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Ermmm.. ok
dumped by sean, rob back in Manchester in talks with Jamie about when were meeting up. Quit one job still doing the day job. Had a horrible weekend and now iv been asked to give a statement to the police about bouncer brutality. Only the bouncers in question are the ones i used to work with ARRGGG!!!
Hows you anyway.
Still dead happy with the job?
Rob i met the day before Sean but held off as i wanted to see if anything developed with Sean. Well nothing did but then he want back to Manchester. Jamie is a old old friend iv not seen in about 5 years. When we meet up it wont be in a romantic way and he knows this too.
Sorry about the job Renton. I hated my day job for nearly 2 years but after getting a promo and heading the distributors sales im starting to enjoy it now iv actually got work to be getting on with. I felt the same when the shop i was manager of closed down although it wasn't so much the job i missed but the people i worked with. They made it the best job i have ever had!
Yes it was the pub job i quit. It was the last straw when someone threw up on me
It used to be just admin. But now im head of the distributer sales wich actually means i deal with all/any request our distributers have. I dispatch all the goods. Invoice all the sales orders and keep track of all the day to day goings on. Its basically my job to know whats going out when and i also deal with credit accounts so i deal with all the new customers too and decide on how much credit we give them. On top of that i have the admin side too when i keep all the documents in order and filed. Im enjoying it a lot better now im busy all the time
Filing, archiving. Keeping all the right paper work together in the right place. Entering payments and tying them up with invoices and purchase orders. Tying up supplier invoices and making sure what they invoice us for is what we recieved. making sure new customer fill out appropriate paperwork. Professional letters, faxes that kind of thing

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