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Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

Chest freezer has packed in, just lost over Β£100 of food. Insurance says there is Β£100 excess on the policy, but our copy seems to say Frozen food IS NOT included on the excess. Lady on phone says she has checked policy twice and the excess does apply to frozen food - so we are stymied!

Awwwww EFFT


Some of my lovely friends had a calendar of pictures I had taken of my now deceased swan family from up my local park. All the pictures have been absolutely beautiful but this one is truly stunning, in my opinion 

Its October’s. I haven’t looked at any of the months in advance so everyone is a surprise 

More by shear luck than judgement I managed to capture not only the concentric circles of a drop of water that fell off her bill into the water but the next drop of water just about to drop off her bill πŸ™‚


Images (1)
  • mceclip0
@Moonie posted:

Some of my lovely friends had a calendar of pictures I had taken of my now deceased swan family from up my local park. All the pictures have been absolutely beautiful but this one is truly stunning, in my opinion 

Its October’s. I haven’t looked at any of the months in advance so everyone is a surprise 

More by shear luck than judgement I managed to capture not only the concentric circles of a drop of water that fell off her bill into the water but the next drop of water just about to drop off her bill πŸ™‚

Awwww gorgeous Moonie 


My niece (in Dorset) who has been unemployed for about 18 months, was due to start a new job on Saturday. Unfortunately, this was in a NON-ESSENTIAL shop. Back to square one!!!!!

We're hoping that, if as and when lockdown is lifted again, the business will still be able to employ her 'again'.

Awwww that’s a shame EFFT But did you mean to post this in the SIT


Some people's priorities have become somewhat skewed.

We are in the middle of a pandemic, people are dropping like flies.......and they are complaining about the post being a few days late!!!! They're dammed lucky we are still getting a postal service at all!

I agree in principle  , but I guess it depends what people are expecting to be delivered EFFT .

@Baz posted:

I agree in principle  , but I guess it depends what people are expecting to be delivered EFFT .

What they are expecting to be delivered makes no difference, as far as I see it. The postal service is no less vulnerable to this virus than anyone or any business else. Staff go sick or have to isolate therefore the workforce could be depleted, but the same amount of work has to be dealt with. Yes, a lot of it is automated, but there is still a human element to the service......and that needs to be adapted to the pandemic safety rules - so we should not be expecting things to carry on as if nothing had ever happened!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
@Former Member posted:

Not too bad thanx , usual chore type things to do plus trying to expel enough energy so that I can sleep at night <<<that's a hard one to do with this nasty bug doing the rounds.

Yes, that’s how I feel too Jewel anxiety levels are through the roof ......but on the plus side my house has never been so clean .

@Baz posted:

Yes, that’s how I feel too Jewel anxiety levels are through the roof ......but on the plus side my house has never been so clean .

@Former Member posted:

Not too bad thanx , usual chore type things to do plus trying to expel enough energy so that I can sleep at night <<<that's a hard one to do with this nasty bug doing the rounds.

Prsonally, I find that having a mug of DECAF tea shortly before going to bed acts like a sleeping draught.

Or you could try some Valerian tablets.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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