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Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

terrible news but I don't think what she did should have been enough to push her to this drastic act 


She may have been disciplined but it was still a drastic action.


Would royal callers not have to give a code of some sort?

You would have thought they would, wouldn't you...

I read that the hospital had not suspended or disciplined her.

Originally Posted by Saint:

The hospital said they were 'supporting' her.

Our company is ONLY interested in its image.

So i can almost guarantee that nurse got a slaughtering at work.

BUT the official line is a 'caring' one.

which goes back to my earlier query shouldn't the royal family have given a code?  How is she supposed to know if she was or wasn't talking to Liz or Philip?  

Originally Posted by Saint:

PENGY i am certain there IS a protocol.

And the nurse DIDN'T follow it.


I bet ya she got hammered for not following procedure.

Don't be fooled by the 'official' statement.

I know wot our workplace is like - nice on the surface but vicious underneath

that's exactly what most 'caring' professions seem to be now 


hospitals usually have designated managers (tends to be senior managers/directors) to deal with all things to do with a celebrity patient. They are given media training etc... 


I very much doubt there was a ward level procedure on what to do if a relative of the celebrity phoned..    I wouldn't be surprised if it was a loophole in the policies & procedures..    they probably give the celebrity's family a number for contacting the hospital/patient...     and prob never thought of "what would happen if..."  


as you probably know...   at one point in my NHS career I worked in Risk Management...   and I lost count of the number of times I would try to get people to "what if" test their policies/procedures...   


they don't like doing "what if" tests...    cos it "ruins their procedure" <--- one manager actually said that to me once 


And, I agree with Renton..  whatever the official statement the hospital has made..    the staff involved will have been getting absolute hell from colleagues, managers & senior managers...      I was concerned for the nurse the moment the story of the hoax call came out..     I knew that even if she wasn't disciplined that her career was pretty much over cos of it. 




And..   whilst it seems extreme action to have taken to us on the outside, I can totally empathise with how horrendous it must have been, and how desperate it made her feel.    And I am someone that despises suicide in the majority of circumstances.  

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Saint:

PENGY i am certain there IS a protocol.

And the nurse DIDN'T follow it.


I bet ya she got hammered for not following procedure.

Don't be fooled by the 'official' statement.

I know wot our workplace is like - nice on the surface but vicious underneath

that's exactly what most 'caring' professions seem to be now 

Nursing is notorious for its culture of bullying through the ranks..   


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

On the news just now the nurse was married with two children,tragic.

ahhh..   see now my sympathy has just instantly dried up...  



don't care how bad it gets..    you don't have the luxury of ending it all when you have tiddly peeps dependant on you 

Have a heart - she was probably frantic

The people at fault are the nasty b***rds who drove her to it


dont think its djs fault..the nurse

 probably got an almighty bollocking from some idiot in head office who was looking forward to being made a Sir/Dame after retirement & thought the chances of that were now nil

the nurse probably thought she'd be hounded by the press seeing as the story went round the world

all supposition on my part

Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

On the news just now the nurse was married with two children,tragic.

ahhh..   see now my sympathy has just instantly dried up...  



don't care how bad it gets..    you don't have the luxury of ending it all when you have tiddly peeps dependant on you 

Have a heart - she was probably frantic

The people at fault are the nasty b***rds who drove her to it

I've been frantic...   and I've been desperate...    and I've been at the point where all I wanted for it to end..     but it wasn't an option because I had children that depended on me.    


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I've been frantic...   and I've been desperate...    and I've been at the point where all I wanted for it to end..     but it wasn't an option because I had children that depended on me.    


but everyones different

i wouldnt come out my house once for days cos i went arse over tip in the pub

anyone else would have laughed it off

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

On the news just now the nurse was married with two children,tragic.

ahhh..   see now my sympathy has just instantly dried up...  



don't care how bad it gets..    you don't have the luxury of ending it all when you have tiddly peeps dependant on you 

Have a heart - she was probably frantic

The people at fault are the nasty b***rds who drove her to it

I've been frantic...   and I've been desperate...    and I've been at the point where all I wanted for it to end..     but it wasn't an option because I had children that depended on me.    


Ditty this was world news and with the potential for a houding and outing by the press.

Everyone has different ability to cope.

Poor poor soul had a life


I do think its tragic...   and I do feel desperately sorry for her..     and think what has happened is horribly horribly sad... 



what I can't do is fully empathise..  however hard I try.     Its beyond my understanding to comprehend the decision to not only abandon your kids, but to leave them having to live their lives coming to terms with the fact that their Mum killed herself. 



Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I do think its tragic...   and I do feel desperately sorry for her..     and think what has happened is horribly horribly sad... 



what I can't do is fully empathise..  however hard I try.     Its beyond my understanding to comprehend the decision to not only abandon your kids, but to leave them having to live their lives coming to terms with the fact that their Mum killed herself. 



That's cos you are not her, in her position.


We rush to judge, we pressurise each other to be 'better'.

We demand more. We blame more.

We are becoming a less sympathetic society.

I despair

Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I do think its tragic...   and I do feel desperately sorry for her..     and think what has happened is horribly horribly sad... 



what I can't do is fully empathise..  however hard I try.     Its beyond my understanding to comprehend the decision to not only abandon your kids, but to leave them having to live their lives coming to terms with the fact that their Mum killed herself. 



That's cos you are not her, in her position.


We rush to judge, we pressurise each other to be 'better'.

We demand more. We blame more.

We are becoming a less sympathetic society.

I despair

oh whatever!!!


despair away...    in fact if I make you despair then I kind of take that as an endorsement that I am doing ok after all.. 


Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

Statement from @2DayFMSydney says the show is now off air and that the presenters involved in royal hoax have been suspended

It showed a clip on Sky earlier of them finding the whole thing very funny, I bet they don't now

i bet they dont!

but if im honest i dont think theyre fully to blame..a daft prank thats gone tits up

all very sad though

Originally Posted by Supes:

Bloody tragic, especially for those two children

Surely she must have already had mh prob's? Can't believe that anyone would complete suicide over just one thing like that

Exactly my thoughts - I'm sure she's have been beating herself up for being so gullible - I'm sure she got torn off a strip from her managers but far as making her suicidal - hmmmmmmm


There must have been more to it than this - MH issues? Quite possibly.


Dreadful all the same.

Soozy Woo

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