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Reference: Fairfax
Difference is JJ does it behind peoples backs and mostly to females or those he pervceives as weaker. Sam on the other hand is dishing it out to their faces and not just to one person either.
Mainly Josie, from what I've seen.

But that, to me, just indicates that he has even stronger traits of anti-social personality disorder, than John James.
To mainly Josie IYO,again they have a history from lock down,a history that makes him think she is not being real....None of us were there,none of us can say with certainty she was EXACTLY the same as then,we can assume but cannot be certain,he does have the advantage over us on that one imo,should he be more specific why he formed the opinion he has?....I think best not .
Nah, he's dishing it out to the others as well. It's just she's very vocal about it but in fairness to her his jibes have been near the knuckle.
I agree FF....TBH if I were her I'd have it all out with him,lay all the cards on the table....I think she's quite capable of that and she has from her own mouth said she has a nasty streak,why hold back with him,let him have it face to face.
Reference: Lee
To mainly Josie IYO,again they have a history from lock down,a history that makes him think she is not being real....None of us were there,none of us can say with certainty she was EXACTLY the same as then,we can assume but cannot be certain,he does have the advantage over us on that one imo,should he be more specific why he formed the opinion he has?....I think best not .
Mario and Dave were in the same group and don't seem to have noticed her being different in the house.

We've seen her for how many weeks now?
Do you honestly think she could act for that long?

I still believe that she stood up to his abuse in lockdown and he came in with an agenda against her.
Reference: cologne
As was Josie in her witchhunt towards Sunshine and Keeva.
I agree that she was a bit over the top with Queefer, but what is this witchhunt against Sunshine?

She said that she had told her she was making herself look a bit tight, not sharing her crisps, and then had a bit of a giggle about it, with Corin.

Is that a witchhunt, nowadays?
She said that she had told her she was making herself look a bit tight, not sharing her crisps, and then had a bit of a giggle about it, with Corin.
The thing is that Sunshine didn't actually make herself look tight, that was just Josie's point of view, she didn't have to make Sunshine feel as bad as she did about it and, without her pointing it out several times, the others would have let it go.
cologne 1
I agree FF....TBH if I were her I'd have it all out with him,lay all the cards on the table....I think she's quite capable of that and she has from her own mouth said she has a nasty streak,why hold back with him,let him have it face to face.
Lee, she would only do all of what you suggested if she really loved him, she doesn't. she is running with her love story and has managed to get him on sight with it. When he hugs her it is like he is hugging a child and if her feeling for him were genuine she would have by now shown some self respect and distant herself from him. That's why Sam has made it his business to be on her case.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Reference: cologne
The thing is that Sunshine didn't actually make herself look tight, that was just Josie's point of view, she didn't have to make Sunshine feel as bad as she did about it and, without her pointing it out several times, the others would have let it go.
She said it once, to Sunshine, and then told the others she had said it. She and Corin giggled about it, while the others got more and more cross about it.

Shabby and Queefer were already fuming about it, long before Josie said anything, and every single housemate had said something about it, to Sunshine.

She also stood up for Sunshine, several times, and told John James off for arguing with her.

Can't see that as a witchhunt.
I still believe that she stood up to his abuse in lockdown and he came in with an agenda against her.
All the more reason to do likewise now....Let him have it,face to face let him have it with both barrels,imo why hold back if she may have done it in lock down put him in his place face to face now and get it over with.,
Reference: Blue Diamond
Lee, she would only do all of what you suggested if she really loved him, she doesn't. she is running with her love story and has managed to get him on sight with it. When he hugs her it is like he is hugging a child and if her feeling for him were genuine she would have by now shown some self respect and distant herself from him. That's why Sam has made it his business to be on her case.
He has told her that they will discuss it when they get out.

That's what's keeping her hopes up.
There is no way that she is acting in all this.

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