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Reference: Bagelllllllllll
Mr Moooooooooooooooonie!!! aww give me a big huggle ((( ))) a flask in fb now and just wanted to pop over here when quiet and say...I love and miss you very much...byeeeeeeeeeeee...xxxxx *returns back to fb*
Bagelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll big huggles ((())) back

Awwwwwww, thats really sweet
*Gets duct tape to tape Bagel up if she comes back again*
I hope your flask maker over there is as good as we where in the CS

Did you take your swing too?
's bye
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Well the car . . . . i have a postal account so -  i have to wait for cheque to arrive (7-10days)
However the car itself is gorgeous andjust wot i wanted, i have always been lucky with my cars.
So i have to wait - however me old banger is fixed and for sale

Toyota Corolla - WLTM mechanic for Sunday afternoon fiddles and random late night drives in the moonlight
Drinks oil and petrol and is very loyal

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