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Ahhhh feel better already!........... We seem to be lacking a few people these days don't we ? I'll have to go have a rant over on fb again! a few here last time didn't it? might wait till the dust settles a bit though yeah!
Thats good
Yep, it is kinda empty these days
Does the dust ever settle on this place?
Hiya Mrs H..
I see most of the SIT exs over on fb....playing them stupid bloody apps!
Would be nice if they could pop in for 5 mins of a day to say hello to the ol place!...makes me a little cross tbh!
I know some have R/L problems...but this place used to be a place for them to come & get some luvin so to they go to fb...not good!..
I can't be doin with it!
Its also this place I think too. It dont work right a lot of the time and they messed with it
what the main problem is when we went to the temp home and then  Gaga the software was the same and had all the features we are used to 

The software programme that makes Cloud is a different programme and  didnt/doesnt still have all the bits and pieces we are used to on forums and it is a job getting through to them - and they then have to go back to the writer/developer and have bits added 

 Americans blog - tweet and group - forum life is new for them and they are having to adjust 

when you look online sometimes there are 1000+ but only a few on the forum - where are they and what are they doing

slowly and surely I hope and we get there

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