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Just popped in to say hi before heading off for another boring psychology lesson It's grey, drizzly and cold out there and I don't want to leave the comfort of my lovely warm fire and cuddle chair and my furry hot water bottle (Milo) see you all later
Hello Pengy
*Woof woof Pengys furry hot water bottle*
Laters. Hope you lesson goes well
I've done a couple of the apps Aims...but get real bored quickly!...can't see the attraction meself! + it keeps going tits up so is very least here we can still chat whilst all around us falls apart!
thats all that seems to go on, on there people playing games, i can't be bothered with that, i'd rather chat

*think i might have quoted here, fingers crossed*
can have for tea on my knackered cooker

sausages - liver - chops - pork steaks - chicken fillets  in frying pan  and veggies in saucpans

bacon and eggs etc 

stir fry

a curry using ready cooked meat and a jar of something

beans or eggs on toast  [ is the toaster still around  ]

soup and a nice fresh crusty loaf

stew and dumplings 

spaghetti bolawatsit 

doesnt have to be meat and two veg everyday does it

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