I have just finished reading this book and it is quite good. I would recommend it to anyone. It is pacy and never boring. Last Tuesday I went into Asda and there it was at the low price of ÂĢ5, so I thought why not get it. It is a hardback copy. I know DB is a populist author and his books have been slated in the past. But I liked this new book, and I quite like his style of writing.
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I bought it today in Asda - looking forward to getting "stuck in"
Reference: Nicky
I bought it today in Asda - looking forward to getting "stuck in"
hi Nicky. Let me know how you enjoy the book. I really enjoyed it and it kept my interest all the way through. I know a lot of people diss Dan Brown but I quite like his style of writing. Some of his theories are a bit far fetched but there are some very interesting details in this new book, things I didn't know about, and which are there for everyone to see. I wont spoil any of it for you by commenting further. We got a great deal at Asda, didn't we? It is ÂĢ10 everywhere else. I pounced on it when I seen it last Tuesday for ÂĢ5, as I had read two chapters already which were in the Mail on Sunday last week, so I knew the theme he was working in this new book and that I would like it.
Let me know what you think of it when you have finished it.
Best Wishes .. Twee x
I meant to buy it in ASDA yesterday and forgot. I hope they have some copies left tomorrow.
I pre-ordered it at Waterstones; not exactly a bargain at ÂĢ9 for the hardback but I did get a free paperback (same genre). Haven't read it as yet though as I'm still finishing off a book but I reckon I'll enjoy it. I really liked Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons and Digital Fortess but found Deception Point hard-going.
Don't care if the lit critics or intelligentsia slate him; I think he tells a damned good ripping yarn (with a bit of edukayshunal stuff chucked in for our delectation)
Don't care if the lit critics or intelligentsia slate him; I think he tells a damned good ripping yarn (with a bit of edukayshunal stuff chucked in for our delectation)
Reference: tartanveggie
I meant to buy it in ASDA yesterday and forgot. I hope they have some copies left tomorrow.
hi tartan. I'm sure Asda will have lots of copies tomorrow. Good luck. When I went in on Tuesday there was a great big stack of them. But on Thursday they were all gone. I'm glad I didn't dither like I usually do because I would have missed out on the bargain. Good luck with finding one tomorrow. I know WH Smiths are selling it for ÂĢ5.99, but you have to spend ÂĢ15 on other books to qualify for buying Dan Brown's book for ÂĢ5.99. Try and get it Tartan. It is a really good book, with great twists in it. I couldn't put it down and finished it in just over a day. The book itself is hardback and really good value for money, beautifully bound and presented. I don't know how they can sell such a lovely presented book for ÂĢ5, but I'm not moaning or anything lol. Dan Brown writes in an exciting style, you are never bored, it is a pacy and well constructed story with no loose ends. He also seems to have become a better writer since the DaVinci Code, but maybe that is just me. He isn't cramming so much stuff into this book and it is therefore easier to follow.
Looking forward to it Twee - not sure when i'll get to read it but hopefully soon.
I actually only paid ÂĢ4.50 for it 'cos O/H works for Asda so 10% off
I actually only paid ÂĢ4.50 for it 'cos O/H works for Asda so 10% off
Reference:subatomic partygirl
I pre-ordered it at Waterstones; not exactly a bargain at ÂĢ9 for the hardback but I did get a free paperback (same genre). Haven't read it as yet though as I'm still finishing off a book but I reckon I'll enjoy it. I really liked Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons and Digital Fortess but found Deception Point hard-going. Don't care if the lit critics or intelligentsia slate him; I think he tells a damned good ripping yarn (with a bit of edukayshunal stuff chucked in for our delectation)
hiya sub xxx ltns. I think you will like this new book. There are some brilliant facts in it which gives it the edukayshunal tag I liked Digital Fortress and DaVinci Code, but these were the only two books of his I had read until this one. I'm not surprised he is a sell-out with his books because he gives us readers what we want. He writes a good story, he keeps it interesting and doesn't keep explaining what we should think about what he writes. He slips in some great facts too, things I didn't know. You have got a good deal at Waterstones if you got a paperback thrown in. It works out the same as my deal at Asda and you got two books.
I wont spoil your enjoyment of the Lost Symbol so I wont say anything else. But I was wondering if you had read Hilary Mantel's 'Wolf Hall'? I have ordered it from Amazon and await its arrival. It's a novel about Thomas Cromwell and I've heard it is brilliant. It is up for the Booker or it may have won it, I'm not sure. Let me know if you have read it and what you think of it if you have.
Hope you are well sub xxxxx
Hey Twee. I didn't even notice who had started the thread (still getting used to the forum format). Yeah..I find Brown's books a pretty 'good read' (real page-turners) and I do pick up quite a bit of info (even though I know his 'facts' are often peppered with lots of inaccuracies. I don't care; I'm not taking an exam in any of the subjects.
The book you mention about Cromwell sounds like it might be my next buy. I've been pretty fascinated by the protrayal of him in the Beebs' 'The Tudors'. Far more complex and multi-faceted a character than he's normally painted in history books. I'd like to see how much convergence there is with other (fictional) works. Cheers, for that! I'll let you know what I think when I've read it. ~xxx
The book you mention about Cromwell sounds like it might be my next buy. I've been pretty fascinated by the protrayal of him in the Beebs' 'The Tudors'. Far more complex and multi-faceted a character than he's normally painted in history books. I'd like to see how much convergence there is with other (fictional) works. Cheers, for that! I'll let you know what I think when I've read it. ~xxx
Reference: Nicky
Looking forward to it Twee - not sure when i'll get to read it but hopefully soon. I actually only paid ÂĢ4.50 for it 'cos O/H works for Asda so 10% off
Some people get a bargain and then some others get a real bargain! Some others also get the pick of the bargains when they work at a certain place too! I'm not bitter, oh noThey had my favourite perfume for ÂĢ7 once - Anais Anais (rsp ÂĢ12.99) - so I went and bought a houseful of the stuff, birthday presents for my sisters, lots for me me me, etc. I smell lovely as well. And I will for a very long time too ..
Enjoy your book when you get a chance to read it xx
Reference: subatomic partygirl
Hey Twee. I didn't even notice who had started the thread (still getting used to the forum format). Yeah..I find Brown's books a pretty 'good read' (real page-turners) and I do pick up quite a bit of info (even though I know his 'facts' are often peppered with lots of inaccuracies. I don't care; I'm not taking an exam in any of the subjects. The book you mention about Cromwell sounds like it might be my next buy. I've been pretty fascinated by the protrayal of him in the Beebs' 'The Tudors'. Far more complex and multi-faceted a character than he's normally painted in history books. I'd like to see how much convergence there is with other (fictional) works. Cheers, for that! I'll let you know what I think when I've read it. ~xxx
hi sub xx I'm watching the Tudors as well and James Frain is doing a great job as Thomas Cromwell. Apparently Hilary Mantel tells the story of the Tudors from Cromwell's point of view and the critics have praised the novel highly for the feel of the period that she gets in the novel. Fair enough, The Tudors is laughably inaccurate on some of the historical detail but it surpasses everything I have ever seen about the period. It brings the characters to life and makes you sit back and think. We know Henry was never quite so handsome as JRM (I mean, who is?), and looking at his Holbein portraits that fact is obvious but JRM seems to capture Henry's petulance, his ego, his sheer control freakery, etc. James Frain captures Cromwell's slitheryness and cunning perfectly. I must admit that Sir Anthony Bryan is catching my eye, with his rather natty eyepatch, in this third series .. I wonder why? And I'm admiring JRM that little bit less. Dan Brown does flower up the facts, it's true, but some of the facts in this new book are verifiable apparently, but I wont elaborate .. haha.
I started reading The Lost Symbol today, so won't be able to comment until I've read it ... which should be in a couple of days, as I get through books too quickly on the train ...
I've read The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons and, while I acknowledge that Dan Brown is never going to be shortlisted for any literary prizes, I enjoy conspiracy theories as much as the next person and did enjoy the books ...
I'll pop in again with my opinion on what I thought of his latest offering when I've finished it ...
I've read The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons and, while I acknowledge that Dan Brown is never going to be shortlisted for any literary prizes, I enjoy conspiracy theories as much as the next person and did enjoy the books ...
I'll pop in again with my opinion on what I thought of his latest offering when I've finished it ...
Shar, it will be interesting to hear what you think of this new book. I really enjoyed it and it kept my interest all the way through.
Post your opinion when you have finished it. Enjoy xxx
Post your opinion when you have finished it. Enjoy xxx
Will do Twee ...
By the way, have you seen the Book Club group yet ...? You might be interested in taking a look ... If you click on Explore on the black tab at the top, then Groups and scroll down to Book Club ...
By the way, have you seen the Book Club group yet ...? You might be interested in taking a look ... If you click on Explore on the black tab at the top, then Groups and scroll down to Book Club ...
Shar, I will have a look in to the Book Club tomorrow. I seen it but wasn't sure if it was an invited Club. I love books so it will be a perfect venue for us to discuss our reading material xx
See you there ....
See you there ....
No ... it's open to everyone Twee ... looking forward to seeing you there ...
Shar, I'm not sure if I posted in the right place in the Book Club. But perhaps you can guide me to the right place if my logistics are a bit skewed .. haha.
Hi Twee ... I saw your post and replied ... It's a little different to the forum as it's a group with different sections for Blogs, Forum etc. ... I've replied to you ... you should make sure you click the link in the right-hand corner which says Join the Group, as that will allow you to post topics/blogs etc. yourself ...
I'm on Chapter 13 of The Lost Symbol ...
I'm on Chapter 13 of The Lost Symbol ...
I have clicked on Join Group, so I am one of the Book Club now. Brilliant.
Is a book chosen by the majority for us all to read? Is that how it works? I am a member of my library so it shouldn't be any problem getting hold of them. How will it work if, say, some members don't like sci-fi books, but one is chosen to read? I think I would have difficulty there tbh. Likewise, if a history book was recommended, not everyone would enjoy it as much as me. Or is it purely for suggestions on reading material. Guide me Shar as I'm not sure what it will entail.
Oh goody, you have started Lost Symbol. I love the freemasonry theme in the book as I've always been fascinated by stuff like that. Are you finding it easier to read than The DaVinci Code? I found it to be less cram packed with red herrings and twists. I couldn't keep up with the DaVinci Code at all, and found this book more restrained and much better written. I will say no more at this stage ..
Is a book chosen by the majority for us all to read? Is that how it works? I am a member of my library so it shouldn't be any problem getting hold of them. How will it work if, say, some members don't like sci-fi books, but one is chosen to read? I think I would have difficulty there tbh. Likewise, if a history book was recommended, not everyone would enjoy it as much as me. Or is it purely for suggestions on reading material. Guide me Shar as I'm not sure what it will entail.
Oh goody, you have started Lost Symbol. I love the freemasonry theme in the book as I've always been fascinated by stuff like that. Are you finding it easier to read than The DaVinci Code? I found it to be less cram packed with red herrings and twists. I couldn't keep up with the DaVinci Code at all, and found this book more restrained and much better written. I will say no more at this stage ..
Not really sure how we're going to deal with being able to agree on book choices Twee tbh ... From experience, with other Book Clubs I've been involved in, if it's a small group, we can normally agree on the book choice and, depending on the flexibility of members, choose a different genre each time to accommodate everybody ....
Alternatively, we could put up all the suggestions on a poll and see which comes out as most popular ...
The key to it being a success is that people will have to show some degree of flexibility ... we're not ALL going to have the same taste in what we choose to read ...
I think I might actually post a blog on the Group on this subject so we can thrash it out before deciding on a first book ...
Alternatively, we could put up all the suggestions on a poll and see which comes out as most popular ...
The key to it being a success is that people will have to show some degree of flexibility ... we're not ALL going to have the same taste in what we choose to read ...
I think I might actually post a blog on the Group on this subject so we can thrash it out before deciding on a first book ...
I will always go with the majority decision shar. If a sci-fi book was the chosen book, I would make sure I read it so that I could comment. It would also act as an encouragement for someone like me who sticks with one genre, to open my mind to other things.
I suppose, to be fair, each genre would be given an airing. In that way, we would all have a chance of reading something we would not otherwise bother with. This Book Club really is a good idea and I'm all for it.
I suppose, to be fair, each genre would be given an airing. In that way, we would all have a chance of reading something we would not otherwise bother with. This Book Club really is a good idea and I'm all for it.
I suppose, to be fair, each genre would be given an airing. In that way, we would all have a chance of reading something we would not otherwise bother with. This Book Club really is a good idea and I'm all for it.
That's the idea Twee ... I'm certainly open to trying new genres I haven't read before ... and it makes it more interesting when doing it in a group context I think, when tackling a new genre for the first time ... I've posted a new blog in the Group on the subject of choosing a book ...
I have bought it but have not started reading it yet. Have read all his other books and really enjoyed them, so I'm hoping that I'm going to enjoy this one too.
Oh, I'm so glad to hear that you all are liking this book! We've been waiting for it to come out--my OH and I have read all of the DB books!
subatomic: I know what you mean about Digital Fortress being a tough read, although, I was totally shocked and appalled by the beginning, weren't you?
Twee, thanks so much for the suggestion about the Hilary Mantel book--my OH is REALLY into historical novels and such, and this sounds like the perfect book to get him as a birthday gift!
A suggestion about the book group (although you may have already worked this out). If you get a bunch of people, why not split into smaller groups, if you can't all agree on one book? Maybe there are 3 books, and three topics going.
subatomic: I know what you mean about Digital Fortress being a tough read, although, I was totally shocked and appalled by the beginning, weren't you?
Twee, thanks so much for the suggestion about the Hilary Mantel book--my OH is REALLY into historical novels and such, and this sounds like the perfect book to get him as a birthday gift!
A suggestion about the book group (although you may have already worked this out). If you get a bunch of people, why not split into smaller groups, if you can't all agree on one book? Maybe there are 3 books, and three topics going.
A suggestion about the book group (although you may have already worked this out). If you get a bunch of people, why not split into smaller groups, if you can't all agree on one book? Maybe there are 3 books, and three topics going.
That's a good idea Lori ... I suppose it depends on how big a group we end up with ... from experience with other Book Clubs, I've found that a lot of people express an interest in joining in a book discussion, but for one reason or another don't make the discussion ... It can be prove a bit of a disaster when you find that only two people (if you're lucky ) have turned up for the discussion ... But if it takes off and the group grows, that would definitely be the way to go ...
Btw ... I'm halfway through The Lost Symbol and intend to get a few more chapters in tonight before I go to sleep ...
I forgot his books have a habit of finishing a chapter with a cliffhanger, forcing you to keep reading ...
I forgot his books have a habit of finishing a chapter with a cliffhanger, forcing you to keep reading ...
Indeed, I DO remember that. Responsible for a fair amount of sleep deprivation on my part.
Twee, thanks so much for the suggestion about the Hilary Mantel book--my OH is REALLY into historical novels and such, and this sounds like the perfect book to get him as a birthday gift!
hi Lori. I have just started Wolf Hall .. it came from Amazon yesterday and I got stuck in straight away. I didn't manage to read too much as I was quite busy yesterday, but so far Hilary Mantel has set the atmosphere for the whole book. She is back in the Tudor period and she depicts the sights and sounds very well. She is focusing on Thomas Cromwell from his childhood through to his eventual execution. I know I am going to like it. It would be a great gift for your OH if they like history books. Although it is in novel form, she somehow makes it appear like you are reading real history. I ordered it from Amazon and I paid round about ÂĢ8.50 sterling for it. It was ÂĢ16.99 in one of the popular book-buying shops here in the UK (W H Smith) so there is quite a good saving to be had if you go through an online store. I believe that this book is up for the Man Booker prize this year, and it stands a good chance of winning it.
It would be an ideal present for a history lover imo.
hi shar and scooby and all book lovers
How you doing with your reading of The Lost Symbol. I am dying to hear other FMs views on the book, so can't wait to hear what you think of it ....
How you doing with your reading of The Lost Symbol. I am dying to hear other FMs views on the book, so can't wait to hear what you think of it ....
Although it is in novel form, she somehow makes it appear like you are reading real history.
That's exactly what he likes! (Me, too, actually) Reference:
How you doing with your reading of The Lost Symbol. I am dying to hear other FMs views on the book, so can't wait to hear what you think of it ....
Hi Twee ... I've just got a few more chapters left to read ... I'm really enjoying it ... pacy is quite the word to describe it ... I was out of breath getting off the train this evening ...
Go for it Lori, you cannot go wrong. Did you manage to get hold of Dan Brown's new one yet? It's a superb read. He sets the book in America, in Washington, this time and it's rather a pacy read with no let-up in the story. It's hard to put down because he leaves every chapter leaving you wanting to read the next.
Hi Twee ... I've just got a few more chapters left to read ... I'm really enjoying it ... pacy is quite the word to describe it ... I was out of breath getting off the train this evening ...
He never lets up on it shar. But it is so easy to follow. Some of the things in it are verifiable, the Durer painting has the numbers, the pinnacle of the Washington Monument does have an inscription, etc. I know he reads into things and makes them into a conspiracy theory, etc., but that is what makes his books interesting. I love it that he has set the book in America this time, using American artefacts to make his story believable, with less dashing about over Europe for Robert Langton .. haha.I can't say too much as some of the peeps in the thread haven't read it yet and I don't want to give anything away. I may already have said too much .. lol. Is there any way I can make my text invisible to the not-read-yet peeps?
I'm not going to quote you Twee, cos I think you should edit your post about the twist ....
I have read that far, although I wasn't taking too much for granted given the capacity for something else far-fectched to happen ....
I have read that far, although I wasn't taking too much for granted given the capacity for something else far-fectched to happen ....
Did you manage to get hold of Dan Brown's new one yet?
Not yet, but soon.....I'm not going to quote you Twee, cos I think you should edit your post about the twist .... I have read that far, although I wasn't taking too much for granted given the capacity for something else far-fectched to happen .... report · permalink
I think you are right shar. I have edited it. btw, I have just noticed my alert box (yes, I am blind, and I've never seen it before lol) and I've added you as a friend. Sorry for the delay.shhhhhh, no more loose talk from me .... *zipped smilie*
I should finish the book over the weekend Twee so I'll post what I think of it then ... Btw ... the poll has gone up in the Book Club for choice of book for first discussion, so make sure you vote ...
I should finish the book over the weekend Twee so I'll post what I think of it then ... Btw ... the poll has gone up in the Book Club for choice of book for first discussion, so make sure you vote ...
I completely forgot about the Book Club. I will go over straight away and vote. Thanks for the reminder love xxbtw, when you finish the book, send me a PM and we can then discuss it that way without giving any of the plot away in this thread. It is so unfair to the others who haven't finished it to give any of the plot away, but we want to discuss it .. so send me a pm and we can chat that way about it. I am dying to hear what you think of it. Thanks for the nod about the edit btw.
>>> running to Book Club to vote >>>>
Will do Twee ....
Btw .... please do feel free to post threads/blogs on the Book Club group on subjects/books/authors etc. .... It is NOT my group, which seems to be a popular misconception ..... It is a group set up by a member called Topics .... I PMd him to ask if he minded if we used his group as a base for a Book Club and he didn't mind at all ... So anybody can post blogs and threads there ....
Btw .... please do feel free to post threads/blogs on the Book Club group on subjects/books/authors etc. .... It is NOT my group, which seems to be a popular misconception ..... It is a group set up by a member called Topics .... I PMd him to ask if he minded if we used his group as a base for a Book Club and he didn't mind at all ... So anybody can post blogs and threads there ....
Reference:Twee Surgeon
hi shar and scooby and all book lovers How you doing with your reading of The Lost Symbol. I am dying to hear other FMs views on the book, so can't wait to hear what you think of it ....
Hi Twee, well I have started it and am up to chapter 66. Its absolutely gripping stuff is'nt it. I too had forgotten how the end of each chapter leaves you wanting much, much more. I'm loving it and don't want to put it down. I'm not a big book reader but do like Dan Brown.
I'm off to read another chapter or two or three lol.
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