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YES! Loving it as always too Have to say Lauren looks for the engagement, hmmm, I dunno but that Tiffany ice she's rockin would put a smile on my face

Not sure why Lucy felt the need to do what she did tonight. I think out of that whole menage-a-trois Sam's the dangerous and sly one, cos she'll smile sweetly but she'll be grabbing his nuts at the same time

I'm lovin Arg and Lydia in this series, Lydia's mum needs to shut up and butt out - she's a bloody nightmare

As for that Chloe with the upper lip Botox and the Shergar teeth - she looks like a bloke She's horrific Who told her that looked good?!

I'm still lovin Kirk and his dad makes me laugh as well

Oh Christ I only popped in to say I was watching it and I've ended up writing War and Peace
I haven't finished yet.

That monstrosity selling the BMW to Kirk - where did they get her from - Lidl? Considering she was selling a 30 odd grand car I could not believe her sales tactics:

'Saaaao - dya loike it? Good mo-aaar innit. Oi fink it's well noice and oi fink yooo should buy it roight naaa'

That woman would not be working for me due to the following:

  • I don't employ orange people unless they were born orange (like an orangutan or a satsuma)
  • I don't employ people who can't adopt appropriate dialect when selling 30k items.
  • I don't employ people who think virtually flashing their labia at a client is a good way to do business, or who then move on to the bankrolling Dads when initial client has declined said labia.
  • The sales person doesn't appear to know her way to the mirror let alone her way around negotiation.

I think I've finished now.
It's my guilty pleasure...I love it   I wouldn't mind I stayed up all Sunday night watching the 'catch up' shows and then didn't twig the actual new series was starting at 10pm so I ended up missing it

But I see from Karma's post Lauren and Mark are engaged   How stupid is that girl.  As long as he says 'oooh I love you Lauren' she'll forget about everything that's gone on and just keep going back to him?  She puts womens lib back about 30 years

What did Lucy do?  I like her, though again, if I was her I would have dumped him after the crap came out after the boxing match that him and Lauren were still an item so I don't know why she's still involved.

But tis good to look at it and the feck....the shallowness of it all is incredible.
I watch it too is cash crash TV at it's finest ..

they are all the most dreadful monster people you could ever hope to meet. . even Nanny Pat who is meant to be 'normal' yet hasn't a bad word to say about her monster of a grandkid messing with any women who'll let him poke them..

 but it's addictive cos I keep waiting to see just what awful depths they'll go to for 'fame'. .and what awful ignoramus dross will come out of their gobs next..

I watched the new Katie thing too.. has the same affect on me as 'Essex'

they kinda make me feel good about my self and that's not an easy thing to do..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I'm watching Rose

Loving Mr Darcy ..... Kirk is my fave ... but I suspect he's as bad as the rest of em

Can't abide Mark .... He and Lauren deserve each other ... she's a bi@tch imo .... & he just plays women like fiddles ..... he's a first class w**k*r

I like Jessica (Marks Sister) & I think Lucy is the only one who seems to be real ..... I'm glad she told Lauren that she'd slept with Mark just 2 weeks before he proposed to her   .... Good on ya Lucy
Originally Posted by Angel:

I like Jessica (Marks Sister) & I think Lucy is the only one who seems to be real ..... I'm glad she told Lauren that she'd slept with Mark just 2 weeks before he proposed to her   .... Good on ya Lucy
Initially I thought that, but then thought about it again and she made herself look a bit of a tit cos she was adamant she wasn't going near him again. Have to rate Lauren though, she handles it well.

They're all such an incestuous bunch - I'm wondering how long it'll be before one of them has a crack at Mr.Darcy the pig
Arg, Nanna and Mr. Darcy are my faves lol - I thought it was hilarious when Mr. Darcy peed on the floor of the shop on it's Grand Opening night lol. All the others interest me for different reasons, hard to believe some are as thick as they seem to be but that won't be just because they live in Essex.

I used to know some parts of Essex quite well and not everyone is like them, like any County with many towns and villages Essex is a mix of all kinds of people. I like the programme as I'm interested in people and what makes them tick
Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Angel:
I'm watching Rose

Loving Mr Darcy ..... Kirk is my fave ... but I suspect he's as bad as the rest of em

Can't abide Mark .... He and Lauren deserve each other ... she's a bi@tch imo .... & he just plays women like fiddles ..... he's a first class w**k*r

I like Jessica (Marks Sister) & I think Lucy is the only one who seems to be real ..... I'm glad she told Lauren that she'd slept with Mark just 2 weeks before he proposed to her   .... Good on ya Lucy
omg she never!   Good on ya Lucy....though I don't know how she could go near him again.  I remember the scene where she was having a drink with Mark and Lauren came over and Lucy picked a fight with her.  Mark took Lauren's side and made her look like a complete tit.  The sad thing is she's actually a nicer girl than the lot of them put together if she'd just forget about Mark!

Can't stand him and Lauren, they're both as dumb and shallow as each other
Well according to MY scorecard Temps it's Lucy 2 - Lauren 1. HA!

Lauren had a pop when they were at the bar when Mark and Lucy were together..BUT at the boxing match Lucy asked to speak to Lauren to give her what for and ended up getting an earful, then she went and had another pop the other night.

Although all joking aside, why the pair of them continued to have it with Mark knowing they're sharing him I'll never know. All this 'but are you boyfriend and girlfriend?' bollocks....the technical terms don't matter, he was still having a bit of how's yer father with both of them.
I actually thought Lucy handled herself well at the boxing match.  Lauren got a fair few digs in, but I thought her point about why Lauren was doing all she was doing with Mark, knowing he was with some one else was so desperate was a good one!  I have to say though I thought Lauren was being totally dillusional, I thought she was away with the fairies....then she went to see him after the match and I was like   No waaaaaaay!!!!!

Exactly.  If they're both only after a shag and nowt serious then I don't see why they're bothered with defining the finer details.  But, if either of them are that desperate to hold on to him that they're willing to put up with him carrying on how he likes, whilst they're being faithful then I don't have much sympathy for either of them anymore.  They're grown women ffs and they're carrying on like kids in a playground.  And all for what?  A muppet like Mark?   He's a repulsive person with not one saving grace and I'm full sure he's not entirely straight.  No way would my hubby ever kiss his mate on the cheek when going in for a hug, not without getting his head kicked in
This is far and away one of the worst programmes on the telly IMO.  Worse than Hollyoaks and OMG with Peaches Geldof, if you can possibly imagine anything worse.  These are the densest, most annoying fake chavs I have ever seen.  The big fat gypsy wedding had it's share of chavs and thickheads, but this programme takes the biscuit.  I have watched half an hour of one show, and had to turn off as it was SO terrible - so I tried another episode a couple of weeks later and stuck it for 10 minutes.  I don't know how anyone can watch it, I really don't...  It's just bloody AWFUL, and the people on it are some of the worst imaginable people IMO!  I would never ever have anything to do with people like this in real life...not MY kind of people at all!
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
This is far and away one of the worst programmes on the telly IMO.  Worse than Hollyoaks and OMG with Peaches Geldof, if you can possibly imagine anything worse.  These are the densest, most annoying fake chavs I have ever seen.  The big fat gypsy wedding had it's share of chavs and thickheads, but this programme takes the biscuit.  I have watched half an hour of one show, and had to turn off as it was SO terrible - so I tried another episode a couple of weeks later and stuck it for 10 minutes.  I don't know how anyone can watch it, I really don't...  It's just bloody AWFUL, and the people on it are some of the worst imaginable people IMO!  I would never ever have anything to do with people like this in real life...not MY kind of people at all!
ah don't be so serious   tis only a bit of a giggle
Originally Posted by Temps:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
This is far and away one of the worst programmes on the telly IMO.  Worse than Hollyoaks and OMG with Peaches Geldof, if you can possibly imagine anything worse.  These are the densest, most annoying fake chavs I have ever seen.  The big fat gypsy wedding had it's share of chavs and thickheads, but this programme takes the biscuit.  I have watched half an hour of one show, and had to turn off as it was SO terrible - so I tried another episode a couple of weeks later and stuck it for 10 minutes.  I don't know how anyone can watch it, I really don't...  It's just bloody AWFUL, and the people on it are some of the worst imaginable people IMO!  I would never ever have anything to do with people like this in real life...not MY kind of people at all!
ah don't be so serious   tis only a bit of a giggle
I havent watched it but if I did Id be saying the same as you......judging by the previews they show its more dumbing down superficial appearance obsessed gnat brained fake nonsense.
Originally Posted by Temps:
omg she never!   Good on ya Lucy....though I don't know how she could go near him again.
Yeah, she has let herself down a bit there hasn't she. I kinda hoped she wouldn't ever go back there again ...  I gave her more kudos than that
I can't understand what they all see in Mark ? ... Sure he's good looking, but now I know who he is and what he's like, he's just a joke.

I don't know what it is about this show ? ..... I can see what it's detractors are saying and how they are all just a bunch of pretentious wannabees but I find it strangely fascinating

And who's that new bird  who Kirks dad is after ? .... Not Gemma, the rotund  car sales lady  (I don't think he was interested in her anyway) but the one who had her boobs done in Belgium .... the play boy bunny .... Is it just me or is she really odd looking ? .... I don't think she's good looking at all.
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
I watch it too is cash crash TV at it's finest ..

they are all the most dreadful monster people you could ever hope to meet. . even Nanny Pat who is meant to be 'normal' yet hasn't a bad word to say about her monster of a grandkid messing with any women who'll let him poke them..

 but it's addictive cos I keep waiting to see just what awful depths they'll go to for 'fame'. .and what awful ignoramus dross will come out of their gobs next..

I watched the new Katie thing too.. has the same affect on me as 'Essex'

they kinda make me feel good about my self and that's not an easy thing to do..

Hi Olly *waves*


I started watching the new Katie show as well the other night (i like crap TV as well ) but i turned over during the ad break to CH4 and it was the story of Katie that had acid thrown in her face and it made Jordan look a right twat with her 50 hrs in the hairdressers trying too be blonde


I love it!!!


its like a dirty sordid addiction!    I know its wrong, but I just can't stop loving it. 


Mark -  yeuwwwwww..    it never fails to amaze me when blokes like him (all teeth & bullshit) get away with being players.


I like Amy best...   



Oh... & to those that think this is what people from Essex are like...    I have met diluted down characters like the ones on the show...  usually more in the south of the county...  the ones on the show really are caricatures of your stereotypical Essex Boy/Girl.   Damned funny ones though! 



Oh & Summer   -   I live on the Essex Suffolk border too..      I assume you live on the Suffolk side of the border...   I'm on the Essex side (by 4 miles)...    


Wave out ya window & I will see if I can see you!   (though I will be looking for a dog in a car)

Originally Posted by Cupcake:
This is far and away one of the worst programmes on the telly IMO.  Worse than Hollyoaks and OMG with Peaches Geldof, if you can possibly imagine anything worse.  These are the densest, most annoying fake chavs I have ever seen.  The big fat gypsy wedding had it's share of chavs and thickheads, but this programme takes the biscuit.  I have watched half an hour of one show, and had to turn off as it was SO terrible - so I tried another episode a couple of weeks later and stuck it for 10 minutes.  I don't know how anyone can watch it, I really don't...  It's just bloody AWFUL, and the people on it are some of the worst imaginable people IMO!  I would never ever have anything to do with people like this in real life...not MY kind of people at all!

cologne 1

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