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Reference: Gossip Sunset
been to that thread u were on bout, came out more bloody confused, why do they bother arguing but oh the irony one of em was who I said to u
I went in the once at the very not interested in the spats between folk!

Have enough crap going on in r/l without adding to it on here.....infact I don't visit many threads...started one yesterday about Mr Woodward popping his clogs without realising there was one already started....didn't equate with me that he was the Equaliser............had to change the title of said thread coz we can't delete em once started!
I haven't gone into work since two days before I went up to Fis....just couldn't face waiting for them to contact me with a p45..
I've done barwork before on a few occasions....really enjoyed it too!
& Yes am thinking of the possibilities..................I already know alot of the folk that frequent shouldn't be too difficult!..
 I am a little lost a the moment...unfamiliar territory for me!
Have always been in control of my life........maybe it's cos the children don't need me anymore the way they used to..I'm struggling to find me again.....but will get there!..
How's Mr Sunset getting on in his new job!....I'm pleased he managed to find some made you quite unhappy for a time there didn't it?
Funny how we find life so difficult outside our comfort zones!..
it wasn't that it made me unhappy as such,  but our life had to stop and we had to live a completely stressed out existence, which upto this point have had a great life luckily, It made me feel so weak as a person as I always thought I was quite strong, made us feel helpless and not in control which I am still struggling to come out of the other end. I have never gone into the full extent of my problems although,  you lot to helped me so much I can't thank u all enough I sort of told you the periphals. But we are getting there he has been in work now for 2 months and has another month in front so keeping fingers crossed. we all have our different problems.

You know I always remember my mom feeling exactly what you are at the moment, and she said it was the hardest thing she had to face, the feeling that we didn't need her anymore, and find herself again, you will get there honey you are such a lovely person I really hope u get there quickly, I really loves ya I do...... I going all soft now

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