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Yes, Dorset is quite pleasant most of the time, (they're in Poole, within walking distance of the park, dolphin centre and The Quay.)

However one year when I was down (early 2018) It snowed quite heavily. It's normally a 10 minute drive between the two sisters' houses, but 2 hours after leaving one sister's we were only about half way to the other sister's. We phoned the first sister to let her know how things were going and said we'd phone again in an hour. We dully phoned back in an hour to report that we had managed to move about 10 feet. By that time we had decided that it made more sense to return to the first sister's, BUT..... as we were on a duel caridgeway we wouldn't be able to turn back until we got to the roundabout at the end.

Another hour later we finally got to the roundabout which was blocked by a large lorry and all traffic in all directions  was at a standstill. Eventually, with the aid of several other people, the lorry driver managed to move the lorry enough to unblock the roundabout and the traffic got slowly moving again. Once we were round the roundabout it only took about 4 minutes to get back to the first sister's house as there was hardly any traffic going in that direction,

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Yes, Dorset is quite pleasant most of the time, (they're in Poole, within walking distance of the park, dolphin centre and The Quay.)

However one year when I was down (early 2018) It snowed quite heavily. It's normally a 10 minute drive between the two sisters' houses, but 2 hours after leaving one sister's we were only about half way to the other sister's. We phoned the first sister to let her know how things were going and said we'd phone again in an hour. We dully phoned back in an hour to report that we had managed to move about 10 feet. By that time we had decided that it made more sense to return to the first sister's, BUT..... as we were on a duel caridgeway we wouldn't be able to turn back until we got to the roundabout at the end.

Another hour later we finally got to the roundabout which was blocked by a large lorry and all traffic in all directions  was at a standstill. Eventually, with the aid of several other people, the lorry driver managed to move the lorry enough to unblock the roundabout and the traffic got slowly moving again. Once we were round the roundabout it only took about 4 minutes to get back to the first sister's house as there was hardly any traffic going in that direction,

Nightmare EFFT I’m a southern girl .....Surrey ....who moved north over 30 years ago .....but I can remember a time when their were no ring roads ...... and the route  to the West Country in summer were nose to tail cars ....used to take 6/7 hours from Surrey to say Devon or Cornwall

@slimfern posted:

Heck that's some journey

I'm about 3 miles from Torquay...........well not right now I'm not cos am at my Dad's in Exeter ...also by a quay Tis the river Exe I walk alongside each day........

You think that was bad?

I was due to get the train home on the Thursday but UK wide there was no train service and no roads passable.

Sunday I was able to get a train to London then another to Carlisle where a coach was laid on to Glasgow. Scotrail trains were running by now and I got one to Motherwell where Mr Fluffy Thing met me with the car and we got home. That journey took 12 and a half hours!!!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Afternoon Slim and EFFT . How are you both today ? I slept quite well last night, but my ibs is playing up today ...if it’s not one thing it’s another !Having said that I’ve had quite a busy day . I’ve hoovered , dusted , cleaned kitchen , and done some more in the garden . In addition to that, I spent 10 minutes trying to unlock the garage so I could get the broom out .....I was just making up my mind that I would need to call the locksmith tomorrow .....because the gas man is coming on Wednesday to service the boiler ....when I suddenly realised I was using the wrong key .I hope your day is less confused than mine !

@Baz posted:

Afternoon Slim and EFFT . How are you both today ? I slept quite well last night, but my ibs is playing up today ...if it’s not one thing it’s another !Having said that I’ve had quite a busy day . I’ve hoovered , dusted , cleaned kitchen , and done some more in the garden . In addition to that, I spent 10 minutes trying to unlock the garage so I could get the broom out .....I was just making up my mind that I would need to call the locksmith tomorrow .....because the gas man is coming on Wednesday to service the boiler ....when I suddenly realised I was using the wrong key .I hope your day is less confused than mine !

Worra numpty!  Glad you realised though cos them smithies aren't cheap ....I feel exhausted just by looking at all you have done this morning *sits down*

Happy to hear you slept well ..........I was out early for my stroll....jumped in the shower then promptly fell asleep

@slimfern posted:

Worra numpty!  Glad you realised though cos them smithies aren't cheap ....I feel exhausted just by looking at all you have done this morning *sits down*

Happy to hear you slept well ..........I was out early for my stroll....jumped in the shower then promptly fell asleep

It looks more on paper than it was . I actually thought of having a nap this morning , but the garden was calling .I’ve just heard from my gardener ....not as posh at it sounds ....he just mows the lawns and does a bit of weeding ..... He starts again next week spring is definitely here.


Up here we can still get ground frosts into May, so the first mowing has a 6 week window in which it can happen. We brushed up all the fallen leaves an twigs before winter set in, but there's a new collection of debris needing swept up before the patio can get its spring cleaning bath. We have a KÃĪrcher pressure sprayer/patio cleaner for that.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Up here we can still get ground frosts into May, so the first mowing has a 6 week window in which it can happen. We brushed up all the fallen leaves an twigs before winter set in, but there's a new collection of debris needing swept up before the patio can get its spring cleaning bath. We have a KÃĪrcher pressure sprayer/patio cleaner for that.

I’ve got a Karcher too ....if I can remember how to work it .I tend to just use the hose . I was sweeping up today too ....and doing some weeding in between patio bricks .


Baz I like the sound that spring is here.....means summer is just round the corner woohoo! Am a real sun baby

I had a job demonstrating those Karcher washers in Costco at the Trafford centre ..Mancland a few years ago....god what a horrid job that was, but was only for two days thank goodness... after each shift was picked up by narrowboat as the centre backs onto the canal <<<<<liked that bit

@slimfern posted:

Baz I like the sound that spring is here.....means summer is just round the corner woohoo! Am a real sun baby

I had a job demonstrating those Karcher washers in Costco at the Trafford centre ..Mancland a few years ago....god what a horrid job that was, but was only for two days thank goodness... after each shift was picked up by narrowboat as the centre backs onto the canal <<<<<liked that bit

I’d be useless at anything like that ....practical and me don’t mix .Mind you , I’ve hot a bit better over the last three years ....what is it they say , necessity is the mother of invention .Mind you , I’m collecting a nice list  of workmen .


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