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The rise

Charlie came into the house like the twins, at an advantage, the twins had each other, Charlie had her snobby middle classed Mother. Charlie, more than the twins used the safety of "Mum" at every opportunity. Charlie coasted in the house for weeks, as none of the HM's wanted to go against her, her mother or God forbid Dan. Charlie realised two things very quickly, Callum fancied the pants off her, and Charlie found herself attracted to Daley, hell even Ma' Travers liked Daley. The spanner in the works came in the form of Hazel, Daley fancied her not Charlie. I believe it was at this point Charlie's resentment of Hazel grew, remember Charlie made a point of asserting, that Daley was definately her type, but as he had a girlfriend, she wouldn't go there, I believe that to be true. Also remember the wierd questioning Charlie did to Hazel, surrounding Hazel's former boyfriend who committed suicide? That was very cold of Charlie, and I can't think of another person on the planet who would go there, or be so insensitive but Charlie's usual "Oh I'm sorry I didn't think"routine didn't wash with me, it was nasty plain and simple. I think the thing that irked Charlie, was Hazel's ruthless attitude in terms of getting a bit of Daley. Charlie soon switched her attention to Callum, she didn't fancy him one bit, but loved the attention he gave her, whilst loving her mother's dissaproval of Callum. Charlie was on a roll, she had air time, she had Callum eating out of her hand, and now Dexter seemed to want her too(He didn't, he just wanted to wind up Callum)

Ok, back to Hazel, Charlie really couldn't stand her but unlike Gina, Charlie decided t become Hazel's "Frenemy" but this was a bad move, as Cucumbergate was to prove.


The fall

When Charlie and Hazel had that spat over the rough useage of a cucumber, during horseplay, the first thing Charlie threw at Hazel was Daley! This threw Hazel, as she must have been thinking why has she gone there? That was enough for Hazel, she knew Charlie was a false friend. Hazel rarely goes after someone she dislikes on her own, the more people she has on side, the better, she has a pack mentality, so last night after the noms bomb-Hazel knew this was her moment to deflect and make Charlie look as bad as possible, and it worked. People think the real enemies in the house were Gina and Hazel, but in fact the real resentment that Charlie and Hazel had for each other, had been simmering for weeks.

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agree with most of that but one very improtant thing is prior to Hazel and Charlie becoming 'friends' Gina had started things and planted seeds of doubt when she informed Charlie about the trash talk Hazel was doing behind Charlie's back which she had observed while in the SH.. playing on Charlie's insecurities...


Charlie threw that at Hazel in one of their D&P convo's but she never actually said it in words just insinuations ..  things  like 'I heard.. . yeah no yeah yeah no no no...  then I put aside things in my head.... . there were 3 occasions I was told abo.... no yeah yeah no no.. decided to give it a go anyway.. yeah no yeah yeah yeah,,  all incomplete sentences or insinuations ..none of which anyone who didn't know the background would have a clue as to what she was actually saying.


in fact that is the content of all her convo's have to be a mind reader to know what she is actually getting at.. or like us have seen the event she is alluding to 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Aimee:


I think Hazel will be the one to come out of this looking bad as she seems to be turning everyone against Charlie, I agree Charlie has coasted her way through but what I don't get is why Charlie is getting the flak for something her friend said who had seen the Hazel and Daley thing first hand 

Guilt on Hazels part knowing she hadn't wiped the man theif thing out of the viewers head at all as much as she had hoped they forget it and needing a target at hand to attack as the friend wasn't there.. plus the accusations that Charlie is sly and manipulative coming from people that nommed her..  all added up to create a great nights LF viewing. 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Aimee:


I think Hazel will be the one to come out of this looking bad as she seems to be turning everyone against Charlie, I agree Charlie has coasted her way through but what I don't get is why Charlie is getting the flak for something her friend said who had seen the Hazel and Daley thing first hand 

Hazel bit of deflection there, as someone else pointed out, Hazel thought she had come out of the whole Daley debacle relatively unscathed, remember the public saved her last week, so in Hazel's head, that meant she was forgiven. Up pops Charlie's mate to remind the house, more importantly the viewers, that Hazel was nothing more than a "Man teef" and a bitch..Hazel was livid, did you count the F bombs, after she exploded after F&F noms? Hazel is not a girls girl, she sees other women as threats, so when she goes on the attack, she will go for the jugular every time..Hazel was merely trying to make Charlie look as bad as possible, to help her stand a chance on friday..My own view? I feel  Hazel has banged the final nail in her coffin, she's a gonner this friday.

Senora Reyes
Last edited by Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

agree with most of that but one very improtant thing is prior to Hazel and Charlie becoming 'friends' Gina had started things and planted seeds of doubt when she informed Charlie about the trash talk Hazel was doing behind Charlie's back which she had observed while in the SH.. playing on Charlie's insecurities...


Charlie threw that at Hazel in one of their D&P convo's but she never actually said it in words just insinuations ..  things  like 'I heard.. . yeah no yeah yeah no no no...  then I put aside things in my head.... . there were 3 occasions I was told abo.... no yeah yeah no no.. decided to give it a go anyway.. yeah no yeah yeah yeah,,  all incomplete sentences or insinuations ..none of which anyone who didn't know the background would have a clue as to what she was actually saying.


in fact that is the content of all her convo's have to be a mind reader to know what she is actually getting at.. or like us have seen the event she is alluding to 

Dexter also fuelled and alluded to Charlie, that Hazel was not trustworthy..It wasn't just Gina.

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Baz:
I tend to think Hazel's fate is sealed , however I actually thought she came out on top in the battle of the baitches last night

I agree with all that Baz. I thought I'd be the only one who thought Hazel came out better I see Charlie's getting the sympathy vote in the house today from some. Personally I think she's brought a lot of her problems on herself

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Baz:
I totally agree YR I never believed Charlie's * oh dear, I never meant to be nasty* excuses !!About time her * butter wouldn't melt* persona got sussed

I do wonder if she has some sort of personality disorder as she seems to be totally without self awareness, no filter to what comes out of her mouth and it seems to take her a long while to realise that what she's said is offensive or totally without empathy 

Originally Posted by Baz:
I totally agree YR I never believed Charlie's * oh dear, I never meant to be nasty* excuses !!About time her * butter wouldn't melt* persona got sussed

I find it hard to believe she doesn't mean what she says when she suddenly throws a comment from left field that takes the other person by surprise. Perhaps she's trying to be like her friend if she admires her bluntness. Personally I think being too blunt is an excuse to be rude.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

agree with most of that but one very improtant thing is prior to Hazel and Charlie becoming 'friends' Gina had started things and planted seeds of doubt when she informed Charlie about the trash talk Hazel was doing behind Charlie's back which she had observed while in the SH.. playing on Charlie's insecurities...


Charlie threw that at Hazel in one of their D&P convo's but she never actually said it in words just insinuations ..  things  like 'I heard.. . yeah no yeah yeah no no no...  then I put aside things in my head.... . there were 3 occasions I was told abo.... no yeah yeah no no.. decided to give it a go anyway.. yeah no yeah yeah yeah,,  all incomplete sentences or insinuations ..none of which anyone who didn't know the background would have a clue as to what she was actually saying.


in fact that is the content of all her convo's have to be a mind reader to know what she is actually getting at.. or like us have seen the event she is alluding to 

Dexter also fuelled and alluded to Charlie, that Hazel was not trustworthy..It wasn't just Gina.

oh yeah and him too. .I forgot for a minute both of them were in there..

Mount Olympus *Olly*

I think Hazel is a gonna this week to, not because of anything other than 'the sisterhood',I've seen it in operation for some time now, women are their own worst enemies.


Say what you like about blokes, and I will mostly agree with you, but we understand far more that the reason women will never rule the world, is because come the final,character defining choice, they will always bin the bird and forgive the bloke.


Originally Posted by Baz:
I tend to think its simpler than that Pengy I think she says exactly what she likes , and then pretends she didn't mean it ....

she thinks out loud. .that is always dangerous. .been known to do a bit of that myself and worst of all I tend to fret if I then think I've upset someone or fret if I think I am not liked. .stupid I know I too have always wanted to be a sod them person but lack the confidence and self belief to ignore haters..  so then feel an urgent need like Charlie to rectify it immediately to make the feeling in my tummy go away quickly.. ..


but, and this is a big but, I don't go asking a zillion people how to go about rectifying my cock up first... I go straight back to the person I think I have upset,  when like Charlie I should wait a bit until they've calmed down if I have really upset them..  talking real life here, not forum life.. on those I  tend to mainly upset people I actually have no allegiance or friendships with so am not so bothered. 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I think Hazel is a gonna this week to, not because of anything other than 'the sisterhood',I've seen it in operation for some time now, women are their own worst enemies.


Say what you like about blokes, and I will mostly agree with you, but we understand far more that the reason women will never rule the world, is because come the final,character defining choice, they will always bin the bird and forgive the bloke.


I must be a weird woman then cos I am and always was in favour of binning them both and always would be 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I think Hazel is a gonna this week to, not because of anything other than 'the sisterhood',I've seen it in operation for some time now, women are their own worst enemies.


Say what you like about blokes, and I will mostly agree with you, but we understand far more that the reason women will never rule the world, is because come the final,character defining choice, they will always bin the bird and forgive the bloke.


I must be a weird woman then cos I am and always was in favour of binning them both and always would be 

But Olls, you are one in a million, I always knew it.


Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Great post Senora.


I agree with everything but the bit about Charlie going in with an advantage...the only HM that went into the house with an advantage is Sam.

Thanks Vid. He had the biggest advantage definately..


But I never agreed with HM's going in with loved ones, that is crazy too.


I blame Samanda.

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

Great post Senora.


I agree with everything but the bit about Charlie going in with an advantage...the only HM that went into the house with an advantage is Sam.

Thanks Vid. He had the biggest advantage definately..


But I never agreed with HM's going in with loved ones, that is crazy too.


I blame Samanda.

LOL's totally agree, it's up there with F&F nominatiing, it's just not on...Even though Sophie's Nan was legendary last night..

Senora Reyes

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