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Reference: Yogi
I`m good, thank you. I was on holiday last week but have returned to start decorating the living room. I`m dreading it because hubby is always grumpy when he decorates and I get grumpy because of all the mess - not gonna be a happy house for a wee while.
My house is about to be ripped apart for 6 weeks starting Thursday
Good luck with your decorating.
Hope you enjoyed your hols
My house is about to be ripped apart for 6 weeks starting Thursday
Poor Moonie, what are you having done?

The holiday didn`t get off to a good start - first of all, the airline lost our suitcase (we got it back the next day), then we had thunderstorms for the first two days. It did pick up after that but I`m not very tanned. At least I had a nice rest from housework for a week.
Reference: Yogi
The holiday didn`t get off to a good start - first of all, the airline lost our suitcase (we got it back the next day), then we had thunderstorms for the first two days. It did pick up after that but I`m not very tanned. At least I had a nice rest from housework for a week.
Awww thats a shame
A week without work, bliss

New kitchen and bathroom, rewired and new central heating
*Whispers..FH's in here must be sick of me going on about it*
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Aww, thats a nice welcome I'm fine thanks Hows life with you?
Moonie hun, it's always a buzz to see peeps you know when you log on but extra bonus when you really like them!!  Life is hard atm, dead lines essays and I've been ill this weekend which has put me back, but I'll bounce (I hope).
Great your fine anything going on for you?

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