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Awww whats happened to this place, can't find the dialogue thingy  fern hope you ok hun, big hugs darlin, you know you can always contact me.

Moonie, really hope you had a great birthday, my life is a bit upside down at the mo so can't get on here much, hopefully these bloody problems will go away.  Just  one thing after another  hugs and kisses for my lovely friends, have to go and have a lie down now, doctors orders.  Can't give you hugs and kisses cos my graemlins disappeared.
Moonie, really hope you had a great birthday, my life is a bit upside down at the mo so can't get on here much, hopefully these bloody problems will go away. Just one thing after another hugs and kisses for my lovely friends, have to go and have a lie down now, doctors orders. Can't give you hugs and kisses cos my graemlins disappeared.
I had a lovely burfday thanks Puss
Awww hope all is well with you soon Enjoy your nap

and from us all
What was wrong with Sox Pengy?
He was out in the back garden (sorry it's a long story) and slipped on wet grass and hurt his paw.  So I took him to the vets and he was given anti inflammatories.  He'd had arthritis for a few years but these tablets seemed to give him a bounce in life.  Then a week later he stopped eating and started drinking a lot and lost drastic amounts of weight.  The vet tested him for diabetes but it came back negative.  A few weeks later he still hadn't improved so they put him on a drip but he wasn't eating.  Vet thought those anti inflammatories might have stripped his stomach.  Anyhoo he got weak and his kidneys collapsed so I had to make the decision to put him to sleep - he was only 10 years old  and as much as I love Milo no dog will ever take Sox's place   I had him cremated and he'll be buried with me when I pop off as will Milo if he goes before me. 

God I'm morbid today

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