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Some of you may be aware that an Indonesian martial arts film called "The Raid" has just been released in the UK. This is a "claymation" version of the film's trailer. It will probably have the most resonance with people who've seen the film, but it's still pretty extraordinary, IMO.


Please note that the original film is a very violent and gory "18" certificate, and although this clip only uses plasticine cats, it still represents that level of violence...

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair

Watched UnderWorld Awakening

Although their are some great ideas throughout the 4 movies - sadly corners have been cut and cut making this a shadow of what it could have been.

Most disappointing are the special effects. Monster effects are dire.

There are some great scenes, make no mistakes, but in a world of the epic, Awakening has become a B movie.



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