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@slimfern posted:

Have been out for lunch ...was okay but not keen on the amount of Christmas parties being we sat in a booth near the double doors which were open

Glad you had a nice time , but I don’t blame you sitting by the open doors â€Ķ.especially if the predictions from the scientists turn out to be correct .

@slimfern posted:

Yep not too bad at all thanks
Enjoyed a bit of fresh air this morning now defrosting the freezer for a deep clean and to get rid of those boxes/pkts with very little in of those necessary evils

Need the space for Crimble treats

Thankfully mine defrosts itself automatically â€Ķ.I hated that job .

@Baz posted:

Thankfully mine defrosts itself automatically â€Ķ.I hated that job .

Mine is supposed to but my lot have a habit of standing with the door open whilst they decide what delight they are going to have   Have half a mind to get a lock on it so it can only be opened by me...can you imagine the outrage that would cause

How's your ĖķdĖķaĖķyĖķ  wallowing going?

Last edited by slimfern
@slimfern posted:

Mine is supposed to but my lot have a habit of standing with the door open whilst they decide what delight they are going to have   Have half a mind to get a lock on it so it can only be opened by me...can you imagine the outrage that would cause

How's your ĖķdĖķaĖķyĖķ  wallowing going?

â€Ķ..perhaps you can rig up a timer â€Ķ.or put a big note on the freezer


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