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Chris and Nathan were very good.
(I am always a little suspicious about how programmes like this are edited; I doubt we are seeing things "as they happened" in many cases.)
Interesting tonight that some establishments insisted on headwear(at least) in the kitchen while in others there seemed to be no kitchen hygiene or protective clothing.
2 things which amused me:
> some contestants struggling and getting further and further behind. Perhaps one reason could be that a television camera crew and 3 visitors arrived in the kitchen to ask them questions!
> Sara Willingham wearing a white hat in the kitchen. However there were tresses and locks of hair pouring down over her shoulders onto her breasts and down her back. Protection was minimal. All topped off by a tiny bit of white card on the crown of her head. Looked very silly.
Love the programme
I like the London lads, Chris and Nathan. Their efficiency and their relationship.
The two London lads, who were my favourites after last week, seem to stand out a mile in their efficiency. Long may it continue, as I like them.

The winkers, particularly the chef one really annoy me - he really looked as though he couldn't cope, and as if he was hating every minute. I can't see them lasting long.
And was it me, or was the flower shop wife working in slow motion?
And some of the pizzas they turned out looked like bricks!!
This year feels very staged. We are obviously expected to dislike the two blonde chaps and I'm sure the edit they get is designed to help us along the way. This week was a very tall order. Chefs in Japan study for years to become Sushi chefs I think it's nigh-on impossible to get to professional standard in an afternoon. Still, great free advertising for all three chains. Also the tubby blonde couple, I don't like the way, when they are in shot, the camera starts at their bellies and pans up. Almost to remind us of their rotundness. At least were into the restaurent stage now. I'm liking the two girls more and more...particularly the blonde.
Teddy Bleads

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