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@slimfern posted:

Hi Baz
Yeah it's not been too bad here....although the guy in the local shop had pictures of a lifted roof on one of the buildings up the hill and a fallen tree on his route into work.
You alright up there in Cheshire?

Glad it’s not too bad down there ….it’s been quite rough here for the last couple of hours , but I’m hoping it will ease off soon ….

@Baz posted:

Glad it’s not too bad down there ….it’s been quite rough here for the last couple of hours , but I’m hoping it will ease off soon ….

On the news just now they were showing the snow fall on the Pennines...bit North of you thankfully cos it looked bitterly cold ..didn't envy the poor reporter one bit...and I usually like a bit of snow

@slimfern posted:

On the news just now they were showing the snow fall on the Pennines...bit North of you thankfully cos it looked bitterly cold ..didn't envy the poor reporter one bit...and I usually like a bit of snow

Yes, I saw that …poor guy …..but I’d much rather have snow than wind ….in fact I would much rather anything than wind !

Last edited by Baz

Hi there Baz and Slim, happy to see you've weathered the storm relatively ok.. In my we pocket of Lanarkshire  we got one early sleet shower (not enough snow even for a snowball!) then it's just been light rain showers. I can see the snow on all the hills around me though and it is bitterly cold.

Hi Fluffy
Sounds very picturesque where you are, although the cold is a bit of a put off
Happy to hear you didn't suffer the storm too badly...let's hope it stays that way


Hi there Baz and Slim, happy to see you've weathered the storm relatively ok.. In my we pocket of Lanarkshire  we got one early sleet shower (not enough snow even for a snowball!) then it's just been light rain showers. I can see the snow on all the hills around me though and it is bitterly cold.

Hi EFFT Yes, we survived …..but you can send me down some snow


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