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And how do we put a reply to the last one that was posted so we can respond.

This is for tina, it is a boy and his name is thomas he is coming up to 19 weeks old and is suffering from acid reflux, his little muscle in his tummy isn't working.  He cries most of the time and has to be kept upright for most of the time.  It has been a nightmare for them.
This is for tina, it is a boy and his name is thomas he is coming up to 19 weeks old and is suffering from acid reflux, his little muscle in his tummy isn't working. He cries most of the time and has to be kept upright for most of the time. It has been a nightmare for them.
awwwwww poor little thomas and mum and dad
hope it all can be sorted soon
Reference: Puss
so how has your day been moonie? anymore demolishing?
Nope, they dont work on a weekend, thank goodness
Me desktop monitor went green in the top corner yesterday, so I went to see the bloke who looks after both me putters, cause I am a technological braindead
He said its because you have to speakers to near to it
Sure enough, moved em and its ok

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