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Mine get whatever they're given...dependant on what I feel like spending at the time!
This year as they are all much'll be a few things round the tree & money!...cept for my dughter..the youngest...she'll have a few pounds extra spent on her!........reckon I'll spend about 2 grand all in all....but then I have 5 of them!
Having said that the eldest is 26...
Why are you low tonight then Ferny?
Guess I just feel that my life is standing still at the moment Moons...I seem to be going nowhere fast these days!

I don't reckon I'll be going to London tomorrow...suppose that disappoints me a little...but I don't want to be getting into strife with my sister...which i know I will!
I need a good kick up the ass really!
Guess I just feel that my life is standing still at the moment Moons...I seem to be going nowhere fast these days! I don't reckon I'll be going to London tomorrow...suppose that disappoints me a little...but I don't want to be getting into strife with my sister...which i know I will! I need a good kick up the ass really!
Awww Ferny

Life is what you make of it Fern
You better had go to London and have fun. Get pished and have a giggle
Life's too short to be sad for too long
*Gets ready to kick Fernys ass*      Nahhh couldn't do it

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