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Reference: Pengy
quick hello before bed cos I'm cream crackered two people walked out of the class tonight and another is going to complain cos the lessons are in their words 'dry', 'uninspiring' and 'boring' I feel sorry for Asthma but I kinda agree with the peeps - I nearly fell asleep at one stage
Awww sorry your lesson wasnt good
Night Pengy
*woof woof Milo*
well they say it comes in 3's moonie, think i've has my 3 for this week fingers stopped bleeding at last *waves bandaged thumb* what you up to today?
Lets hope so Aimee. You cant afford many more disasters
Pleased to hear about the thumb
*Goes to squeeze it but stops*
Well the snaggers came in yesterday to "finish off" the work on me house. Made a right pigs ear of some of it so am waiting for them to reappear other wise on the phone to liason to get it sorted
Have to go shopping this afternoon no matter what happens
What you gonna do with yourself?

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