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@slimfern posted:

Afternoon Baz
Thoroughly enjoying the sunshine ...I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the weekend as am having a BBQ in the back garden with the family

How's your day going....been out for a walk?

Awww that will be lovely for you all Slim....I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you .Yes, I went for another 2k walk ....I was going to try another *circuit* ....but my legs started moaning . By the way , knowing how you like crafts and saving stuff , have you seen the new programme that is on bbc 2 at 6.30? Moonie and I checked  it out last night was good....and I think right up your street .

@Baz posted:

Awww that will be lovely for you all Slim....I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you .Yes, I went for another 2k walk ....I was going to try another *circuit* ....but my legs started moaning . By the way , knowing how you like crafts and saving stuff , have you seen the new programme that is on bbc 2 at 6.30? Moonie and I checked  it out last night was good....and I think right up your street .

2k is a fair walk Baz...well done you ....was wise to stop if your ankle was having a moan though

I watched a bit of the show you're talking of 'saved and remade'......loved the table light with the rotary blade...very cool
I like to watch 'the repair shop' all depends on if I remember these shows are on.
Totally missed all the cookery ones last night cos was watching Merlin

@slimfern posted:

2k is a fair walk Baz...well done you ....was wise to stop if your ankle was having a moan though

I watched a bit of the show you're talking of 'saved and remade'......loved the table light with the rotary blade...very cool
I like to watch 'the repair shop' all depends on if I remember these shows are on.
Totally missed all the cookery ones last night cos was watching Merlin

@Baz posted:

Afternoon SlimI hope you slept well and are having a good Wednesday .

Afternoon Baz ....was up till stupid o'clock, but feeling good
Took down our curtains + nets one by one this morning to wash....they're drying nicely outside...those curtain hooks can be really fiddly .......I've got blinds at home <<<< much easier to keep clean...besides, I don't like net curtains
Had to send my Dad over to sit in his friends garden to stop him from being a back seat to speak

Hope your day is going well

Happy midweek Wednesday All

@slimfern posted:

Afternoon Baz ....was up till stupid o'clock, but feeling good
Took down our curtains + nets one by one this morning to wash....they're drying nicely outside...those curtain hooks can be really fiddly .......I've got blinds at home <<<< much easier to keep clean...besides, I don't like net curtains
Had to send my Dad over to sit in his friends garden to stop him from being a back seat to speak

Hope your day is going well

Happy midweek Wednesday All

Awwww I always used to have nets , but we switched to vertical blinds just before Mr B was diagnosed . Lol at your dad being a back seat driver .

Last edited by Baz
@Baz posted:

Awwww I always used to have nets , but we switched to vertical blinds just before Mr B was diagnosed . Lol at your dad being a back seat driver .

He is a nightmare! ...used to try to give instruction as I was cooking when I first came to stay here.....until I told him to clear off out the bloody kitchen!! a passive assertive kind of way of course

@slimfern posted:

Hey Baz
Has been a good day....met up in Dawlish with my son & grandaughter....took a stroll along the sea front to Teignmouth...had a chippy lunch ...came home and had a nap
How's your day been ?

Awww that’s lovely SlimMy day hasn’t been great ...ibs playing up this afternoon .....but I did manage another 2km walk this morning .

@slimfern posted:

Sorry to hear that Baz
Well done on the walk though'll be the London marathon for you next year at this rate

I’ll be happy to get up to 3 Km.....trouble is I'm limited as to where I can walk ....and I’m getting bored with my route now anyone watching must be thinking wtf , she’s only just gone past again .

@Baz posted:

Afternoon and Happy Good Friday to you too Slim . I hope you are having a nice day .

Afternoon Baz
It's a lovely sunny day here so am making the most of it...took a walk in the opposite direction to my normal route alongside the river as the quay is heaving with flies to poop they are when it's not a work day

How's your day going?

@slimfern posted:

Afternoon Baz
It's a lovely sunny day here so am making the most of it...took a walk in the opposite direction to my normal route alongside the river as the quay is heaving with flies to poop they are when it's not a work day

How's your day going?

I tend to avoid the weekends for my walk for that reason ....especially if it’s sunny . I never went for a walk today but spent the time planting some summer flowering bulbs in the garden I got more than my fair share of exercise .I’ve got about another 60 to plant tomorrow .

@Baz posted:

I tend to avoid the weekends for my walk for that reason ....especially if it’s sunny . I never went for a walk today but spent the time planting some summer flowering bulbs in the garden I got more than my fair share of exercise .I’ve got about another 60 to plant tomorrow .

Make sure they'll be frost have sleet coming on Monday remember
Nice to have colour in the garden though ....can't wait to be able to get back into mine...Dad has paving with just hedging around.... ....easy for him to manage.
When I visit my mother in laws (just turned 93 years old) in Buckinghamshire I tend to spend most of my time in her is enormous and full of mature planting & absolute delight in the summer months...hard work though

@slimfern posted:

Make sure they'll be frost have sleet coming on Monday remember
Nice to have colour in the garden though ....can't wait to be able to get back into mine...Dad has paving with just hedging around.... ....easy for him to manage.
When I visit my mother in laws (just turned 93 years old) in Buckinghamshire I tend to spend most of my time in her is enormous and full of mature planting & absolute delight in the summer months...hard work though

Yes, I know .... my gardening tends to be the bung things in and they then have two chances ...grow or not . But they are all for planting in either March or early April , so....... Awwww lovely that you can help out in your mil garden .Ours is a corner plot , so reasonably sized ....but when Mr B was first diagnosed anticipation of what was coming .....we decided to get a gardener in to mow lawns , and do some of the heavy weeding . He’s been a godsend ....he even goes and gets (and plants up ) my bedding plants I get to do all the pottering bits .

Last edited by Baz

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