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Reference: Pengy
Stressed I've got a mock exam on Tuesday for psychology and I've done no revision and I've got proper maths exam on Friday morning (Friday 13th ) I don't think I've ever been so under prepared for an exam in my life. We were still trying to learn things this morning needed for this flipping exam on Friday
Awwww poor lass
You will be brilliant at the mock and the real exam Pengy
I have every confidence in you
Milo's great Moonie he's almost 11 months old now .  Still the size of a large rat and a lovely, adorable dog who loves his fuss but loves you right back

I had to chase him up the garden earlier cos he found the wooden bit to a spent firework rocket and ran off with it and wouldn't come back to me   now he's cuddled up with smelly teddy fast asleep
Reference: Pengy
Milo's great Moonie he's almost 11 months old now . Still the size of a large rat and a lovely, adorable dog who loves his fuss but loves you right back I had to chase him up the garden earlier cos he found the wooden bit to a spent firework rocket and ran off with it and wouldn't come back to me now he's cuddled up with smelly teddy fast asleep
Still a bundle of joy then?
Thats lovely to hear
I can just imagine him with that teddy
I think it depends on which school you teach Pengy!....some of the little rodents darlings round here would try the patients of a saint!...the parents are true examples of decent folk!....Not!
I do agree with this.  A lot will have changed since I last taught but I still have hopes that things will improve once this poxy government is out!

Tina it's a worthwhile job  plus you can always get sponsored to do a teaching degree once you've decided to not have any more children and they are a little older

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