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The last day of BB.  I wandered in just 10 years ago.  My word but we had some great times.  We fought a few battles and got crushed a few times by the heartless and pointless authority of C4.  Cliques rose and flourished against a background of desperate support for our own chosen heroes. And many souls took fright and left.  Only the brave and determined got here.  We all had BB in common.  From here many forged unbreakable bonds of friendship and for some, love.

What our future holds we cannot tell, but for me I know that I will be forever grateful for the entertainment and the insights that BB has given me, and those friendships and love too.

Good luck to all of you.  Let us watch the few hours we have left and leave with smiles on our faces and happy memories. 

And raise our glasses to 'Absent friends'


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