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@Baz posted:

Goodnight Slim .....sleep well and sweet dreams


Hope you managed a good night and are feeling up to strolling out on this glorious day

Missed the end of GBM last night cos Dad got into a mess with his puter & then got a call from my BIL...wanting me to make plans to go visit<<<<once he gets yakking ...I'd swear he was a woman if I didn't know him

@Baz posted:

Afternoon SlimI had a good idea where you had gone last night ...Did you manage to see who went ? It is sunny here too ...although not that warm . I did go for a short walk , but I had a bad night , and am still not feeling right .....I think it might be side effects from the jab hopefully it will pass off soon !

Make sure you take things easy & rest up where needed, till you feel 100% (or at least back to normal)

No didn't see who went last night but will catch up this evening


Watched a film last night, but didn't realise how late it was when it finished, so did a few other things then went to bed about 3:30 am, thus it was about 10:15 when I awoke this morning. Hope everyone is well.

Have you seen the latest Cummings/Downing Street spat? ................................ When thieves fall out, eh?

Blimey Fluffs were up later than me! ...Must have been a good film?

I've caught the gist of Cummings vs Johnson....tbh I wouldn't believe a word either of them said ...or anyone in government or ex government if truth be told

Afternoon All

@Baz posted:

Afternoon SlimGlad one of us slept well !I hope you had a nice stroll . I went for a walk too ... managed 3kms ...go me .

Hey Baz
Definitely 'go you'...hopefully it'll help you to sleep better tonight
I went so far & then sat down ...fed the ducks & swans...sat for a while before a slow stroll back home...a total lazy day
Made a curry for dinner which Dad complained about....''Where's the meat'' ....he doesn't consider a meal as a meal without meat .. (because I don't eat meat.... I am slowly trying to wean him off it ) not sure it's working tbh but I'll keep trying

Last edited by slimfern
@slimfern posted:

Hey Baz
Definitely 'go you'...hopefully it'll help you to sleep better tonight
I went so far & then sat down ...fed the ducks & swans...sat for a while before a slow stroll back home...a total lazy day
Made a curry for dinner which Dad complained about....''Where's the meat'' ....he doesn't consider a meal as a meal without meat .. (because I don't eat meat.... I am slowly trying to wean him off it ) not sure it's working tbh but I'll keep trying

Awwww that sounds a lovely day Slim…..but good luck with your dad

@Baz posted:

Afternoon Slim Chilly and wet here today ….hope it’s better where you are .

Afternoon Baz Is a bit overcast here now, still managed to dry some laundry earlier...

Took me out for a walk over the bridge, stopped for a good chat with the homeless guy that sits between M&S and TK Maxx...grabbed him a bite to eat ...wandered back home....prepped dinner ........sister popped by again to clean (is a deal she has with my Dad going back a few years) <<<happy about that cos I swear I was not put on this earth to do chores
(Would rather work extra hours and pay someone to clean fer sure)

@slimfern posted:

Afternoon Baz Is a bit overcast here now, still managed to dry some laundry earlier...

Took me out for a walk over the bridge, stopped for a good chat with the homeless guy that sits between M&S and TK Maxx...grabbed him a bite to eat ...wandered back home....prepped dinner ........sister popped by again to clean (is a deal she has with my Dad going back a few years) <<<happy about that cos I swear I was not put on this earth to do chores
(Would rather work extra hours and pay someone to clean fer sure)

Awww I bet the homeless guy was appreciative of the chat and the food .Regards the cleaning …..I don’t mind that ….but would happily pay for someone to do the cooking , and I’d love a masseuse .

@Baz posted:

Awww I bet the homeless guy was appreciative of the chat and the food .Regards the cleaning …..I don’t mind that ….but would happily pay for someone to do the cooking , and I’d love a masseuse .

I'll cook for you if you clean for me
Not sure about becoming a masseuse though...especially when it comes to doing feet

I regularly see John (homeless chap)...made sure he was safe throughout this pandemic the best I could. If it wasn't for my Dad I would have offered him the use of our spare room....or at least the wet room

@slimfern posted:

I'll cook for you if you clean for me
Not sure about becoming a masseuse though...especially when it comes to doing feet

I regularly see John (homeless chap)...made sure he was safe throughout this pandemic the best I could. If it wasn't for my Dad I would have offered him the use of our spare room....or at least the wet room

It’s a deal Awww bless ….


I certainly did! not late to bed, woke at six to use the toilet, back to bed for (what I thought would be) another couple of hours...... and woke up again at half past ten!

Wow …..lucky you EFFT I had the strangest dream last night ….I dreamt it was xmas , but I couldn’t get a shopping delivery slot until mid January …..woke up in a right panic .


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