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Reference: Kel
Moonie hun, it's always a buzz to see peeps you know when you log on but extra bonus when you really like them!! Life is hard atm, dead lines essays and I've been ill this weekend which has put me back, but I'll bounce (I hope). Great your fine anything going on for you?
Awww thats really sweet Kel
Essay? A for you to get those nasty essays done
Sorry to hear about you illness Kel
Hope you recover fully soon

Just house refeb commencing soon
Oh joy and happiness
Just house refeb commencing soon Oh joy and happiness
Oh Kell runs for the hill when it comes to decorating housey stuff not my forte lol!!! My illness well its official I've had swine flu, not nice I went from tue night till sat night with not a bite to eat and all sorts inbetween, I've never been so ill, but I'm back on track now
Hope your home referb goes ok hun x x
Reference: Kel
Oh Kell runs for the hill when it comes to decorating housey stuff not my forte lol!!! My illness well its official I've had swine flu, not nice I went from tue night till sat night with not a bite to eat and all sorts inbetween, I've never been so ill, but I'm back on track now Hope your home referb goes ok hun x x
Omg. You poor gal
I've read a lot about it and no its not very pleasant if you get a bad dose like you have hun
Look after yourself Kel
Hoping you recover fully soon

Chaos will reign over Moonieville for 6 weeks
But, hey, when its done it will be
Omg. You poor gal I've read a lot about it and no its not very pleasant if you get a bad dose like you have hun Look after yourself Kel Hoping you recover fully soon Chaos will reign over Moonieville for 6 weeks But, hey, when its done it will be
Aaaww thanks moonie, tbh I thought all this swine flu was being supped up for the tabloids, but the last 6 days I've been really ill and so have a few colleagues, not something I want again, not slept but the lovely music thread peeps kept me right x x x
Reference: Kel
Aaaww thanks moonie, tbh I thought all this swine flu was being supped up for the tabloids, but the last 6 days I've been really ill and so have a few colleagues, not something I want again, not slept but the lovely music thread peeps kept me right x x x
You're more than welcome Kel

Glad the music threads helped
As I was poorly yesterday, my OH put the Tesco shop away.  We have a huge chest freezer and it badly needs defrosting, but instead of getting rid of the ice that is stopping it from shutting, what do I find this morning?  the bliddy hoover sitting on top the freezer, making not a darn bit of difference  just been using the hammer and chisel to get the top ice out so at least it will shut, everything on top is soggy, don't know if I can cook it all or just throw it away  what a silly billy he is eh?

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