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@Baz posted:

Afternoon Slim and EFFT Glad the osprey are finally getting their act together .Lovely sunny day here , although we had a hailstorm over night .....but it was quite warm when I went in my walk this morning . Hope it’s nice where you are , and that you are having a good day .

Hey there Baz
Good to see you have been able to go for your walk today...despite the cold....and HAIL
We've seen some rain earlier but the sun is out now
Dad has just gone shopping to M& have turned the volume up on my nice to be able to take the headphones off for a change

@slimfern posted:

Hey there Baz
Good to see you have been able to go for your walk today...despite the cold....and HAIL
We've seen some rain earlier but the sun is out now
Dad has just gone shopping to M& have turned the volume up on my nice to be able to take the headphones off for a change

Way to go Slim .My M&S delivery came yesterday ....I do love a bit of M&S food .

@slimfern posted:

Yeah M&S do the luxury stuff pretty damn well ....I do like the Coop for their ethic & British first policy

I do my main shop at Sainsbury’s .....but I’m a sucker for M&S food .....used to pop up there once a week in the *good old days * before Covid (and my ankle ).....made my day when Ocado started delivering it last September .

@Baz posted:

Awwww....impatient in what way ? Were they crowding you Slim ?

Silly things that would normally not bother me have bothered side stepping to let a person go by and them still brushing past....people not saying thank you...just ignorant! ...Other people's children screeching & throwing tantrums
It's probably lack of sleep

@slimfern posted:

Silly things that would normally not bother me have bothered side stepping to let a person go by and them still brushing past....people not saying thank you...just ignorant! ...Other people's children screeching & throwing tantrums
It's probably lack of sleep

Awwwww .....lack of sleep is a bummer makes everything seem blown out of proportion ....although tbh those things would have annoyed me anyway .

@slimfern posted:

Baz & Fluffs

Is the Osprey clipped is it known that it's the same bird each year?

louis and aila are not ringed, but we can tell it's them because they have very distinctive markings. louis has a lot of dark/black on his head/face. if he looks straight into the camera it's like he's just been to a face painting party. Aila has a very large amount of brown speckles on her chest and a very clear and distinctive 'delta' at the front of her face/head, just above the beak and very little at the back. Aila's still not arrived yet, so there are large periods of the day when the nest is empty.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

louis and aila are not ringed, but we can tell it's them because they have very distinctive markings. louis has a lot of dark/black on his head/face. if he looks straight into the camera it's like he's just been to a face painting party. Aila has a very large amount of brown speckles on her chest and a very clear and distinctive 'delta' at the front of her face/head, just above the beak and very little at the back. Aila's still not arrived yet, so there are large periods of the day when the nest is empty.

Just looked and Louis is on the nest.

Awwww ....that’s lovely EFFT .

@Baz posted:

Hi Slim and EFFT Yayyyyy glad you slept ok Slim ....makes all the difference , doesn’t it. I’ve hardly slept at all the last  couple of nobody better upset me !

Hey....hoping you're feeling a bit more relaxed

Dad had a bit of a catastrophe in the kitchen so missed the end of Masterchef.....what was the result?


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