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 Reference: Rexi
I'm grand moonie ta - I go out on a Tuesday night and usually I am the driver ... tonight we all went on our bikes cos the fair is in town so all the roads are blocked, consequently I might have had a glass of wine You all packed and ready to roll?
If one is intoxicated in charge of a bicycle one can be charged
Good job you waited till you got home
Yep, all but the odd few things now
Haha - you wouldn't believe how many police were about tonight!!

I am not intoxicated - it was just an interesting ride home - imagine 6 'women of a certain age' having drunk 2 glasses of wine each, still chattering ten to the dozen whilst cycling in the dark!!

My daughter's new bed is being delivered Friday - so we will have finished decorating one bedroom - then we start on the next one ... I don't envy you

Are you going to be living in the house whilst all the work is going on?
Reference: Sober Rexi
Haha - you wouldn't believe how many police were about tonight!! I am not intoxicated - it was just an interesting ride home - imagine 6 'women of a certain age' having drunk 2 glasses of wine each, still chattering ten to the dozen whilst cycling in the dark!! My daughter's new bed is being delivered Friday - so we will have finished decorating one bedroom - then we start on the next one ... I don't envy you Are you going to be living in the house whilst all the work is going on?
Breath into this please madam

OMG six?
In the dark?
Poor Joe Public

Well that will be one down and several to go
Yep, shall be here all the time

awwww - I remember when we had considerable work done on the house and it was overrun with workmen ... hubby once drove 15 miles to  a shopping centre to get a cup of coffee. When I asked him why he'd done it he said that if he's made coffee at home he would have to have made 10 cups for all the workmen - so he decided to go and have a peaceful cup on his own

Time for my bed Mr M ... I need to be up at 6 am.

Sleep well

Reference: Rexi
awwww - I remember when we had considerable work done on the house and it was overrun with workmen ... hubby once drove 15 miles to a shopping centre to get a cup of coffee. When I asked him why he'd done it he said that if he's made coffee at home he would have to have made 10 cups for all the workmen - so he decided to go and have a peaceful cup on his own Time for my bed Mr M ... I need to be up at 6 am. Sleep well
Awww poor hubby

Night Rexi. Pleasant dreams  
Reference: Sunsets
ah but it'll be worth it Moonie well chill this morning, on standby this afternoon as my daughter finishes at 1 evening at her school, she's going to town afterwards with friends, got the dentist at 4.30 and off to cinemas with OH tonite we have a date
Lets hope cause

Blimey, thats what you call a full day
I hope all goes well on open evening
 dentist? Not my fav place......
Awww. Hope you both enjoy the film
Reference: Sunsets
sorry Moons, he missed his bus.......had to take him, have told him he needs to get the earlier one, but he leaves everything to the last minute, and when I speaking to him he has the same look on his face I used to when my mom tried telling me......I find this quite funny tbh
Its ok LGS. No probs
Its the "well ok I listen and understand" look?
But you can take me mum

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