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well he is the innocent party in this - but it can get tricky with the other parent involved we stick by our kids whatever dont we
We do indeed!..

The father of the baby is a bit of a waster as far as I know....has convinced himself it is not his....but who knows when the time is due..he might think differently!....will just have to wait & see!
They have no idea Mrs H, thank god my eldest son has his head screwed on right. Fern i'm sorry, but it would break my heart
Breaks mine too Puss...but he is old enough to make his own decisions..& loves the girl!......Not alot I can do about it!........he works hard & is saving like mad to get them a place he is thinking ahead for a future with her!
Yes, very nice thanks What you been upto

My Dad came round for a Mum goes to a day centre on Fridays so he is let loose for the day......Have agreed to go round there a little more to help out whilst i'm not working...give him a bit more of a break!
Walked into town to get a card for my boys b'day on Monday! managed to avoid the rain..
My Dad came round for a Mum goes to a day centre on Fridays so he is let loose for the day......Have agreed to go round there a little more to help out whilst i'm not working...give him a bit more of a break! Walked into town to get a card for my boys b'day on Monday! managed to avoid the rain..
Aww, thats good of you Ferny Like the good daughter you are

Thats good about the rain
We've had none here but its been really cold Saw 3 brass monkeys run by earlier on

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