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They pushed him out the door because no one in there liked him. It was painful to watch ................coolio isn't everyone's cup of tea and the dynamics simply weren't tworking.

I think it was a pretty poor decision to put him in there in the first place. This is ultimate BB ...............I've never recognised him as a 'proper' BB housemate ..........simply an arrogant buffoon with an over inflated opinion of his own popularity.

Soozy Woo
Meanwhile Sam Pepper is a BB legend for doing the exact same thing while the same producers more or less supported him. I cant take this show any longer.
As I said in another thread - what if  Corin had kicked off like that? I bet they would have said the usual pap.. " Big brother suggests that you discuss this with Sam.. blah blah..."
I knew that Coolio had hidden Nadia's shoes, but assumed that he had left because he'd done something much worse that would be shown on tonight's highlights show.  I'm really shocked that he was pushed out like that.  Nadia really shouldn't have been put in the house again, she's clearly several slices short of a loaf.  What a shame that the two best housemates have gone aleady. 
unlike Coolio she was a very popular winner Note 'popular' and 'winner'
We're not talking about popular here we're talking about right and wrong. Popular doesn't come into it, either does winner. Most of the winners aren't even in there. The only important issue here is Coolio, for a stupid prank and imitating her voice has been forced out because of her disgraceful, selfish not to mention borderline insane behaviour.

She knew how to get Josie out. She knew how to get Coolio out too. Shame on BB for letting the vile creature get away with it.
IF per-chance Coolio WAS thrown out for something that we dont know about, then surely we have a RIGHT to know?  Otherwise, as has happened, it would appear that Coolio was thrown out for trying to hide some shoes as a prank and mimiking Nadias voice.  Do BB WANT to look like complete idiots then?  It points more and more to me that Coolio had a pre-arrangement with BB to leave by a certain date.  There is no other explanation for it is there?

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