened
Not always, depends what they've contractually agreed to, but as it's the last BB I can't see anything mattering. No matter how much they try to dress whatever it is up the truth will come out somewhere along the line, it always does!
That's probably the same one I'm reading...the "Nick 'those comments were totally uncalled for and nasty"?
Nick was playing football in the garden with Coolio and they were chatting about football. Coolio was called into the diary room because Nadia wanted a cig and Nick went in the kitchen and said something like "he was saying comments outside that were totally uncalled for" so from what I saw Nick lied.
Prometheus offline 2291 Forum Posts Yesterday at 7:22 PM Unbelievable. We've all seen much worse in the house but because a mentally unhinged halfwit screams her face off over nothing Coolio has to go. It should have been HER that went BB, not him. BB production team bottled it. Idiots.
Absolutely agree.  I can understand Coolio wanting to go because if he had stayed it would've been uncomfortable for him to stay.  Nadia should indeed have gone, she was aggressive to him!
nothing we have been shown of coolio's behaviour has been any different to what sam did......
I agree that it was v similar Spongey, and agree about the apparent double standards of BB, however, what I don't fully understand is that no-one much seems to be saying what Coolio did was wrong, whilst there was a lot of outrage on here at what Sam was doing to Corin
Nick was playing football in the garden with Coolio and they were chatting about football. Coolio was called into the diary room because Nadia wanted a cig and Nick went in the kitchen and said something like "he was saying comments outside that were totally uncalled for" so from what I saw Nick lied.

He did longcat, I was watching and I can't remember the exact words, but on the lines of what you said.
Sounds like whatever went down BB didn't want it. After Fight Night and the Shilpa stuff (and cos they're trying to sell the rights to the show), they don't want anything that could in  anyway be deemed as racist, homophobic, media slurs, offcom complaints etc. After reading through this it does seem like a lot more has gone on than what they're revealing, though.

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