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Reference: Aimee
it's doing my head in i bought this notebook thing and router so Aimee could have this and i could use the main lappy, now mine has broke its issing it down here too
Take yours to a computer shop and get it assessed. See what it will cost to have it done. It may just be a simple little thing
Same here with the rain.................
Reference: MrsH
well aimees problem is causing us a headache but we are thinking and working on it and will continue tomorrow I left Zaph a message elsewhere earlier and thankfully he got it
Like I said in Aimees thread, I had a man in to set mine up cause I know i'm not capable and I dont mind admitting it either......No point in being fick unless you admit it
Right i'm off to bed now. Night MrsH See you on the morrow
Ohhh Friday 13th tomorrow      
Reference: Fern
Got back yesterday Moons! Had a fabby time.....we shopped!...& shopped a little more!!..& gossiped! Must say it's soooooo much better flyin than trainin....although felt a tad icky on the journey back......I gets motion sickness!...(cept in the boudoir of course..)..
Oh glad you made it home ok is a laydeez thing Its a pity about the flying and the bad effect but at least you got there quick. You could get it in bed if you had a water bed
Reference: Fern
will have to give a try...just to see mind!.. This laydee doesn't like shopping Moons......although did buy a couple of nice bits!........Twas Fi...she loves to spend so she does! What ya bin upto in my absence then...workymen done their thang yet ??

Oooo nice bits? Yey, well done Fi I int really been doing much tbh. Had to stay in incase any workers turned up   Kitchen floor was tiled yesterday and baffroom was done the day before So its just "finishing off" now so might get done by next year Just joking. It should be within the next week or so........*crosses fingers*

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