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I agree - John was a legend and so funny on BBBM
What is legendary about being booted out second on cbb5 and first on ubb.
He didn't do anything but pick his nose and eat it and not speak for 3 days first time round and two days in ubb.
His tot task was funny I'll admit but one swallow does not make a summer.
One the whole he was just a repulsive man.
I did like him on bbbm but that was only because he ladled into jjames whom I can't stand.
He cheated us as a hm who took the money and ran.
Everything else aside ...............Coolio did get right up in her face and shouted at her that it was his house etc. It seems that many see it as a joke ................personally I saw it as very threatening and incredibly rude behaviour.

OK Nadia screamed and shouted at the shoe fiasco but he'd already wound her up.

In the CBB that he was in some of the HM's felt intimidated by him ..................I think some of the HM's this time around too. It's all very well to say - he was just joking it is intimidating none the lest.

Soozy Woo
Hi RZB - yes he was
HI BF, It was only when I heard a H/M say it was Stuart before he actually got into the house that I wondered, I guess he's the guy that carried a picture of his young daughter in the house, & was pally with Dale, I think that did a calendar, Although to be honest, I didn't reconise him,

Good point today BF.  & congrats on the baby news,
I suppose the only thing to assume here from BB's blatant hypocrisy and favouritism is they want Nadia to win, or at least want her more than they wanted Coolio for whatever bizarre reason. I don't ever remember any scenario where BB effectively removed someone from the house where anyone said 'what the hell was that for?'. Outrageous really.

I didn't want Coolio to win, I didn't even like him, but I will desperately be hoping Nadia doesn't come anywhere close to winning now.
I don't ever remember any scenario where BB effectively removed someone from the house where anyone said 'what the hell was that for?'.
I don't think they did remove him - he wanted to go because he knew he was unpopular. BB agreed because it was somehow knocking the balance of the house. Coolio wanted it to be 'The Coolio Show''s not really what the Ultimate BB should be all about.

Soozy Woo
They couldn't wait to get rid of him.  There was no begging to go and waiting for hours for them to get back to him.  It reminded me of the night the girl (can't rem her name) was ejected for using the N word and she didn't even have shoes on her feet.  
He said he would do the same thing again and didn't care how much hassle it caused.  Only one word for someone like that in my opinion.

I would love to see the unedited version of the Diary Room chat.  He was talking to them one second and being told where the door was the next.  Something else went on that they don't want us to know.
I don't think they did remove him - he wanted to go because he knew he was unpopular. BB agreed because it was somehow knocking the balance of the house. Coolio wanted it to be 'The Coolio Show''s not really what the Ultimate BB should be all about.
They gave him no choice but to walk. They made out he was the one causing all the problems when in fact it was Nadia who went absolutely mental over nothing. They put him in a position where he just couldn't stay. What I don't get is how the BB producers don't see Nadia as far more dangerous and confrontational and in fact highly likely to take a swing at someone if the stupid bitch doesn't get her way. 

He walked before he was pushed, simple as that. And he had no problems with anyone else in the house apart from Nikki who is quite capable of falling out with the doormat and crying for hours.
What I don't get is how the BB producers don't see Nadia as far more dangerous and confrontational
Confrontational yes 9although i think she gets on with most of them) but dangerous no. Over excitable, divaish but she's not stupid.

Interestingly quite a few expressed relief at Coolios departure ...........i think his type of game play was just wrong for this Ultimate BB. It should be a bit of fun doesn't need to end on a sour note and I don't think Coolio really understood that - he said quite openly that he just wanted to break people down. Not nice really.

Soozy Woo
i didn't like coolio..............but i think it's highly strange that sam was almost encouraged to carry on 'winding up' corin......even to the point he was shown in the d/r saying 'tomorrow i'm going to do this and that'.....and 'i'm going to turn it round on her and make her feel bad'...........and yet coolio says almost the same thing and he's encouraged to leave.........

i didn't like him.......i thought he was an egotistical prat..........yes he shouted and screamed...but so did nadia.........coolio at points acted like a 2 year old..........but that's still no reason to encourage him to leave.......

none of it adds up.......either bb aren't telling us/showing us something that has happened or........well actually i dunno what the or could be?
He has a problem with all women Prom. He admitted he was going to make them cry so they would all leave again only one word for someone like that.
i agree tayto.......but bb knew that when they asked him to go in.........they knew the type of character he was so why ask him in the first place when there have been hundreds and hundreds of h/mates over the years
Interestingly quite a few expressed relief at Coolios departure
I wanted him out before all this happened, but not like that. She's the one that deserved to go it was painfully transparent she was just trying to get him out, threatening to walk and screaming like she was possessed by the bloody devil himself. She has landed on my top five most hated HM's ever list and that's saying something lol.
There's stuff here that we're not being shown. The HMs are still talking about it today. Nick has said something about Coolio making remarks on Friday Night / Saturday morning which were "unforgivable".

I suspect that BB don't want another Shilpa controversy, so got Coolio to leave quietly without showing the full extent of what went on. The problem is that it then makes Nadia look bad, but they seem to care far less about that.
I don't think she does a pretty good job of that all by herself
But my point is that we haven't been shown what exactly she was reacting to. It's not just Nick that's mentioned Coolio's remarks. For all we know, her reaction could be perfectly understandable. It's just that BB doesn't want to go out on another Ofcom inquiry.
Reference: petercat
There's stuff here that we're not being shown. The HMs are still talking about it today. Nick has said something about Coolio making remarks on Friday Night / Saturday morning which were "unforgivable".
i'm inclined to agree.........cos i can't see coolio just rolling over and going........they didn't say he HAD to leave........they asked him how it could be resoved(or words to that effect) and he said he wasn't going to apologise and carry on as he was doing.............none of it makes sense
But my point is that we haven't been shown what exactly she was reacting to. It's not just Nick that's mentioned Coolio's remarks. For all we know, her reaction could be perfectly understandable. It's just that BB doesn't want to go out on another Ofcom inquiry.
As conspiracy theories go, it's a pretty good one. It certainly seems there's more to this than they want us to know, very strange diary room edit in the HL's which just seemed to 'jump' to him leaving.
I haven't watched tonights HLs yet, so can't comment on what has been shown, but on DS people are saying that Nicks said Coolio was on his 3rd and final warning.

Today when V&M went in the main house, Victor was just starting to talk about it (sure he mentioned Coolio going crazy) and it was sound dipped.

I suspect there is more to this than meets the eye.
dunno prom.........but there did seem to be large chunks of the chat cut out......maybe whatever 'it' was was discussed during the part we weren't shown?........i just can't see coolio rolling over and agreeing to go when he insisted he hadn't done anything wrong and it was a joke to suddenly saying he didn't want a bad atmosphere in there cos of him and to 'let me out brother'........
In the DR Coolio said something along the lines of 'she's the one who went crazy over hiding some shoes' so if there is some sinister event we're not aware of surely he would have alluded to that instead?
Not if it made him look bad, and the whole "story" has been heavily edited anyway, to the extent that you yourself described some of it as very strange.

I don't think there's a conspiracy here - that's too heavy a word to describe it. I just think there's a lot of spin on the part of Endemol and Channel 4.

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