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My gardner came round the other day (my dad ) i was sitting on a sun lounger supervising and i said have you seen all this brick dust dad near the back door, we investigatored the wall AND i got up and swept the offending dust away yesterday i went outside and fed my stray pussy and there was more brick dust, i wasn't happy stood looking at the wall for 10 mins *what for, i don't know* elderly neighbour came out and i told her to look as well, this was her -> ANYWAY tonight, miss Aimee says mum have you got a spare blusher i can have, i said why where is yours? Miss Aimee, it keeps breaking up, so i threw it out of the window i have now found out what my brick dust is in the graden phoned and told my dad, he thinks we will never get on Time Team now PMSL

pmsl at that
We appreciate Mr Sunset for that!
and so do I, It took a lot of diggin me heels and the kids telling him it was ok as he not computer literate, he's not aware, so I understand Lexi I really do, I show Nik my FB accont and on here so he knows, and if the boot was on the other foot I know where he coming from, so it give and take, but I feel so much better been open with him now.
Always best to be open tripping yerself up!
never had to lie and din't tbh but he didn't like it and had to be selective with when I could could come n, and then when I made friendships with u lot wanted to include them in my RL convo's so I did, he didn't like it first, but then got used to it, I am not one to back down if I belive in something and I believe in u lot I really do and now he understands

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