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Tis ok Cauli. Dash in and out all you like Its too cold in here to throw an house warming party Just joking Cor your OH's boss sounds like a right meany
 My OH doesn't expect owt for free but sometimes it would make a nice change.  He does get good tips sometimes.  Comes  home with a sack load o tatties if he's workin at a certain farm (not all farmers are mean, stingy barstads) - keeps us goin for weeks!  We've had fresh eggs, mushrooms, all manner of veggy stuff, wine (from a wine importer), tea from a tea importer,and very occasionally some spondooleys.   If only he would go work at a diamond merchants I'd be very happy...  
morning peeps, this new laptop is doing my head in

phoned virgin media yesterday abut me losing internet connection and they said it was my end with the problem not theirs, went through it all with me and my laptop has lost it's network connection  and we don't know how we are mean't to get it back
SHOUTS....Anyone home?*

sorry I was stuck to the floor,  melting issues.  Thank you for your assistance.     And also posting issues!  Keep getting error messages...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
morning peeps, this new laptop is doing my head in phoned virgin media yesterday abut me losing internet connection and they said it was my end with the problem not theirs, went through it all with me and my laptop has lost it's network connection and we don't know how we are mean't to get it back
Hi aims     sorry but I can just about manage our machines and I wouldn't dare to give advice.  You need to start a 'help me' thread, there's lots of clever sorts on here that would help.
Aimee - a little something you can try 

go to

open this and then right click on the connection showing in there
then choose the REPAIR option

will take a little while and then reboot lappy and see if you can connect
another way of problem solving is to do a system restore taking your lappy  back to a date before you had the problem 

Help and Support
Pick A Task
System Restore
click and follow on screen instructions -  take it to a highlighted date before the problem started
Thanks mrs H, i'll write all this down
I dont trust call centres reading from typed pieces of paper- they might have had you fiddle with your settings

I personally would try the system restore back to a couple of days ago when things were working ok
*takes note of mrs h's name for future reference*
  I really am reluctant as it is so hard to say in text - much easier to have the problem in front of you

Aimee -  I assume we are talking wireless connection here ?
good -  I still think they have messed with ya settings and have assumed wireless too 

system restore and see what happens or the repair  might work  - wired should be no problem that is why I suggest they have had you change something
sorry for clogging the SIT
Aimee - what are you on this morning  - new lappy and new router and wireless connection ??

what are you trying to connect old lappy to -  old modem or new router ??

my brain is whirling but need to establish and imagine your set up
runs off to ring them again'
good luck   had to ring mine a few months ago - explained I had one wired and 2 wireless - I could hear alarm bells going off in his head - he wanted me to do the wired one which is mine away from the phone - do you think I could make him understand the phone wasnt next to the PC   he ended up telling me I had to get MrH as I WOULDNT understand what to do - I was   told him they had to speak to me as it was my account and get his manager as he was a fecking idiot

I HATE ISP all centres - I extracted all the info I would ever need- wrote it down and will never ring them again
Reference:Mrs h
I HATE ISP all centres - I extracted all the info I would ever need- wrote it down and will never ring them again
you should put all your hard won info into a blog so we can all dip it into it if we need help.  It would only take a week or two to type it all up ...
we used to have a book and log every non straight forward problem we solved - but then XP and Vista came along and the book isnt needed now 

there is lots of online help but the end user has to have a little computer understanding as the jargon can be very off putting  

it is a delicate area and we all  start with little or no knowledge and I would hate to sound patronsizing in any way  and cause offense - I learn more from practical than theory but do enjoy getting my teeth into computer problems 

I have a PC here at the moment with 1200 pictures saved but ...........  a virus has got into them and do you think I can back up and save without this bliddy virus swirling round ...but I havnt given up YET ... I cant bear to admit defeat and also 1200 pics is a lot for someone to lose  
Reference:cauli too expensive thats what I am trying to avoid for aimee

  It's like savin up for a car and then you realise that was the least of the worries.  Well, that applies to me and my 2nd hand car, praps not so much for the newies! 
*wonders what will fall off next* ....  the car that is.  
Reference:mrs h
 we used to have a book and log every non straight forward problem we solved - but then XP and Vista came along and the book isnt needed now there is lots of online help but the end user has to have a little computer understnading as the jargon can be very off putting it is a delicate area and we all start with little or no knowledge and |I would hate to sound patronsizing in any way and cause offense - I learn more from practical than theory but do enjoy getting my teeth into computer problems I have a PC here at the moment with 1200 pictures saved but ........... a virus has got into them and do you think I can back up and save without this bliddy virus swirling round ...but I havnt given up YET ... I cant bear to admit defeat and also 1200 pics is a lot for someone to lose.
I write solutions down and then promptly 'misplace' them.  Memory of a ...sommat or another!    If our machines got a virus I'd probably cry, which wouldn't be much use.  We've managed to sort problems out between us -  my OH can barely log in himself but give him the cables and wires and he knows just what to do.     

Hope you rescue your piccies.  x
Hope you rescue your piccies.
there not mine   tis a customers PC   mine are all backed up

Aimeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  smiliesmiliesmilie  hope you are getting on ok - will give it till half past then I must shoot off
Reference: MrsH
are your tilers busy doing the kitchen moonie ?? dont walk on it too soon will ya you will have to have F+C today - hope you made a flask so you dont have to disturb the workers
No tilers as yet   F+C sounds good to me

My feeling is they wont be in today *tuts*
I just been out the front binning leaves.....Very slowly 

everybody at home had already hidden - I dont swear often but I have everything with ORANGE - mobile phone-all house calls-broadband and they are the only company that make me angry before I have even dialled - so - everybody leaves the house when they know I am gonna call them
I got mine on two memory stick
and your second back up is where ?    the golden rule is back up and then back up again of anything you dont want to lose -  what if you misplaced your little stick   my Son did with all his college work on it

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