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Our garden is the same.....lotsa oak trees by us..........get no benefit in the summer when the sun is blazing.......but all the crap in autumn..

I reckon it's dead sweet that you & OH are still best friends as well as loving each other!...I don't know many that can say that! many years you bin married?.(I know you've probs told me..)

Blimey  sunsets we actually bumped, usually we are like ships in the night!!!  I've just dragged meself out of bed, had food poisining on Sunday, and still feeling a tad queasy  that'll teach me to eat Chinese, and prawns too

Youngest daughter is off today too, said she felt sick,  call me a pesimist

Anyhoo enough of my woes, how are you and yours sweetie?

Reference: Blissfully wed Sunset
We have been together 21 years Slim and married 14 and I realise how lucky we are as so many who get together so young don't make it
Tis a long time Sunset......Nice!

It's very easy to walk away these days....lotsa folk aren't happy to make do with what they got anymore!..............Who can blame em really!......I certainly don't judge em!..their choices!...
Reference: lgs
have u found out about the trip and whether she'll need a passport or are they doin a collective, ask the school honey, might be less money for you to find
she's deffo got have a passport, but her dad is paying for the trip, so i've only got to buy the passport, need to go to the registry office to get her a full birth cert first
Anyhoo enough of my woes, how are you and yours sweetie?
aw honey make sure if you not right you go to docs, I had food poisoning from a chinese once too, had to get docs in I couldn't move except to go to toilet for 10 days, was put on anti biotics, so make sure you get right and drink plent of fluids......enough from nurse jen now pmsl.

We are all good apart from me knee, I fell out my moms porch and landed on her driveway, smack bang on me knee hurting a little tbh so am taking it easy.

 I know, we keep missing each other, in the shipping lanes ain't we?

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